Wednesday, 15 March 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #

Well hello there - did you miss me? It's been a fortnight to remember I can tell you that.

I'd like to be upfront with you all, I'm checking in but I doubt I'll get round to anyone today.

But I thought you'd like to hear my news.

Bet you can guess. 

My daughter picked up her keys to her new house on 28th February and us girls did what we could to move her clothes etc day by day, no mean task as DD is a real fashionista!! (Seriously, she's a stylist). Stuff kept arriving and the flatpack gurus were fully occupied. The two most important items, the fridge and the washing machine are still not in situ or in service at the time of writing. (Priorities guys).

One week later she went into labour which was totally natural - kudos! -  and delivered a beautiful baby boy, 7lb 10 oz on 9th March. Shortly after baby became unwell with an undiagnosed infection and as a result was kept in for lots of antibiotics and tests to rule out any nasties. Stressful time.

But he was given the all clear last night and will be coming home today!! I have only been able to see him once as they are still pretty strict in the hospital about visitors. Hoping to up my cuddle count tomorrow.

I make no apologies for this little fix of baby porn, scroll by if you aren't interested!! 

No name as yet so I can't finish my congrats card ...... the only thing on my desk this week!!

Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...