Wednesday, 25 May 2011

WOYWW #103

Well it's my once-every-four-week Wednesday to be at my desk so I'll join in with the shinnanegans (sp?) this week. Here it is:-

Ha, I say that like it was easy, when the truth of the matter is when I uploaded the photo I didn't change the automatic naming thingy and it took me 10 mins to find where I had uploaded it too. LOL. Considering how long I have been using pcs (the internet was a baby when I was working at London Uni) the abyss that is my technical knowhow terrifies me sometimes. Thanks goodness for techie OH's and teenage children.

But I digress. The main item on my desk is a commissioned card for a 70th birthday along with some pretty papers (Laura Ashley?)that I used for it. It will be an easel card when finished but because I am rather fond of the little 'chinese' roses I neede to make a box to put it in as it won't fit in a normal envelope. Usually boxes cause me a lot of problems and endless tries in the bin but somehow last night it just went right. Not quite finished and it was rather late so I left it while I was still winning. Will sort it out sometime today. Oh and those roses...

I KNOW they are only spirals but I just couldn't get the hang of them. But I splurged on a Marianne die I saw at ALLy Pally and now they are perfect every time!!

Other things on the desk include a load of ATCs and tags I should put up for trade/file and I can also see the Big n Juicy pads that I have never opened (won't say how long they have been there). Sigh, so many projects, so little time.....

If you are wondering what all this is about, basically WOYWW is just a bit of fun, a weekly blog hop where you can visit other tidy(sic) and creative souls who have bared their creative all for you to see. Pop over to Julia's blog to join in and maybe even add your own Wordesk this Wednesday. Next week will be the 2nd anniversary of WOYWW and many participants will be joining in with a friendly PIF - I have mine ready just hope I remember to join in as I am at work all day Wednesday.

Well what a long post, you will all be bored to tears. You have to excuse me nattering on I have been away in the Cotswolds without a pc (!) so am suffering withdrawal symptoms. On the way back we dropped in to the lovely Waterperry gardens nr Oxford. Here is a picture of some lovely poppies that I have just added as my screen saver. (you could say this is What's on My Desktop Wednesday).

Cheerio then, have a nice day all.


cardsandacuppa said...

Aww, lovely card with great colours, love your spiral roses too ;-)
HUgs xx

Lisa-Jane said...

Love poppies! And yes I agree, too much stash too little time...
Lisa-Jane #68

Glenda said...

Great workspace...thanks for sharing!

Sarah said...

Love those rolled flowers - just great for your card..
Thanks for sharing, have a great week.
Sarah at 18 (Sasa)

Helen said...

I love those poppies! I always wanted to find a field of poppies and pretend i was the Flake ad girl (you may remember that!)

Kathleen said...

Beautiful card, love the colours you've chosen. Wish I could make such pretty flowers.
Kathleen x

JoZart Designs said...

Beautiful card with those fab flowers. Love the poppy pic!
JoZarty x

Nicks said...

i know what you mean about 'so much to do, so little time' wonder if we will ever get round to doing everything we want LOL

okienurse said...

So much to do and so little time! Beautiful cards and the spiral roses are very nice too! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #46

Anonymous said...

What a lovely card, it will be well received. I love the little flowers I will have a go the old fashioned chomp chomp way. The poppies look lovely one of my favourite flowers.

maska said...

The spiral roses are very nice.
Beautiful card.

Julia Dunnit said...

I bought the roses dies for the same reason Cindy..isn't it absurdly lovely to have!! Your card is gorgeous - I don't YET have the leaf stem die...I can see that's not going to last! Great view of your understand that carving out some time is difficult!

What's On Your Workdes? Wednesday #817

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...