Monday, 19 December 2011

Still doing Christmas.....

A quick card which I made using this week's challenge at Inspirational Card Sketches.

And a tag, which I can just squeak in to the current Try it on Tuesday challenge.

Feeling a bit low today, bound to be coming down with something just in time for Christmas - typical!! Good job everything's pretty much done, just got to  get through 3 days at work. How're your preparations coming along? Just 6 more sleeps till the main in red arrives!!


Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Hey Cindy. They both look wonderful. I love the colours you used.

Love from The Netherlands,

Astrid Maclean said...

Gorgeous card Cindy and the tag is lovely too!! Hope you feel better soon!!

Your card and sweet tag arrived yesterday, thank you!! We only just got back from my son's wedding in Oz, your card and belated birthday pressy is going in the post today, so sorry if it's going to be late....

Hang in there and hope you will have a great Christmas!!!

georgina said...

Love this Cindy,i have tried to email you to say thank you for my package,i love it....hope yours is ok for you,i can't get through on e.mail so have a lovely christmas andplease don't be poorly,luv Georginax

Susie Little said...

Ooh Beautiful! Thank you for playing at ICS xx

Netty said...

Hope you feel better soon Cindy...gorgeous card. Wishing you a Happy Christmas and a joyful New Year, Annette x

Mari said...

Soooo elegant card!
Thanks for playing at ICS :)

Renee Stien said...

lovely card & gorgeous tag - happy holidays to you and your family

SusanLotus said...

Hi Cindy!
I wish you a wonderful Christmas full of happiness and joy!

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