Wednesday, 5 October 2016

What’s On Your Workdesk (Wednesday) #383


Well, writing this in (somewhat vain?) hope that my photos will appear in my icloud box. I really can’t figure out why sometimes they appear in seconds and sometimes it takes days. I have checked ALL my settings and they all appear to be automatic upload/download. So I’m going to post to FB to see if I can grab it from there. The problem is I cannot blog from my phone, its just too small and annoying. So I need to get pics from phone or ipad to pc. But it’s so random!!

Anyhoo, Happy WOYWW to all on this bright and crisp October morning. Yep, October already. I’m reliably infomed its about 12 weeks to Christmas. Which sounds like a small number of weeks to me. And significantly less to my next significant birthday when I will have to re-write my blog intro. If you want to know know what WOYWW is then hop over here to find out.

OK, a little bit low tech but that appears to have worked!! My photo is actually from Monday, I’m starting to dismantle all this today. I created a little ‘shop’ in my craft room for my MacMillan Open House on Monday. Made £300 so well pleased.

Doubt I’ll get a lot done today, ran a craft class and a bit of R & R yesterday and decided this morning is for tidying away and catching up with the washing, ironing and R & R. Aqua at 1, then off to hospital with mum for blood tests and xrays.  Phew, when did I have time to work? Need al ie down already.

Happy Wednesday everyone.

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...