Wednesday, 27 January 2021

What's on your workdesk? Wednesday #608

Good Morning Deskers! Hope everyone is well. First order of business must be to apologise for my absence last week.  But I do have a good excuse, I had no sooner linked with a comment for Julia and popped on to Lilian's blog than the internet went down. Seriously went down. No house wi-fi for 4 days. FOUR DAYS. We did have our phones - but for me and my eyesight and fat fingers that way madness lies. I could, it transpires, have hotspotted my mobile data on to my new ipad (Note: I have no idea what that means). However as my daughter was attempting to work from home it seemed only sporting to let her use it rather than watch her struggle with her phone. (For some reason she couldn't do that hotspot thing with her laptop). Bearing in mind of course I wouldn't have had a clue. By the time it was resolved, around mid-morning Saturday, the atmosphere was a little tense and, frankly,  I had other things to do. 

So thank you everyone who commented, apologies for not reciprocating but hey ho, another week, another WOYWW.......

I would like to be able to report that four days without the internet sparked a flurry of creativity and accomplishment. But nah, I just dossed around as always. I think I am becoming conditioned to this low achievement lifestyle.. 

I have however made a start on converting all those mandala's I made back before Christmas into actual cards. Here's my desk late Tuesday afternoon. As you can see I am trying really hard to keep it tidy. 

You can see a pile of the completed mandala cards at the back, the next 'row' are three layout ideas (well they are an idea to me, just a random selection of bits to you I expect). At the front is a completed blue 'circular' card and another one I am just about to do in a similar fashion. 

When I was making the blue one I needed a big circle die for a mat. My pre-cut circle cards are quite large. (I have them, so why not use them) I couldn't find a die big enough. I have a scan n cut so in theory I can cut any size up to 12", but there was something piled in front of the machine and I simply couldn't be bothered to move it. Yes I am that lazy.

Then I found this big die of lots of concentric circles that I bought intending to do some rainbow thing. (must stop binge watching Jennifer McGuire). Haven't done it yet of course. Ran it through my bug and it didn't cut through properly - my elderly bug is a little challenged, pressure wise - but it did make a rather interesting embossed background so I used it anyway. Waste not, want not... 

A couple more of my favourites - there are still loads to go, that must have been some session. 
And, just for my adviser Jan, here is the card with the cornet. Not my favourite make, but it followed the brief (6x 12, tulips, a cornet and those exact words). No idea why she wouldn't let me put the name on, I was just filling up space in the end. 

 Of course before I go I  must link up, as WOYWW is is our weekly bloghop courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, we don't bite. 

It's good to hear that so many are getting their first jabs. Some days I can't really believe this is where we are at, and we have been here for nearly a year.  Happy WOYWW, stay home if you can, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs, Cindy xx



Wednesday, 20 January 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #607

Morning Deskers, here we are again - Wednesday once more. They don't 'alf come around quick don't they? Pleased to report all germ free and well chez Ashplant. We are being very careful as numbers are still high but starting to level out here in NW London. 

The days seem full, though I would be hard pressed to tell you what with. I have decided that from now on my daily to-do list will contain just 1 item. I might be able to achieve that. 

Still doing commissions so not much inroad being made into the tidying this week - unfortunately I can't seem to stop ordering craft stuff so it's not actually getting any better!!!  This is one I made this week, casing a card I had seen in one of my groups (dunno where now). Similar idea to something Sam Calcott was doing the other week and one I will revisit for sure.

Here's my desk all ready to start on a project today. I had a little spend up of Christmas vouchers at Lavinia last week and the goodies have arrived (along with some other silhouette stamps from ebay - just can't help myself) so am going to be playing with fairies today in between desking. A bit of proper playtime whilst actually doing a commission - Yay!! I have helpfully positioned the new stash at the front.  In addition to fairy stamps I have also snagged 2 distress oxide sprays, frayed burlap and old paper as I have heard they make interesting effects and who doesn't need an interesting effect?  I've made myself a little book to keep track of the cards that have been ordered as I am notoriously disorganised - I say yes then forget. The 'cornet' one I mentioned last  week will be ready to show next Weds, but I am still waiting on one last piece to complete it. 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

So  that's me for another week, I'm sorry I missed some of the later desks last week,  I intended to get round but well, life, and then, as I said, here we are again!! 

Hope you are all well, I'm here if you need a chat. 

Stay home if you can, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs, Cindy x

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

What's On Your Workdeskk? Wednesday #606

Hello deskers. Well, what a pickle we are all in. Been guilty of  checking out a bit the last week, worries about friends and families having Covid in various degrees plus having to isolate ourselves because my daughter Chelsey tested positive after a contact notification have all meant I've felt a bit in limbo for the last 10 days or so. That said, on day 9 of this isolation period we are all well, the other 4 of us have all had asymptomatic tests now (negative) and Chelsey has only felt 'like she might be getting a cold' and frankly, that could be more to do with being stuck in a small room on her own for over a week than anything else. But once my two essential workers are back out in the field next week probably won't be long before we go round again, such is the reality of life today. 

I seem to have perfected the art of being busy all day but achieving absolutely nothing. It is becoming scary how easily one can lose a whole day!! 

I made one card at New Year for my 'honorary' second daughter who is now 30 and who lived with us for about 3 years in her late teens. Where did those years go? Another set of planned celebrations deferred. 

I love box cards, and am so pleased to have found a new template which gives this slightly different shape. Plus a different method for putting them together which seemed to work very well. I've cut a few blanks out ready while I remember the instructions but haven't made any others yet.

Commissions still coming in - well, people can't get to the shops I guess. Here's a first birthday. 

I have still not gone through the Christmas cards - perhaps I shouldn't say this, but although I keep a few cards each year I do try and upcycle handmade cards if I can for next year - what do people think about that? Is it a no no? Personally, I'd prefer people did that with my cards than they go in the bin. Shop cards get sent for recycling (after any cute bits and bobs removed!!) or cut into mats or cut down for ATC blanks. 

We have managed to take down the decorations - I know some people have elected to keep them up but after 'going early' I had definitely had enough by twelfth night!! The house seems bigger, which is a blessing as we are stuck in it. I will however post this pic of two of my Christmas pressies. The one on the left is the 'handmade' present from my sister (too talented by half). Plus a felted miniature from my daughter. Recognise that work?

My tidying of the craft room has continued in a desultory fashion. I bought some new storage for all my cards which made me happy as it was overflowing and the new boxes can be stacked neatly with labels on. (I am a closet neat freak). I also realised that I couldn't tell my BIGZ dies apart from one another - so I have re-labelled them in BIG letters so I can see at a glance. I've been quite successful at reducing the number of random boxes floating around the craft room - it is nowhere near finished however.

Oh and at last you may be saying, here's my main work table/desk. I have opened it 3/4 out and put it in the centre of the room. It doesn't leave a lot of space around it but it does seem to be working at the mo and it is easier to get to some things. I have still not decided about replacing my rolling chair - don't worry Julia, I do still have a chair, and I have bought a nice memory foam cushion for it so I am not risking my back by doing all my crafting standing up!! Again this arrangement seems to be working but then I'm not doing anything much at the mo. 

As you can see I have a nifty new stand, and a new ipad, which means zooming and videos are now  much easier and indeed possible (couldn't get zoom on the old ipad). I'm all set, if only I could find some gumption. So that's me, managed a good night's sleep last night and up early so this might actually be a productive day. But for now I'm planning a leisurely virtual cruise around visiting my fellow deskers. Here's the link to the one responsible for this weekly event, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about.

Finally I hope you are all well, I'm here if you need to offload. It's scary out there folks, stay home if you can, stay safe, stay well, Love n hugs Cindy xx

EXTRA:: Can anyone help with a link for an embellishment or image of a 'Cornet'. I am not even actually sure what I am looking for, but have a commission for a 'cornet player' and they want one on the card. I can't tell the difference between them tbh. (This may be one for LLJ!!)

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...