Welcome to the ramblings of a 60 something wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and crafty individual..........
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
WOYWW # 611
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - WOYWW #610
Good morning Deskers, another Wednesday arrives, cold and sunny here in London. Business not quite as usual as we have heard from Doug that the lovely Shaz is really very poorly. Our hearts, prayers and best wishes go out to them both today.
Well here's my desk, late Tuesday - and still light at 5.00 pm despite the grey, snow laden skies.
And here's a commission for a personalised 80th. A bit of a rush job this one but I still like it. Look at the depth of that embossing folder. This is a newish one from Lisa Horton (which I bought in January - I'm still on track for no February craft purchases).
Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.
Stay well, stay safe, Cindy xx
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
What's On your workdesk Wednesday? WOYWW#609
Morning deskers! Let's get straight on to the desk, here's my photo taken around 4.45 pm Tuesday afternoon - and it is still light outside!! Longer days are on their way. It is however actually Groundhog Day as I write - take from that you will.
Why am I showing you my desk?
Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?
You can also see a pile of magazine stamp sets on the desk. I have quite a few it has to be said!! I like them because they are relatively cheap and cover topics I probably wouldn't buy a stamp set for - and they have lots of sentiments!! However although I have kept them together up to now I am thinking of taking off all the sentiments and grouping them in my sentiment stamp folder as hopefully it would be quicker to find them. But it's a bit of a task even though ultimately a time saver.
I've also challenged myself this month not to buy anything new, as I have indulged a little bit since Christmas - lots of vouchers and birthday money to spend - but this pile of NBUS will never get smaller if I keep adding to it. Two days in, so far so good........ I'll let you know how I get on.

Things don't really seem to be getting any better here coronawise, numbers are still pretty high and now one of the 'African variant' hotspots is just down the road from us, which is worrying, but we carry on. So I hope everyone is staying well. Happy WOYWW, stay home if you can, stay safe.
Love n hugs - Cheers!! Cindyxx
WOYWW 824 - late late late!!
Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW, now being hosted on Sara...

Well hello there!! Whether you have arrived here as a regular reader or via a link from the wonderful One World One Heart Blog you are ve...
Helloo bloggers!! You all know how ditzy I am, and I ALMOST forgot about the fantastic 'One World One Heart' event taking place betw...
Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...