Wednesday, 21 April 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - WOYWW#620

Well hello again deskers, how the devil are you? That week went super fast!!

I'm late on parade today - never got around to posting yesterday afternoon, and this morning I have been out for my morning walk before switching on the pc. I'm challenging myself to walk 10,000 steps before 10.00 am. 10B410 I'm calling it. I'm telling you because if I never mention it again you might call me on it. This is Day 6. I think it's doing me some good, heaven knows I needed to do something before my joints seized up completely. Well, I now only feel about 87, whereas back at the beginning of March I would have cheerfully accepted an estimate of 103. 

Anyhoo here's my desk this week:-

A lonely commission on the right hand corner awaiting a final instruction on the wording before sticking. I do hate when this happens, I don't like this colour choice, there's been too much dithering, and I want it off my desk. And it's a wedding card, and it makes me realise I have yet to make a card for my son's wedding in just over 3 weeks time. Any suggestions for a vaguely LOTR themed wedding card gratefully received! 

I have a few cat lover birthdays coming up and as none of them know each other I thought I would stamp this NBU stamp and batch make. I'll do a couple for my stash too while it's out. The stamp is so nice it looks great just monochrome but I'll ring the changes a bit - I'm currently stamping on to some gelli print. You can also see my homemade stamping platform using a CD case!! I have lots of them 'cos I made a bunch up to use in class when we were doing rotating/wreath stamping so we weren't all waiting for the same one. They work well but obviously you are limited in size. TBH I tried this stamp in my WRMK platform and a part of it just wouldn't stamp. I swapped to the CD one to check if it was the stamp (think it might have come from China, oops....). Absolutely perfect first time. So....... just shows brands aren't always the best.

The garden is taking up a lot of time at the mo (TBH I'm sitting mostly, reading not doing) and looking lovely. The tulips I planted in November are paying dividends now. There are loads more!!

And before anyone asks for the variety, the orange ones at front left are made of metal - I love them, I bought the shop out when I saw them and gave several away as presents. Never seen them since and wish I'd kept more for myself! Been out 3 winters and still look great. (The stems of my ceramic toadstools not faring quite so well).

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - WOYWW#619

Hello there WOYWWers!!

It's 3.00 pm Tuesday and I have only just managed to get to my desk - where do the days and weeks go?

Anyhoo here's my desk:

Not much to show, I've started  going through my template box and file which are both in a bit of a mess to say the least. I'd like to rationalise it down to 'one' storage place but I think there may be a little too much there!! 

(In the event I threw 50% of it away!!)

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

I did finish that commission I told you about last week - this is what we decided on, quite pleased with how it turned out, they are quite dimensional but fold flat. Managed to use up some scrap (always a win in my book) and got some use out of that big flower punch as I made 2 more while I was in the 'zone'. 

These are both earmarked for friends birthdays later this month. (That may sound very organised but I have to remember to post them - not so good at THAT she says flying out the door to the postbox with a card for a birthday tomorrow (ie Weds) that was ready 2 WEEKS AGO).

So that's me for now, hope you have a wonderful week, I am looking forward enormously to having my hair cut tomorrow.  It will be like a day out!!

Whatever you are up to, be sensible (I know you will) stay safe, stay well, love n hugs Cindy xx


Wednesday, 7 April 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #618

Hello there guys, another week has whizzed by (well the Easter celebrations helped with that) and if it wasn't for WOYWW I wouldn't know what was going on. Here's my finished page from last week's desk.

Inspired by Zsuzsa's post last week I decided to try out some emboss resist where you remove the embossing powder after inking. I was really happy with the result but failed to take into account the effect ironing the embossing powder off would have on the completed page on the other side..... oops, total disaster averted but it was a close thing. I can't explain what this page is about - something or nothing LOL - but I like the way it turned out.

I also find the waste created by this technique can yield interesting resist effects (why oh why am I so obsessed with using the waste?). So I made 2 ATCs with the leftover bits from this project. Just because.  Here's this week's desk.

The 'Paris' card was supposed to be for a colouring demo - so I might as well make it up as I won't be doing that. I thought that little Gorjuss girl look kinda French with her beret and fitted with that Paris background die.

The book to the left is a little album I'm doing for my mum. Just need to add the photos.

Not much on my desk this week as I am waiting for clarification on a commission that I need to get done - there was a bit of miscommunication and my first attempt was not quite what she wanted. It's for my best, loveliest but most demanding customer so I just want to get it done and dusted as soon as she gets back to me.

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

Following on from last week (sorry) I have a couple of photos of the park on the other side of the A40. It is relatively new, only opened in 2008, and apparently has won awards for its design. The site is pretty damp so it has a bit of a wildlife/wetland vibe but also has 2 kids playgrounds, exercise equipment, fishing platforms and a tackle shop, a cafe and toilets. These photos are v early Easter Sunday, when it's lovely and quiet and just a really nice place to be.

Downside - it gets very, very, very busy - the local FB resident sites were all ranting about the amount of people (and cars) by the afternoon as it was a nice day and everyone was out.

This amazing photo (not mine! It was taken by Malgorzata Sikora) won 1st place in a Love Your Place photography competition. Awesome. Looks like something out of Disneyworld. 

The park was also a staging point in 2012 for the Olympic Torch - Boris Becker ran round and down one of the hills and then on towards Ealing centre.  

And here am I in high viz holding back the crowds as I was a volunteer steward. Got a good view!!

I have managed two months without any craft purchases but cracked last night and ordered 2 Lisa Horton 3D embossing folders. 

Consequently I couldn't help smiling at this when I saw it earlier today:

I hope you are all getting ready for our new freedoms that are coming - I have hair and nail appts booked - not too fussed about the pub until I'm sure it's a bit warmer and don't expect to do much else  except for the odd coffee meet up but looking forward to tidying up my head and hands. 

However, I'm still gonna say it, Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well and have a wonderful week,

love n hugs Cindy xx

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...