Wednesday, 22 December 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #655

Well hello there deskers, hope you are all well. Thought I'd pop in and say hello and - if you've missed me, the weeks go by so fast!! - let you know I've had a bit of a time of it. When I was last here I was about to kick off my birthday celebrations with a pamper day. Unfortunately, my plans went a bit awry as having gone into Charing Cross as a day patient to attend a routine scan, mum took a sudden turn for the worse, was admitted that night and sadly slipped away a week later from heart failure and pneumonia.

Was a surprise/wasn't a surprise. She was 89, had been poorly, so we had been gently preparing ourselves but hoping, always hoping. Accelerating in a week from OK, could do better to really, really not OK? More of a surprise. I for one wasn't ready it turns out.

Gwendoline Ivy Souster
1932 - 2021
Despite Covid the hospital were brilliant about visiting. All four daughters were with her and all close family got a chance to come in. All in all in this current climate it was as good as it could be for which I am very grateful, other families I know have not fared so well.

My desk is clear as I have tidied in anticipation of Christmas which will now be here at mine, not mum's as planned to spare her travelling.  Instead of a picture of my desk I hope you will indulge me as I post a picture of my lovely mum just after her pacemaker op in July. 

The funeral is  tomorrow, Thursday,  so not sure I will make it round many desks today, a tad distracted. Bear with. Virtual hugs and prayers always accepted however. 

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas. 

Hold your loved ones close!! 

Stay well, stay safe,

Love n hugs

Cindy xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...