Wednesday, 18 December 2024

What's On Your Workdes Wednesday - n#811

 Morning deskers, welcome to the weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for that lovely lady - Sarah's Craft Shed - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Hello I'm back!!

Sorry about being AWOL but that's life!

The reno took longer than expected (still not quite done!!), I've had two bouts of horrible flu-y type cold/illness that left me wiped out and with a worse than usual cough.  Add to that lots of extra childminding for Lionel (fun but very tiring) due to childminders personal situation and the weeks have kind of slipped by.

But that was then, this is now.  And here's my desk.It has seen very little action as you can imagine. Thank goodness I had made all my Christmas cards earlier in the year!!

What are you all doing for Christmas? The tree is up but no decorations yet! I have had a week full of meals and lunches but thankfully not a lot going on this week - loving that I have a day to myself today, hasn't happened in weeks. I have a family get together on Sunday and am hosting 12 for xmas lunch. I truly haven't planned anything after Dec 25th and am quite looking forward to a couple of weeks of slothing and eating leftovers. 

Well that's it for now.

Merry Christmas all,

love n hugs Cindyxx

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...