Thursday, 6 May 2010

Just a bit of this n that......

Not got much done this week, just a couple of ATCs for a swap. Still doing the whole bleach technique thing - after using it on white card that I had coloured myself with inks, re-read the instructions and realised I was supposed to use the bleach to take the colour out of dark card - doh. So did a couple like that as well but I think I prefer the other way, you can get more variety in the shading.

I also FINALLY got it together to finish my next page in the alphabet journal - unfortunately Z doesn't mean it's finished as the pages are in a random order. I really don't know why I got so stuck on this one but at least it's done. Can you tell I'm not that happy with it?? lol. Must go and work through those Teesha Moore tutorials I think...

May giveaway will be uploaded next week as I'm off for a girly weekend with a friend of mine from school - we've known each other a LONG time!!


Karen said...

WOW love what you have done with the bleach Cindy...those atc's are fab! I haven't played with bleach yet, except for down the loo hahaha

Love your zetti page too X

Netty said...

Hi Cindy, love all the ATCs, but my favourite is the Zetti, fab.
Annette x

Anonymous said...

These are all great atc's Cindy, I think your use of the bleach on the self coloured card works great, gives it more variations as you say. Enjoy your weekend away.
Laura x

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...