Thursday, 24 June 2010


and so do I, I'm out gardening (well, laying around in the garden anyway) and not spending much time on art or the pc. Gotta make the most of it while it's here I say, the weather is so bloomin' unreliable in the UK.

Still it's early morning and I thought I would post a couple of things that just happen to fit some current challenges. First a little birthday gift I made for Viv and which also sorta fits in with the altered Monthly challenge, Birds of a feather. It's an altered CD and uses some of the new Tim Holtz die cuts which are rather cute.

I have a friend (yes a real one) who comes once a week for a card making session. I must be a really bad teacher cos geez, it's hard work. She hates sticky stuff and hates cutting and I can't get her to use mats and layers. Still it's nice to chat. This week she wanted to make a shoe and handbag card for her daughter but she gave up in the end and bought one. (in her defence she wasn't feeling very well)

I was trying to show that cardmaking doesn't have to be too complicated and these were what I made with some old stickers and stash I found but she just wasn't buying it. However they just happen to sort of fit in with this week's TT challenge. Actually some of the other stuff over there is really good this week - real altered shoes for a start! so do pop over and join in.

I think we are doing something with cows next time, heaven help me..... Oh well off to get my towel on the sunbed oops I mean trowel in the flower beds....

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

At last!!! Technology returns...

Took delivery of my shiny newprinter today. Quality seems fine, but the joy for me is that now I can upload piccies easily. Yay!! So here's a couple of things...

This little book was made for Wendy - well it was her birthday and she liked the last giveaway and I still had all those time stamps out.. I used a Pinflair locket for the base and paper and stamps for the rest. Quite pleased with the way this turned out.

This is a set of geisha ATCs I did for an international swap. I would have liked to do a bit more to them but felt I was cutting it a bit fine for the deadline. Have learnt the hard way not to put things in an envie before they are properly dry!! Still I think these were OK, and I did a couple more for myself, not sure what I will do with them yet.

More to come, but that's enough for now!!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

June Giveaway - I had this idea......

Well it all started at Ally Pally when I stopped to look at some of the card samples on 'Anne Marie's' stall. I picked up a little birdhouse template which caught my eye.(You may have seen I used it on a New Home card) When I was using it, I did wonder if I couldn't turn it into a 3D house, though I didn't follow that idea through at the time. A couple of weeks ago I dipped into the Create and Craft TV channel only to see Anne Marie doing a demo of that very thing!!

As she had so kindly worked out any of the potentially awkward bits for me it was a doddle to put together (well, there were a couple of sticky moments....). I did some decoration using a martha stewart punch, made some paper roses and die cut some leaves - in fact I'm beginning to think I may have over- embellished it a bit!! It has absolutely no useful function at all (although it does open) but this is what I have for you this month.

SO, if you have space for a little bird house and would like to be entered into the draw please leave a comment to that effect by 8.00 pm on Wednesday June 30th. Feel free to link from your own blogs - the more the merrier!!

As I am writing this, I have no idea what the quality of the photos will be. The reason for this is that first of all my printer died (really this time - I'm not going to bother trying to resurrect it this time.... it has served me well). This is important because the only way I have of uploading photos is through the card slot on the printer (ever since I broke the cable on the camera lol). Until of course my darling OH bought an all media external drive 'thingy'. Except when I tried to put my card in any of the five slots it wouldn't work (so much for all media). Not to be defeated, I re-took the piccies on my phone and used that card instead but I have never done that before so apologies if they are a bit pants. I may be able to rectify that when the new printer arrives but that won't be for a couple of days. Too much technology for me for one evening I am afraid!!!!

Thursday, 3 June 2010

The Blue bird of happiness??

Just thought I'd share this little bird hanger with you. It's for a trade over on Flickr and we had to create a hanger using a bird template. I really struggled with it until I decided I would just make it look like a bird (doh!!), hence the wings. The little hanging plaque says 'No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings', which is a suitably uplifting quote I think. Well, at least I got this one done in time, I am forever missing deadlines!! Have a couple more things to finish, have been most remiss at entering things lately.

Also made this card for a friend whose birthday was yesterday - when I realised that the rose is the 'flower' for June I had to use that rose fairy stamp again. I really think she is one of my favourite flower fairy images. Here's wishing everyone a warm and sunny weekend!!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

May giveaway winner - artist 60164

Hellooo Jeanne, pleased to say you have won this month's giveaway. Will put in the post as soon as I have your addy.


WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...