I read a quote the other day, not sure who by, but it was something like 'If it wasn't for last minutes no a lot would get done'. Well, I'm thinking of adopting this as mt personal mantra as omnce again I am up against it in both my personal and professional life. Today I have to go to work where I need to prep for a children's craft activity the first day I return, plus sort out another while I'm away. Plus of course serve the public all day. Straight from work we are out for a meal for a colleague who is leaving, then home to die my hair and finish packing, pay some bills, sort out some mail, try to get to bed before 10, sleep (hah I may be back) then up at 4 am to catch a 7 o'clock flight to the Algarve. So I though I'd better pop on quickly to upload this momth's giveaway.

It's an altered board book (actually it's an altered altered book because I did it once already and then decided I didn't like it). I have to confess it isn't quite finished. The front above needs a little more work.

This inside 'spread is' finished. But the one below might need a little more work.

Anyhoo I'll be back in a week and I promise it will be finished in time to post out at the end of the month. So, usual rules apply, if you want to go in the draw leave a message on this post before 9.00 pm on Thursday 30th June. Overseas players welcome, feel free to link from you own blogs. Right off to work!!