Wednesday, 28 December 2011

WOYWW and December giveaway winner .......

Apologies for combined posts. Will keep it short.

Well the random number generator thingy chose no 5, which is Shary, a new visitor to my blog I think which is nice. Shary, I have left a message or emailed you (sorry am doing this all the wrong way round, need to go and see what contact options I have for you via your blog) for your contact details. January giveaway will be along in the New Year. Sometime. Soon. Promise.

As you can see there's no new work on on my craft desk so WOYWWers feel free to leave now. I hope everyone had a great christmas - we were partying all the way so nooooo craft time for me.  I have a couple of hours to myself today, think I need to sort out the craft room which is where I dumped all my christmas presents. Main crafty goodies were an envelobox creator and a boxer board (because I don't already have enough bits of plastic with lines on LOL) and a new melt pot, which my darling OH got me after I moaned (well, hinted actually) that the old one had gone for good. But until I've done something with this nothing much is going to get done.

If you don't know know what WOYWW is then pop over to see Julia at the stamping ground for her weekly wednesday blog hop. It's the last WOYWW of  the year and I expect many of us won't have much to show but it's nice to say hello anyway.
Here's our family photo at one of our Christmas Day gatherings - do you like my mum's home made bunting? That woman is so on trend. I wanted a family shot so we set the timer and did two sensible ones and then a silly one. Guess which this is. Happy New Year all.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Monday, 19 December 2011

Still doing Christmas.....

A quick card which I made using this week's challenge at Inspirational Card Sketches.

And a tag, which I can just squeak in to the current Try it on Tuesday challenge.

Feeling a bit low today, bound to be coming down with something just in time for Christmas - typical!! Good job everything's pretty much done, just got to  get through 3 days at work. How're your preparations coming along? Just 6 more sleeps till the main in red arrives!!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Just a few cards....

Just thought I would post a few of my favourite cards made this Christmas.

This one features a clarity stamp - amazing how you can
colour something red and add a bit of white glitter and it becomes Christmassy!

This is a very simple card but I really liked the way it turned out.            I'm having a bit of a love affair with baker's twine at the moment, can't seem to do a card without it.

I'm sensing a childish quality to some
 of my work this Christmas!!
I like this snow flake paper too - a simple kit card using embellishments and papers from a kit but so bright and cheerful. It's an 8 x 8 card and has gone to a friend who I also sent this because she is rather fond of hedgehogs:
This is a real favourite. I bought two new Christmas stamps from LOV this year and this is one - so cute!! This has gone to a very good friend who is a cat lover. The keen eyed among you will see that I have still failed to master the art of the stepper card - somehow I always get a fold where I wasn't expecting one no matter how many times I read the instructions. Nevertheless I like the way it turned out.

Well I feel so virtuous as all my cards were done and dusted in good time. I have a couple of stragglers where I have been waiting on a new address and a few to hand deliver but otherwise all done. But because I'm kind of in the groove I am still making Crimbo cards. Did another couple last night. Figure if I can have about 20 done before I pack all the stuff away I will have a jump on next year. But they can keep till then. Merry Christmas all!!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Surprise!! It's time for the December giveaway...

later than I had intended, and not to my original plan but hey what can I say? My birthday celebrations and a succession of Christmas parties have wrecked my schedule  - I have been absent from my craft room for most of the last two weeks but have been having a good time!!! I knew it was a good decision to get all those crimbo cards done in November, I would be in a mad panic now if I hadn't.

Well to get to the interesting stuff. I had a plan in mind for the December giveaway but have had to defer that as I just don't have time  to finish it and the giveaway really needs to be posted or it will be for January (!) so this month the giveaway will be one I prepared earlier - this little book of ATCs that you may have seen before but which have been sitting on my desk waiting for a new home since last February.

There are four collage type ATCs featuring vintage children in a little case. However, as it is Christmas, the giveaway will also include at least one other piece of handmade art (you will have to trust me on this as I don't know what it will be yet). Maybe a small canvas, a tag or a slide mailer. Depends how the muse takes me. And I will also include a goody bag with papers, diecuts, embellishments and any other little bits and pieces I can cram in. Or maybe I'll do an altered  box mmmm.....  in fact  I can see something suitable sitting on the floor .............

So, if you like ATCs and surprises feel free to join in. Usual rules apply, to be included in the draw you need to leave a comment on this post before 9.00 pm on Tuesday 27th December. International players welcome, feel free to link from your own blogs.

I must also say a BIG thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes, cards and gifts. I do aplogise that I haven't had time to thank everyone personally but I just haven't been about. I will try and rectify that over the next couple of days but please believe me when I say that I love to receive best wishes and goodies from my crafty friends - the cards are always stunning and the messages mean so much, considering that I have never even met most of you!! THANK YOU!!

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...