Tuesday, 31 July 2012

TioT and August Art Draw - yep, it's early.......

Time pressure means I am having to combine my DT entry for Try it on Tuesday with the August Art Draw. The main  reason being I shall be away at the beginning of September so we will have to have an early draw so it can be posted off before I leave.

The 'frame' is made from distress co-oredinations cardstock that has been embossed and lightly sanded. You may recall seeing the 'clearly for art' flower on a different post and this is what I finally made with it.

Hope you like!! The theme at TioT is Anything Goes this fortnight and we'd love to see your entries. Just remember that you must only link to 5 challenges to qualify for Top 5 nominations and for prize draw.

With regard to the August Art Draw just leave a comment here before 9 pm on Sunday 26th August if you want to enter. Overseas players welcome, feel free to link from your own blogs. 

See ya, Cindy x

Sunday, 29 July 2012

And the July Art Draw winner is........

Helen. Thank you so much Helen for taking part, I will email you for your address.

Good numbers this month, hope we can keep it up ha ha. Just have to decide what to upload for next month's Art Draw.......  It will be along Tuesday or Wednesday this week unless being on Jury Service completely scuppers my week. Yep I've been called up to serve - I just really hope I don't fall asleep! I'm always so exhausted the minute I sit still I nod off. I'm hoping they've got a tv so we can watch the Olympics, do you think I'm being a bit optimistic?...........

See ya soon,


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Pastel tag for TOFF...

Well I'm AWOL from WOYWW once again, mainly because I just don't have any time this week to go bloghopping and it hardly seems fair to invite people to visit when I don't have time to return the favour. But you know when you are really really busy and something says ...'Stuff this, I'm going to make some art... ' (or words to that effect!!).    So last night I made this little pastel tag for the TOFF challenge which I have never entered before but thought that as I am so in love with these images it would be rude not to join in ....

So, digi image from The Octopode Factory, DI's and copics, flower, ribbon.... simples. Probably needs a word but can't think of one. That's all, feel better for that.



PS Just 3 more days to enter July Art Draw!!! Which also features an Octopode digi!!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Try it on Tuesday - 'So Very British'

A quick ATC from me as a TioT Design Team sample - Our theme this fortnight is "So Very British". With London 2012 just around the corner we would like to see a little bit of Britishness on your projects.

The weeks are flying as I try to get settled in to my new work pattern and get prepared for all my kids' activities this summer at work. Ambitiously each week through the summer hols we are running two story/rhyme time sessions, a craft activity and a drop in kids reading group/fun session on Saturday mornings. Oh, and a competition. Plus of course The Summer Reading Challenge. It will either be a great success or a complete flop LOL.

So as our main themes at work are basically London and Sport (spot the link?) I had already been playing with various London images and was itching to use this one on a project. You may have noticed I am in love with Octopode digis at the moment and this is my latest one. The background is also a digi stamp from a docrafts digital designer kit, although I am pretty sure it is available as a stamp too. The little bunting was gifted by a friend. Promarkers, Copics amd Distress Inks added the colour!

I know everyone in the country has had their umbrella out these last few weeks but if you've also been playing with your union jack, big ben or teapot stamps then why not dash off a project and join us at TioT? Can't wait to see what you make - it can be any style of project as long as it  meets the  'so very British'  theme. You have a whole fortnight to take part.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday - #163

or 162, whatever.

OK yeah, I admit it, I have tidied up a bit for the photo. But if I hadn't there wouldn't have been much to look at other than a pile of random stash. (Nothing new there then).

Bernice's ATCs

First of all I want to show this beautiful set of ATCs from a new blogging and trading friend Bernice of 'all thing inky'. Bernice is a relatively new blogger but I think you'll love her work - please do pop over and say 'hi!'. These ATCs are stunning, aren't I a lucky bunny to get a trade?
Mermaid ATCs and case - off in the post today!!
So I have been working on something special to send back and I have made this set of hand painted mermaid ATCs. I had a few problems with the faces (not my strong point) especially as the format is quite small but I am reasonably happy with the way they rurned out.  I started a couple of slide mailers as well - tying to practice!! I certainly had fun getting all inky and painty this week but I do wonder if I should have just left the faces blank as this is quite 'on trend' at the moment. What do you think? Would this work? 
To add features, or not to add features?

So what's new on your desk this week? There's a whole crowd of us who'd like a look! Pop over to Julia Dunnit's Stamping Ground and join in. Leave a message here and I'll definitely stop by.

Happy WOYWW!!


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Busy busy busy....

preparing for summer activities at work and also trying to get ahead with birthday  cards etc  because I'm on Jury Service (groan) in a couple of weeks and might not have a lot of time (or inclination) to do much then. So not much blogging time for me this week.

Plenty of crafting going on going on but not much that's ready to show!!

However I know this one has arrived so here's a hybrid card, part digi part 'real' paper craft and a cute little bunny banner that was just printed out (I did punch the holes LOL).

See you soon!!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday #161

It is Wednesday again, when we all bemoan how quickly the weeks are passing and have a scoot around bloglands craft desks courtesy of the wonderful Julia Dunnit of Stamping Ground. So if you like seeing new things, meeting new people or are just downright nosey hop on over and join in.

I am not showing you a mess this week.

Or half finished cards, or 'Works in Progress'.

 Just this.

Aren't I a lucky bunny?

(ps - if you want to see some art work check out my ART DRAW for JULY in the post below)

Happy WOYWW, Cindyx

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

July Art Draw - Altered Canvas

or just a plain old canvas lol never sure about the altered bit.

Here is the finished item.

Isn't that little snail boy just gorgeous? He is a digital stamp from the Octopode Factory. I started the background to the canvas a la Christie Tomlinson but ended up going my own way. I added (yet more) scruffy flowers as 3D elements and various bits of rub ons etc for texture. The trouble with these layered backgrounds is deciding when they are finished or when they need just a little bit more - hope I have got it right.

Anyhow, if you would like to be in the draw for this canvas then the rules are simple, just add a comment on this post and I'll pop you in the draw. Add a link from your own blog and I'll put you in twice. International players welcome.

I'll close the draw on Saturday 28th July at 9.00 pm.

I'm uploading a little later than anticipated because my OH and I went to DD's 'graduation' from the Fashion Retail Academy today (passed with Distinction!!) and rather than brave the rush hour traffic home we went out for a meal. The college put on a lovely afternoon and the students' work on display was just jawdropping. There are some really talented young folk out there. and I am very, very proud of my darling Chelsey.

So hope you will join in this month, see you around, Cindy x

TioT - Bingo Card with a twist!!

This week at Try it on Tuesday we have a bingo card challenge.

The twist is that you have a butterfly on your project as well as  following one of the lines.

I've never done one of these before but here is my attempt for the DT. The line I chose was the diagonal one, 1 Diecut, 2 Backing Papers, 3 gems. I realised afterwards that a bit of ribbon crept on there too  but close enough I think!!

Would love for you to come and join in with us, you can make any type of project as long as you follow the Bingo card instructions - let us know which line you choose!!

Please remember that if you want to be included in our Monthly Prize Draw and be eligible for Top 5 you must only link your project to 5 challenges in total including TioT.

Other than that, it's up to you!! Can't wait to see this week's entries.


Sunday, 1 July 2012

21 again........ Corse not (!)

I suppose it's to be expected being as my own daughter is 21 later this year but I have had to make so many 21st birthday cards this year it's getting boring!!!! 

Here's one I made for a close friend of the family.

Sorry the photo looks fuzzy but it's just the shadow. As I often say, my photography skills aren't up to much.

Anyhow must say the inspiration for this card from my buddy Trudy who has made some similar ones (hope you don't mind Trudy!!). I have that lovely memory box corner die and thought it was such a great way to use it with the TH mannequin that I just had to try it myself.

Here are a couple made with scraps and Kanban Toppers.

Oh and here's another one I did a while ago for a friend. Err....... do you think I'm getting stuck in a rut??

Anyway, must get on, only got another 3 21st cards in the pipeline.........

June Art Draw winner......

Well this month we did not have many entries but Mr Random.org generator thingy chose no 7, peggy apl seeds. So Peggy, I shall leave a message for you and hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks to everyone who took  part.

The July art draw giveaway is finished and will be uploaded on Tuesday.


WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...