Wednesday, 11 July 2012

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday - #163

or 162, whatever.

OK yeah, I admit it, I have tidied up a bit for the photo. But if I hadn't there wouldn't have been much to look at other than a pile of random stash. (Nothing new there then).

Bernice's ATCs

First of all I want to show this beautiful set of ATCs from a new blogging and trading friend Bernice of 'all thing inky'. Bernice is a relatively new blogger but I think you'll love her work - please do pop over and say 'hi!'. These ATCs are stunning, aren't I a lucky bunny to get a trade?
Mermaid ATCs and case - off in the post today!!
So I have been working on something special to send back and I have made this set of hand painted mermaid ATCs. I had a few problems with the faces (not my strong point) especially as the format is quite small but I am reasonably happy with the way they rurned out.  I started a couple of slide mailers as well - tying to practice!! I certainly had fun getting all inky and painty this week but I do wonder if I should have just left the faces blank as this is quite 'on trend' at the moment. What do you think? Would this work? 
To add features, or not to add features?

So what's new on your desk this week? There's a whole crowd of us who'd like a look! Pop over to Julia Dunnit's Stamping Ground and join in. Leave a message here and I'll definitely stop by.

Happy WOYWW!!



Unknown said...

Hi Cindy, I think no faces are best. Love the ATC's you received, hope the ones from me get to you soon?
Cheers, Elaine #26

Lisa Richards said...

I vote for faces, and I think yours are quite good! :) You have a lovely desk!
Have a great WOYWW!

SusanLotus said...

Hi Cindy! You created some gorgeous artpieces again! You always do. Happy creating!

SandeeNC said...

Showed Jamie the ATC's you made, she LOVES mermaids, but we agree we liked the faces you painted! We think you did a great job! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Dragon said...

OOO yes, yummy!! Busy and creative desk this week. I had fun snooping around
Frankie 10

chrissie said...

Always interesting things to see on your desk and I love the no face mermaids


Helen said...

Faces for me.... but I love them!
Helen 16

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I vote for faces too - try just a couple of lines to suggest features if you're nervous about getting things exactly right. Helps me!!
Hugs, LLJ #57 xx

Unknown said...

I am sitting on the fence Cindy! I like both looks! No help from me then except to say whatever you decide your mermaid ATCs are fab. I love the translucent watery feel you have bought to them. Your swap pal will be as pleased as you are with her lovely cards. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 69

Redanne said...

I think your faces are lovely so I vote for......although the one without is quite appealing too - my middle name is indecisive! Loe the ATCs you received too, they are Sam Poole stamps which I adore. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #54

Belinda said...

Hi Cindy! Both your friends' ATCs and yours are so beautiful. They are really serene feeling colors. I love it.

I am thinking I need to make some more ATCs. They are just cute little masterpieces. Thanks for sharing them.

Belinda (33)

Hazel said...

Love the ATCs you've received and rhe ones you're sending. Thanks for a peep at your workspace. Hope you have a good week - Hazel, WOYWW #124 x

mamapez5 said...

Beautiful ATCs. There is something special about a hand painted one. I vote for faces every time. I even have to add them to the cute stamps that are so fashionable right now. A character without a face has no soul! But that is just how I feel.
Kate xx 81

May said...

Gorgeous ATC's.. love the mermaid.. great colours & design... well done to your friend.. I vote for faces... Have a great week, Hugs May x x x#8

Allthingsinky said...

Hi Cindy, Beautiful Atc's love the mermaids can't wait to receive them. I must admit i love these with the faces on,
thank you again for the swap hope we can swap again. Have a great evening...

Neesie said...

Wonderful work in your space Cindy...but then there always is ;D
I love the idea of mermaids but I'm not good at drawing people...even the mystical type!
Have lots of fun with WOYWW ~ Neesie #14

Shoshi said...

Gorgeous mermaid ATCs, Cindy. I vote for faces, definitely!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #4

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Love these ATCs, very serene and you get the feeling of being underwater (without the feeling of not being able to breathe). I think I like the facial features being included instead of the blank face look. Plus... happy late WOYWW. I guess I haven't been by to visit in awhile.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...