Sunday, 29 July 2012

And the July Art Draw winner is........

Helen. Thank you so much Helen for taking part, I will email you for your address.

Good numbers this month, hope we can keep it up ha ha. Just have to decide what to upload for next month's Art Draw.......  It will be along Tuesday or Wednesday this week unless being on Jury Service completely scuppers my week. Yep I've been called up to serve - I just really hope I don't fall asleep! I'm always so exhausted the minute I sit still I nod off. I'm hoping they've got a tv so we can watch the Olympics, do you think I'm being a bit optimistic?...........

See ya soon,


1 comment:

chrissie said...

Well done Helen and thank you for giving us the chance to win your work Cindy

Love Chrissie xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...