Wednesday, 23 October 2013

What's on your workdesk? Wednesday, # 229

Sigh, I am missing you all but have been so busy with work work work once again, I have just not had time to do much of anything at all. (oh don't go there, we've been privatised and then sold on again in less than 2 months - just so fed up with it all) So would really appreciate some crafty love this week!!!

So here's my desk which kind of sums up about how creative I feel today.

LOL, I really do have an obsession with glue and scissors. (How many different methods of adhesion are there in this picture?!! I counted 14) The disgusting chopping board is where I  place things while I am heat embossing -  it has become pretty grungy over the years. The arch is still there from 3 weeks ago and I've just finished a project (see post below), haven't tidied up and have no idea what I am going to do next. Hopefully it will look more active by next week!

GOOD NEWS: Final total for MacMillan fundraising was £365 which, when you add in the gift aid and the matching scheme from my employers (well they are now my previous employers, just squeaked in before it changed) made it well worth doing.

Wondering what WOYWW is? Go here for details!!

I shall be at work so may not visit many of you till the evening - see ya soon!


Unknown said...

Yes, you do have a lot of adhesive. I counted 7. Was I right. Happy crafting #4

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Cindy - I've given up trying to sleep too! Congrats on the fund raising - very impressive and I know it will be very much appreciated. Have a great week MMx #36

jill said...

Well done for raising all the money for Macmillan Cindy.
Your Halloween book in the post below is great . Happy woyww Jill #39

Krisha said...

LOL I counted 14 pairs of scissors on my desk one day. I only have 2 hands, but 14 scissors. Go figure. I haven't match you on glue or adhesives.....yet
Have a great week
Krisha #44

Helen said...

hope you get your crafting fingers back soon - you do have a lot of scissors...I laughed at the comment you left on Julia's post this morning... doesn't bear thinking about. Have a good day, if possible! Sounds like you are very fed up with your work situation... xx Helen #20

Anonymous said...

LOL! Isn't the whole glue thing such a struggle for all crafters no matter what their primary focus is? Adhering one thing to another is where it so often all falls a part (literally!) I don't know of a single person who is 100% happy with only one sort of glue. So you can comfort yourself in knowing you are not alone....


Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (40)

sally said...

Good collection of scissors too Cindy!


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Congrats on the fundraising, that is a brilliant amount! Well done you :-)
I think you need some more glue in your life, you simply haven't got enough, lol! Perhaps the fumes are what's keeping you awake ;-). I don't know what's up with me either, probably hormones because I've never had problems sleeping before but the past two weeks have been terrible....sigh. It's a bu***r getting old......
Hugs, LLJ 7 xx

CraftygasheadZo said...

aw sending crafty love! Your desk is as always creatively ready, and that board is well loved and used. Take care Zo xx 70

Monique said...

Hope everything returns back to normal soon and you find your creative mojo again.
Hugs Monique #76

Robin said...

Hi Cindy!

I love your shelf holding your inks sooooooooo close to your workspace!

Hugs! Robin 23

lisa said...

I think we'd all be guilty of having loads of glue and scissors so you're not on your own there. Love the chopping board, I use a cork mat for the same thing and it looks pretty similar.
Congrats on your fund raising, that's a brilliant total.
Hugs Lisax #56

Mrs.D said...

Hi Cindy,
Sometimes the muse just disappears, so don't worry about your desk, the muse will creep out from under something soon. then you will be creating like mad.
Hope work sorts itself out soon, it is hard whenwork is so stressful and you can do nothing about it.
Chris #45

trisha too said...

Congratulations on the fundraising, well done--and what will Cindy be making next???? Hmmmm . . .

Thank you for stopping by this woyww,
#32 this week
with happy mail

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

at least 6 scissors and 7 adhesives. That isn't obsessed is it??? If it is, I need an intervention. Peg R 103

Neet said...

Well done on raising so much money!
14 different gluey things? Wow! Now I use an old cork placemat covered in aluminium foil for my heating area - just change the foil when you spill utee or something on it.

Hugs, Neet 24 xx

VonnyK said...

That's a great effort with the fundraising but a bummer about work. Why can't people just leave things alone. Hope you get back to crafting soon. Why not go and buy some more glue, that will make you feel better :)
Have a great week,
Von #63

Queen Lightwell said...

Girl, you love your adhesive, huh? lol Thanks for taking the time to share your desk and stopping by my blog already to leave me such a sweet comment. I do appreciate the well wishes! :) Deeyll #107

The Taming of the Glue said...

That really is a great shelving unit, lots of lovely stuff to rummage around! I always think that you can never have too many types of glue (or scissors!!). Try not to let work stress you too much, we'll all send crafty hugs. Pam#38

Spyder said...

fabulous desk, i coukld be mine when it's tidy! scissors glue syringe, ink, paper, old chopping board!! love it!!

Happy WOYWW!?!

Shoshi said...

Oooh yes, Cindy, glue! Don't we just love it? (I expect we are all a little mad because we've sniffed so much of the stuff over the years...) As for your chopping board, I've got a fantastic heat-proof mat which will stand up to 1,000 dec. C and even Shoshi can't melt that one! I've warped too many self-healing cutting mats in my time.

Thanks for your lovely comment, and for your fabulous package that came through the post the other day!! My work space may look organised but I'm afraid it's deceptive - the rest of the room is still chaotic, but I'll get there in the end!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #65

Julia Dunnit said...

well done My name is Cindy, that's a bloody lot of money for Macmillan! you should be very proud. your chopping board looks like mine after a mushroom risotto has been created!! so sorry about the unsettling stuff at work, it's very hard to be creative when that sort of thing goes on, apart from the obvious mojo stuff, it's just exhausting. Will think hard about you, see if I my mind waves can't be a bit settling!!

HeARTworks said...

Serious work desk! Love the grungy chopping board! (I wonder where mine went!!!) Thanks for sharing! Patsy from

fairy thoughts said...

hi cindy
glue is abiT LIkE handbags .... you cant have too long as you arent sniffing them wberes the harm
he he
janet #41

Cardarian said...

Sorry I am so late commenting I just don't know where this week has went!
I had a snoop around your blog and saw some lovely projects! It just a shame work is so demanding! I would rather just craft all day! Huh!
There is an obsession with glue, scissors and maaaaaaaany other things here too!!! :-)
Lots of hugs,

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...