Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Tags of 2013 – Finis!?! Not quite…….

Tim’s December tag is HERE – we have making a 3 dimensional flower, stamping and embossing, and stencilling through a mask and, er,….. paint splattering. Surely even I can do that?

The techniques for the flower are a little product dependent and although I do have clearly for art I have never even seen the frosted vinyl. So I  decided to improvise by sticking some vellum on the CFA with glue n seal. Was devilishly difficult to die cut, but that may have IMG_0984[1]been the die I chose because I have done this before with paper + CFA no problem. All the manipulation caused the vellum to become unglued so I have a feeling I won’t be recommending this as an alternative (but maybe if I had used an adhesive sheet to stick them together………). However as I have only the teeniest bit of CFA and plain vellum left this is not going to be a day to experiment!!

My finished flower, although not perfect, is rather pretty and I just love the translucent effect the vellum has given it…. so that frosty vinyl might just be going on my shopping list along with some more CFA and plain vellum. For my second tag I had to use a bit of printed vellum that was in my stash – not as robust as the CFA flower certainly but not too shabby – I may have found a use for that huge stash of printed vellums in my cupboard!!IMG_0985[1] 

The splatter technique filled me with trepidation – here surely was a chance to really mess things up! After donning suitable protective clothing (!) I commenced splattering – well,there must be some principle of physics in operation here as I was astounded at how many times you can flick a paintbrush loaded with white paint at a tag and fail completely to get ANY AT ALL on the tag. But boy, did it flick everywhere else!! Although I liked the finished effect and was getting a bit better at it by the end of the second tag it took me longer to tidy up than to make the whole tag!!

Now those among you who give a hoot may notice that I have missed out the November tag. This was the chalk art effect one. Simples one would think. Well it would be if I could remember where I put the chalk…… the tags are prepped and ready to go, and I’ll show them to you in a day or so when I have either found the chalk or had a chance to liberate a stick from my stash at work. They’ll all be finished in time for the January giveaway which I will upload next week. Promise. But now it’s time to put the glad rags on and crack open a bottle of wine, preferable with bubbles….it is the end of 2013 after all!!

It only remains for me to wish one and all a very Happy New Year and all the very best for you and yours in 2014. Hope to see you around the blogosphere.

Love n Hugs

Cindy xx


Glennis F said...

Best wishes for 2014 - it has started here already!

sally said...

Great improvising again Cindy! Have a happy & healthy New Year, see in blogland soon :-D


SusanLotus said...

I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Meggymay said...

A wonderful tag Cindy.
Hope you and yours have a happy healthy 2014
Yvonne x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I would totally believe that paint splattering does not go as planned. I can't get spray mist to spray nicely either. I don't think I'd try paint spattering... sounds to messy. I'd get paint in my eye or something. Love your tags though. They were worth the effort!!!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...