Thursday, 4 September 2014

September giveaway…

I did promise to upload this today – a little later than intended but I didn’t get home till nearly 9.00 pm tonight due to inconsiderate family coming to the desk at 1 minute to closing with about 30 books and 4 library cards none of which had room for the amount of books they wanted so we had to keep taking them on and off. GRRRRR. Sorry, rant over, here we go.


A simple little hanging this month with an inspirational saying (I suppose I could try and learn something from this…. change your job probably). It’s only diddy so won’t take up much space. Usual rules apply, leave a comment on this post if you want to be included in the draw, international players welcome. Feel free to link to your own blog, if you let me know you have I will put you in the draw twice. Closing date, 9.00 pm on Tuesday 30th September. That’s it!!


chrissie said...

It diesn't look simple Cindy it is very beautiful.

Sounds like you have been thrown in a deep end---

Love Chrissie x

Jacee said...

How fabulous Cindy,the sentiment is lovely, I love it, it would make a great gift.
Hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

Sandy said...

Amen and what a beautiful make!
Sandy xx

Anonymous said...

This is lovely! I would love to win it. The saying is wonderful. I will share it on my sidebar.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...