Wednesday, 5 November 2014

What’s On Your Workdesk? WOYWW#283

Morning Deskers!!

IMG_1546[1]This week I asked my son to paint the spare bedroom (job creation scheme for the non-gainfully employed) which was previously my craft room. However, when clearing the decks for him it became very clear that I hadn’t actually moved quite all my stuff with when I re-located. And there was an awful lot of art on the walls as well. So before I do anything today I have to find a home for this lot. I’ve been putting off adding too much to the walls till I was sure my DD wasn’t coming back (never say never), but I think it’s time. Much as I love and miss her neither of us wants that to happen, it’s so much nicer to get regular visits when she actually talks to me rather than enduring a ghost like presence that I am constantly cleaning up after. 

IMG_1547[1] IMG_1548[1]

Apart from that it’s been Christmas, Christmas all the way this last week as I have a couple of small xmas fairs I’m doing.

I am so glad I got ahead with those cards  in January, at least that is not hanging over my head.

Anyhow, if you’re a newbie to WOYWW, the what and how is here.

Have a good Wednesday everyone.


Glenda said...

What a wonderful space you have there! I love that you are getting some paint work done. I'm needing to start the same here I want to get some painting done in my living room.
Glenda #37

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

LOL, you made me laugh this morning! I like your job creation scheme! It's also true that people get along much better when they don't have to live together! I often tell my son (who's only 10!) that I'm looking forward to him going away to university. Probably Scotland, or somewhere suitably far away. I'm only kidding, of course. I would miss him terribly! Thanks for sharing your desk this week! Have fun crafting! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #42

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh, I know what you mean about the kids leaving/returning! Good for you for asking your son to do the painting...that's a job I hate!
Am loving your messy desk this week...the result of some serious crafting. Good luck with the fairs!
Hugs, LLJ 25 xx

Monica said...

Love that room. Good idea to give son a job. Always nice to earn one's keep. It makes going to paying work so desirable.
Now you have a fine spot to work in and daughter will be encouraged to continue with independence.
Monica 48

trisha too said...

Wonderful space, Cindy!! Job creation scheme--oh good grief, and I should be finishing up the painting in a bathroom right now, so I won't comment further on that one, lol!

Happy woyww to you!
#54 this week with
painty things

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Congratulations on getting your son busy. You can hire him out now to decorate other houses! Ali x #58

Krisha said...

The only painter in this house is me, my sons and DH hate to paint the house. Of course now that the boys are married they paint their homes.......guess they watch Mom long enough to learn how...LOL

Love your daughter comment about visiting verses living at home. That is so TRUE!

Your studio area is so nice, just love the large window.

Good luck with the craft fairs, I'm sure you will come back rich!!

Krisha #24

Helen said...

Hope your son gets the room painted now you've moved your art! sounds like a great way to keep him occupied and earn his dinners!! Helen 3

lisa said...

I love your job creation scheme, that's brilliant and you'll have a lovely fresh room to craft in.
Well done for getting so organised for your fairs, that's certainly forward planning. Good Luck with them.
Hugs Lisax #33

Shoshi said...

I certainly don't envy you this task, Cindy! It's a nightmare moving all one's stuff, isn't it. It takes ages to get settled in and impossible to find anything for a while! I'm still not finding things after being here for over a year... Love the job creation scheme for idle sons lol! Great idea.

I laughed at Zsuzsa's remarks about her son moving away - the trouble is you can't do that with reculcitrant elderly and difficult mothers, can you. Or can you...? My hubby suggests cliff walks on windy days lol! (Did she jump? Or...) Things slightly less desparate now as she's still in the post-row-behaving-myself-perfectly period but it never lasts!!!

Thank you for your kind words about my album, and also about Beatrice. She seems happy and well enough in herself but we can't seem to shift the infection and she's way too thin.

I do better in cold weather than hot. As long as I can keep warm with nice woolly jumpers I am fine. I wilt and feel much more poorly in the heat and somehow you can't escape from it. I like the winter, cuddling up in front of the fire with a fleece blanket and a kitty for warmth!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #44

Princess Judy Palmer said...

How does anybody with a window view like yours get anything done?! I'd just stare out the window all day... like a cat. I enjoyed seeing all the different angles of your room. Love the job creation scheme and may it result in a lovely painted room! Thanks for the visit early. Judy #72

pearshapedcrafting said...

Loving your busy desk! You look as though you've been having fun! Good idea to keep your son busy too!! Chris57

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi have such a lovely workroom, with a great view. Hope you get ALL your gear sorted so the room can be painted and I had to smile re: daughters visits. Cheers and enjoy your week, glad I got my cards made early too RobynO#39

Chrysalis said...

Hi Cindy - what a great space, and so many toys to play with! Well done on harnessing your son's artistic talents! I know what you mean about DDs - I love my two dearly, but was pleased when they found their own nests, even though we're in contact all the time. Have a lovely week, and I hope the fairs are a great success. Hugs, Chris # 7

fairy thoughts said...

My DD1 was horrified when we said we were selling her bed, even though she had been gone fir 4 years but I love my craft room and she sees why now 😊. You are the first (other)desker that I have heard of who makes cards in January that's why I do it coz I cannot get 'in the zone ' until it's too late. Look forward to seeing the new room or is that the old craft room ?

Neet said...

It's hard to realise that when they have flown the nest the fledglings we once had may not come back to stay but I know just what you mean about the relationship being a lot better. Saying that mine has been left a long long time but I would love him to come back. Then after a week I would probably want him to go again. They grow up so much when on their own.
Good luck with all that you have going on - sorry FS has taken so long to get back to her own country (and not yet) but it won't be long before you can take her off on a trip.
Hugs, Neet xx35

Lisca said...

You have a lovely room Cindy, and a stunning view!
Christmas cards in january? What a good idea! Now why didn't I think of that? Before I put all the Christmas craft boxes back in the attic I can spend a few weeks making cards. I also admit to using bits from previous year's cards, like sentiments or a cut out star or angel.
Sorry I'm so late in commenting. I like to comment on all of the posts but there just aren't enough hours in the day...
Thank you for letting me look over your shoulder.
Have a good week.

okienurse said...

awesome new room. I know what you mean about kids leaving home. I see more of my DD now then ever before. I just switched rooms too and I think I have finally got it all out of the other room but...Not put up in the new one. Have a great week. Vickie #68

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...