Wednesday, 23 September 2015

More accordian cards

Haven’t got a lot done – that’s what happens when you go craft shopping at the weekend – I have spent most of my time trying to fit all the new purchases in the craft room.

But I did manage to finish some more accordian cards.

Here’s a better view of this one.


and open……


Here’s the inside of another one,


And a 4 panel one that might be for mum’s birthday.



That’s all folks!!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Never Before Used Stuff

Oh yes, we are all guilty of owning those must have crafty bits that end up sitting forlornly on our craft shelves. But there is hope in the form of a challenge to have a go at using them  -  the lovely Darnell’s NBUS Challenges. I did say I would do something for the current one, but it is a matter of hours now before it closes so you would have to be quick.


Decided I would use this sweet little Gorjuss girl stamp -  not sure whether I bought this earlier this year or even as long ago as last year, but I remember I made a special effort to find it and she hasn’t even been inked up. But no  more!!


In the end this little project didn’t take much

time (once I’d found the safe place

where I had put the cotton reels).

In fact I bought the stamp thinking I would do this, no idea why it has taken me so long to get around to it.

Well that’s one NBUS dealt with. What shall I dig out next?

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

What’s On YOUR Workdesk? Wednesday #328

Morning Deskers!!
328? Last time I was here (literally) was 321. 7 weeks. A lot has happenned. I lost my oldest, dearest friend, mum has been in hospital again, I’ve been on holiday, we had the Summer Reading Challenge, I decided to leave my job and I applied for my pension. Right, now you are up to date with me, here’s what I’ve been up to these last few days in my sadly neglected craft room. The obligatory pic.
and a supplementary, showing yesterday’s achievements.
I need to bulk my stocks up for my annual MacMillan Open House so it’s been cards, cards, cards this week. I treated myself to an accordian die and I have been playing with it.Excessively.  I chose  the square one because I don’t have any square matting dies and the ivy overlay because I thought it would be the most useful – loving ‘em, and purely in the interest of market research, I have ordered a circle one by Karen Burniston from the states. Very quick to make up a complicated looking card (well unless you faff about choosing papers like I do). They have a lot of potential for names and words and that’s what I am going to try out today with that one at the from of the desk – gonna go for 4 panels. Ambitious huh?
OK supposed to be brief so better get off, really would like to try and catch up with a few peeps today. Let’s hope the phone doesn’t go!! Hope everyone is well.
(Oh, new to WOYWW? You can find out more about this by clicking HERE).

Ooops, too late, text just arrived with the words "Mum, what are you up to today?". Sigh.

PS: Anyone at Ally Pally this weekend? Definitely there Sunday, possibly Saturday though that might beoverkill.......... Do let me know!!


WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...