Wednesday, 16 September 2015

What’s On YOUR Workdesk? Wednesday #328

Morning Deskers!!
328? Last time I was here (literally) was 321. 7 weeks. A lot has happenned. I lost my oldest, dearest friend, mum has been in hospital again, I’ve been on holiday, we had the Summer Reading Challenge, I decided to leave my job and I applied for my pension. Right, now you are up to date with me, here’s what I’ve been up to these last few days in my sadly neglected craft room. The obligatory pic.
and a supplementary, showing yesterday’s achievements.
I need to bulk my stocks up for my annual MacMillan Open House so it’s been cards, cards, cards this week. I treated myself to an accordian die and I have been playing with it.Excessively.  I chose  the square one because I don’t have any square matting dies and the ivy overlay because I thought it would be the most useful – loving ‘em, and purely in the interest of market research, I have ordered a circle one by Karen Burniston from the states. Very quick to make up a complicated looking card (well unless you faff about choosing papers like I do). They have a lot of potential for names and words and that’s what I am going to try out today with that one at the from of the desk – gonna go for 4 panels. Ambitious huh?
OK supposed to be brief so better get off, really would like to try and catch up with a few peeps today. Let’s hope the phone doesn’t go!! Hope everyone is well.
(Oh, new to WOYWW? You can find out more about this by clicking HERE).

Ooops, too late, text just arrived with the words "Mum, what are you up to today?". Sigh.

PS: Anyone at Ally Pally this weekend? Definitely there Sunday, possibly Saturday though that might beoverkill.......... Do let me know!!



sandra de said...

Stunning cards and I think your paper/colour selection is awesome. Sounds like you have had a very overwhelming couple of weeks... lovely to see you back. Hope the rest of your week is a blessing.
sandra de @26

CraftygasheadZo said...

Am loving your cards. I've seen those dies and wondered if they were any good. Looks like they are!! So much going on for you. Take care Zo xx 35

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Cindy a very interesting post with lots going on including catching up with offspring .. be glad they want to, eh? Have never heard of the accordion die, it makes a great card .. and love that you partake so diligently in market research ;)

Thanks for popping over. Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #33

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

georgina said...

I wondered where you got to Cindy,not seen you on much,hope your well xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Those are stunning cards, Cindy! I can see you've put the new dies to good use! Have crafty week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #38

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Blimey Cindy, it never rains but it pours, eh? I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, I bet you feel like you've lost a limb..... And all the hassle of your mum on top too, bless her. I'm so glad that you've decided to Jack in your job though, it was getting crazy, wasn't it? You'll enjoy being time rich and hopefully not cash poor if your pension delivers.
You take care, lovely's too easy to get overwhelmed by it all....
Hugs, LLJ 12 xxxx

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. Hope your mum continues to recover. Lots of lovely cards being made for a great cause - I hope you have a great coffee morning. Linda #52

Shoshi said...

Cindy, it's really great to see you about again, and I am so sorry to hear what you have had to deal with recently - how ery sad about your friend. We have had problems with Mum as well but she's in a home permanently now and much as she hates it at least we have some peace of mind while I get through this year's ordeal! It was so lovely to get your wonderful comment and there's nothing to forgive at all!! All quite understood. Thank you for all your good wishes. Only 2 treatments to go now and we'll get through that - all over in one calendar month from today! Then recover from that one and I am sure I shall be fine. Poor Shaz has had a much worse time of it than I have had.

I love all your beautiful cards! You have been working very hard, and the die has certainly proved its worth, hasn't it. I also have to start a card factory again soon and really get down to building up sone stash again.

Happy WOYWW and I hope things really improve for you from now on!
Shoshi x #30

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh Cindy, am so sorry for your loss, it's not fair. Am a bit thrilled for you over the dumping of the job, seems to me like the only option to keep you same and happy. Meanwhile, you're working like a beaver at those beautiful cards. Think the die was money extremely well spent!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, what a time you've been having but retirement now that's good. I took early retirement and everyone said I would be bored, they are mad Lol! they know nothing, I don't have time to breathe! but love it. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 29

Helen said...

Oh, Cindy, what a time you've had - but congrats on jacking in your job!! I'm demoing for Paperartsy at Ally Pally but only on Saturday from 3.30 to 5... will be going on Sunday as well though. Hope you can make it on the Saturday too to watch me make a fool of myself (it'll be fine, I'm not nervous at all.....) It would be great to see you so if you don't make it Saturday I'll look for you on Sunday! Great desk, btw.

Stacy Sheldon said...

ooh wow those cards look amazing :) and I hope you are going to enjoy retirement. ( it looks like it from the view of your desk )I am so sorry for your loss and hope your mama is doing better now. :) ~Stacy #48

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...