Wednesday, 18 November 2015

What’s on YOUR Workdesk? Wednesday #337

Morning Deskers!!

Another month has flown by. Only 5 working days now till I finish work. Yay. To be honest, I’m wondering how much difference it will really make – but I guess it’s all about having no commitments. Yeah, that’ll be the day!!

As the dates for my release and all things Christmassy approach, I am busy setting up my online shop on Etsy, creating an FB page etc as well as making things to go in it and to sell at  each of the small craft fairs I am involved in over the next few weeks. The technical stuff has been tediously slow for a bear of little brain like me, but I think I have managed most of it and I’m going to start posting things today. (So I will expect you all to like and share of course!) Here’s my WOYWW photo.


But what actually is that on my workdesk? IMG_1865 (Edited)

Well, along with all the above I have been thinking about improving my photography and considering buying or making a lightbox – the light was so appalling here on Tuesday I decided action needed to be taken and I had the idea of improvising with one of the dining chairs I use in my craft room. I turned it upside down so the legs made a ‘cube’. I used an old sheet to make the side and back and because the chair was on my table the daylight lamp fitted right over it. Not the most elegant of solutions, and the first few photos had a few wrinkles in the fabric which annoyed me so I found some wallpaper and that seemed to improve things.

However nothing bulky to store and I’ll probably refine the design by cutting a piece of fabric to size and think of some way to hook it over the legs easily – this involved hatpins! - but that’s a job that can wait for now.

Do you think it has improved my photographs?

IMG_1866 (Edited)

So why am I telling you all this?

Because it’s Wednesday and this is the day we snoop at desks all over the world – if you want to find out more or how to join in then hop on over here.

Hope to see you next week but we have more hospital appointments scheduled for next Weds so might not be around – for those who know mum has been poorly she is almost back to her old self  and celebrated her 83rd birthday last week.

Happy WOYWW!!


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I laughed at your 'light box' shenanigans because I do similar myself! But it does make a huge difference...your fab steampunk birdhouses are amazing but are really shown off to their best effect by being against a plain, well-lit background. Good luck with your etsy shop and enjoy your first days of freedom :-D
Hugs, LLJ 7 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I like your little house - how did you make it? Good luck with your Etsy shop! It's something I want to look into in the future - it would be so nice to make some money out of doing something we enjoy, wouldn't it? Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #33

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, the birdhouse look great, and thats an amusing solution to your problem! Hope you enjoy your new found freedom, and the Etsy shop goes well. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #9 xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Brilliant photography it works for me. That's a big daylight lamp too, not seen one like that. It sounds like you are finishing work and starting again Lol! Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x26

Inside the artists shed said...

I too have tried similar Heath Robinson ideas with light boxes myself - mainly when setting up still life for drawing and getting shadows fixed. I don't think you need to overly worry about the lighting - your images look good and your boxes are delightful. Good luck. Jackie #21

CraftyHope said...

First off. . .that little house is FABULOUS! As for your homemade lightbox - I love it! I would have never considered using the underside of a chair. But, it looks and sounds like it works great. I'm sure you'll refine your method some, but I love it. I actually have one of those pop-up light tent/box things and have stopped using it because I liked the pictures I was getting without it more. However, we've moved and I can't seem to get just the right light setup going in the new house. I may have to resort back to the light box, but I do love natural light so much more. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
Best of luck with the new ventures!
Hope #46

chrissie said...

Brilliant idea to use the chair to shed more light and a great project to photograph

Love Chrissie x

Glennis F said...

Full marks for ingenuity! Your house is delightful

Sofie V said...

Your pictures look very good with your improvised light box.

Greetings, Sofie #17

Helen said...

The house is gorgeous!! I have dreadful trouble with photos too, my flat is really dark in winter, the windows are higher up the walls than they would be in a house and it really hinders me. Perhaps I'll try your lightbox trick! Helen #1

Anne said...

Photo is very good Cindy - I really ought to try harder - but at moment my camera broken so just using my phone anyway :-( Love the birdhouse. Glad your mum s getting better. Anne x #10

buterfliecrafter said...

Enjoy your last days of work, a whole new era approaches, but I read you're full of plans which is I believe very important, good luck with your etsy shop and the picture looks great, need to have a think about that myself for my new craft room. Vicky(#20)

Nikki said...

Wow you are busy and I use to have a home made light box it took amazing pictures I just don't have the space now for one your little birdhouse looks great good luck selling at all the craft fairs hugs Nikki 5

Ginny Maxam said...

Good luck with your Etsy and that adventure!! YOUR PHOTO IS GREAT!Thanks for sharing!!Have a great week, Ginny # 12

Monica said...

A very good idea there for using chair to improvise a light box. Looks like a hot craft fair item.
Monica 40

Unknown said...

Great improvisation for your light box and yes your photo looks fabulous as does your project. Linda #17

Sharon said...

Good luck with your etsy shop. I can't wait to visit it! Congrats on finishing work. I quit my job last July (long story but ultimately quit so could spend time with mum). It is the best decision I've made. People say I've retired - I haven't as I'm only 45 - but I'm not in a hurry to go back. It's especially nice on winter days when snow is plenty and it is very cold lol

Sharon K

Elaine said...

What a great little house. I also smiled at your light box, I struggle so much with light in these winter months. Elaine

Debbie in LA said...

Depending on how much sewing you wish to do, you could sew 3 channels into your cloth so that each chair leg would fit into a channel and the cloth would stay up without pins. Then when you finish photographing, slide the fabric up and over the legs and fold it up and put away. Good luck on the ending of work and hope you will have all the time you wish to follow new pursuits.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...