Wednesday, 30 March 2016

WOYWW - What’s On Your Workdesk, Wednesday #356

Morning Woywwers! Me again. Seems like there is always a reason for not joining in but I’m gonna try today because I really miss feeling part of this lovely community.

My desk is here, with an array of little watering can shaped cards. The little castle card is a commission and the pile of cards – well…….


I was challenged at the weekend to make 20 cards over the long weekend and despite some gardening, DS’s 22nd birthday celebrations and a big family lunch on Sunday I made my quota by the skin of my teeth (and by the time honoured technique of doing the same thing again and again and shameless plagiarising on Pinterest).

Putting everything in cello bags, photographing them and pricing up those that are going for sale is another matter however and took me most of Tuesday evening when I finally got in the craft room (sorry OH, I know I said I was coming back down ‘in a minute….’).For anyone who has the time, here’s a few individual photos of the ones in the pile.





Today I am mainly going to be thinking about making a card with a trumpet on it. Mmmmm.

Wondering what WOYWW is? Popover HERE to find out.

Happy Wednesday!!

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...