Wednesday, 2 November 2016

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday?


IMG_2345Or more correctly Tuesday as I took the photo yesterday to allow it time to do whatever it does before appearing in my photostream. If you are wondering why I am posting this, get on over here to find out.

So ‘Hi!’ folks. Been MIA again. Not sure what I’m doing but I always seem to be busy!!

Christmas is arriving with a bang, chez ashplant as the Christmas Craft Fair Season gets going. Although honestly I think they are a bit of a waste of time and effort.  I have been making wreaths and my lovely new gemini (you can just see it at the top of the picture there) has been working overtime cutting out greenery. Great little machine but the plates are getting very bendy!!



Stilll plodding along with my craft classes, which I think are a better use of my time. We made this circle book on Saturday and everyone seemed very pleased with it.

Anyhoo, hope all is well in your neck of the woods and I’ll try to visit as many of you as possible. My days however have a habit of getting derailed and if I tell you my son is on leave, my husband is working from home, my daughter is working nights so currently sleeping and I have 3 guys putting up a fence (daughter not pleased) you can see that I might not be getting the quiet day I had planned.


Hey ho, Happy WOYWW whatever you are doing. I’ll leave you with the view from my window which I took yesterday, lovely autumn colours in the distance which look even more striking today with a beautiful blue sky!!


WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...