Wednesday, 28 March 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 460

Well what a grey day, bit like my mood today! Anyhow, it's Wednesday, time for a bit of desk hopping with WOYWW via The lovely Julia's blog Stamping Ground. Check it out and join in why don't ya?

On my desk this week my (almost) finished holiday album. It's nothing special, just wanted to play with putting together the album and adding a few piccies but quite pleased with it. Now I understand the basics I shall try and do some 'pretty' ones. Hopefully quicker, as faffing about with the photos really held me up!!

Love this paper with the surfers. Lots of surfers where we go in Tenerife.

Wish I could see that view today.

As you can see I didn't really theme this album, just used up all sort of bright coloured papers . But I think it works.

Oh well, onwards and upwards. Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.
I need to make a 1st birthday card with a llama on it today, but before I can do anything else today I need to tidy up!



Sarah Brennan said...

Hi Cindy, i like the way you've mixed up the colours in your album. Good luck with the birthday card. Sarah #7

Lunch Lady Jan said...

There's lots I want to comment on today but firstly, hope going round the desk helps cure the grey it post holiday blues? I'm not surprised really cos you seemed to have an amazing time, your photos on FB were fab. And why a llama? If it's a first birthday then the little person is too young to have a preference - are the parents llama farmers? (I do like a good inadvertent rhyme!)
And I've only been card making for a short time but already have discovered that's it's a MUCH messier occupation than sewing :-D
Hugs LLJ 9 xxxx

Kelly said...

Good morning, Cindy. Love the bright colors. I think they accent the 'fun' of the trip. Nice work on your first one. Creative Blessings! Kelly #29

Ellie said...

I think that photo holiday jour am is really rather Lovely! Beautiful front cover too. Oooh a Llama birthday card, would love to see when it's finished.
Ellie #27

April said...

Those little albums can be so much fun. Hope your mood improves. :-)
April #21

Elizabeth said...

Hi Cindy, sorry to hear you were feeling grey this morning - hope you've cheered up a bit by now. It's sunny here - it's even shining through the showers of rain! I love your little album. Because of the brightly coloured card you've used I don't think it needs anything else but the fab photos. I may have to pinch that idea for some of our holiday snaps too sometime. Have a wonderful week. Elizabeth x #28

Sue said...

Hi Cindy, Sending heaps of positive thoughts and hugs (((Cindy))). Hope you are feeling happier.

Love the coloured pages of your album.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #25

Dorlene Durham said...

Hi there, your album looks great. Have a great week! Dorlene #34

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, the album looks gorgeous, so vibrant, perfect for the theme. Lolling about the Llama, and LLJ's comment! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #8 XxX

Helen said...

well the sun came out in the end, so I hope you feel better! I love that album. Helen #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy so love your album. Have a great belated woyww and happy crafty Easter, Angela x19x

SusanLotus said...

Hi Cindy! :)

Thank you for visiting me and your kind comment.
Your album is great and you act very quick so you
don´t postpone everything like I do... ;)
I have tons of photos to make albums of. At least
I get inspired by you and all WOYWW´rs... Let´s see
if it helps.

Have a wonderful week!

Carmen said...

Hope you are feeling happier today though if your weather is anything like here it's pretty miserable. I've got drenched two days running.

Love your bright and colourful book and am intrigued about the llama

Have a good week,
Carmen x #26

okienurse said...

great looking album! I have never been to Tenerife...want to go but seems like the conferences are everywhere else on the Med. I travel with my husband a lot when he gives talks. I love Mallorca! Hope you are having a great week! ...I am late getting around as usual! Vickie #39

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...