Wednesday, 18 April 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday WOYWW #463

Wednesday again! and only a handful of weeks till the 9th anniversary and ATC swap! I shall be swapping extra ATCs so do contact me if you are interested.
9th anniversary of what I hear you ask? Well hop on over to The Stamping Ground the home of WOYWW, read all about it and join in!

So, this week's desk. I need to finish off some off this stuff in my to do pile. (A different pile to the WIP box which rarely gets a visit). I've spread it out so it looks a bit more interesting - remnants from classes and playing that need to get made into a card or 'filed' away.Still need to do the cover of that ATC book.  Couple of hours should get that done. I'll be round to visit but might not be till later. Got some work to do on my 'other' desk that will keep me away from the pc today

Happy Wednesday!


shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, I'd love to swap with you, I have a Middlesex addy for you, is that still the same? Love the shot out over your garden, looks beautiful. Interesting bits and pieces on your desk too. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #8 XxX

glitterandglue said...

Afternoon Cindy. Well, if the shot from the window over your garden is your "other desk" there is an incredible amount of sunshine to enjoy whilst working on it. Enjoy!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #7

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh my life Cindy, your garden is gorgeous! That’s a lot of creative work right there, do you love it? Hope so. It sort of doesn’t have the look of the wild!! Love the cover you made for the ATC, extremely lovely. Get out in the sunshine then Gal!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You have a beautiful garden Cindy! I'm looking forward to the day when all the bamboo has been dug out of ours, some new flower beds sorted and then I can play! Gotta make the most of the weather, we've just been down on the beach watching the sand martins start to excavate their holes in the cliffs, amazing little birds :-D
Hugs LLJ 16 xxx

Helen said...

well you got distracted enough to visit already I see!! having seen your garden (albeit from the window) I can confirm how fabulous it is. Have a great evening Helen #2

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Love those ATC's and what an inspiring view you have from your other desk, I can only dream of a space full of light like this.. One day!! Good Luck with all those WIPS.
Creative wishes Tracey #13

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Oh no! to do pile! scary! Have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x18x

Suzanne Alexis said...

Hi! I also would like to swap ATC's with you. Let me know how to contact you. That garden is amazing! So lush and green in April! Our trees haven't even leafed out yet. Thanks for visiting me. Have a good week!

Suzanne #34

April said...

Great view! Those cards are absolutely lovely.
April #23

Sarah Brennan said...

Hi Cindy, I will be making 9 ATCs and have 1 unclaimed so if you'd like to swap let me have your address. sarah dot trentham247 at gmail dot com. Great picture of the garden. It was a glorious day yesterday! Happy WOYWW Sarah #17

Sue said...

Hi Cindy, I love your ATC book. Hope you get your started [projects finished.

What a lovely garden.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #21

Neet said...

The atc covers you told me about are due to arrive today - only ordered yesterday!! Thanks for the link, well worth saving for next time. Please can I go on your list for swapping an atc this time, pretty please?
Love the garden view, and how nice and sunny. I slept most of yesterday, had an upset tummy too but it was certainly not lovely and sunny like at yours. Today seems much better and I eel much better so I might get out in our garden at last.
Thanks again,
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Cheetarah said...

What a great view you have! And love the colorful pile on your desk :) Hope you're having a fantastic day! xo Cheetarah #24

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Beautiful cards and I'm really intrigued about that ATC book! Love the view from your craft room - reminds me of our old garden, which I sometimes miss. Now we have a much larger one but it's more like a field and I miss the trees and shrubs and nooks and crannies. It will take years before it looks anything like a garden! Thanks so much for visiting yesterday! Have a lovely week! zsuzsa #5

Kelly said...

Good morning, Cindy. Bit late getting 'round this week. Thank you for the stop-by. Keep me in mind for trading extras when the ATCs come about. I'd love to trade with you. Love your other desk. Such an inviting space. I'm hoping that will be my alternate desk the first Wed. in May.
Creative Blessings! Kelly #27

Kyla said...

Oh my the garden is looking lovely.

Must admit have not even thought about the ATC swaps! Need to start them soon, always up for a swap if you have a spare.


What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...