Wednesday, 20 March 2019

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday

Morning all. It's time for our weekly bloghop to see what everyone is up to courtesy of Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and check it out, join in why don't ya? 

Actually writing this late Tues afternoon. Have been on holiday in Tenerife, and had my first class today with my ladies since getting back. I noticed that the scissors were getting a bit icky so resolved that this afternoon I would go through all the packs and give them a good clean. While I was at it, I picked up all those laying around the craft room. This is the result.

Mind you, it doesn't include the scissors in my docraft demo kit, the trio I have in pretty much every room in the house, the hidden dressmaking scissors, and the selection of left and right children's scissors I use when doing kid's crafts.

I think I might have a serious scissor addiction.

And just for something pretty, this is the card we made at class.  
This is my sample and also  for my mum so shhh don't tell her.

Happy Wednesday guys. 

EDIT: 10.25 PM.  PC went a bit crazy this evening so I have NOT managed to get round. After much mucking about it transpires my control key had got stuck so my key strokes were doing all sort of crazy commands!! I have sorted that now but am left with a screen view that is so small it is almost impossible to read. So I'm bailing out for now, apologies to any that come after. I'm out of ideas so it will be handed over to the resident IT expert tomorrow. Computers!!!


MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

That is a pretty card, Cindy. I nearly had a fit when I saw all those scissors until I read you run classes. Hope you have them all sorted now. #19. xxx Maggie

Helen said...

Just a few scissors tgen. Julia will be jealous hope you enjoyed your holiday. Helen #3

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, all those scissors did make me laugh! Julia hasn't got a page up for the crop yet, but I've asked Annie to give you the details. I did have the info, and no idea where I've put it! Love the card, great job. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #10 X

Glenda said...

Do you ever wind up with no scissors to work with? Seriously I too think you are addicted! Happy WOYWW! Glenda#19

Glenda said...

Opps that was Glenda#18 not 19. Sorry about that!

Diana Taylor said...

That card is gorgeous, my very favourite colour scheme, I love neutrals. Love all the scissors, it reminds me of when I used to teach and had to clean dozens of them up after we'd been gluey or painty - so much better to have a few too many than not quite enough!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana x #17

Annie said...

Hi Cindy. Shaz tells me you are wanting details of the crop. Julia is on holiday at the mo but when she returns we hope to get our heads together to sort out the details. This is a link to the hall that Jo booked so hope that helps for now...
Annie x #13

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy. I have to admit to having quite a lot of scissors myself. I love the card and bet you enjoyed making it. You were right that is a new profile pic. When closing down the G+ the other one disappeared so I decided it was time for a new one and this is part of a painting of some quirky French skiers. I believe the dies work fine with the Gemini so you shouldn't have any problems. Have a lovely week and a happy woyww, Angela x11x

Sarah Brennan said...

What a lovely card Cindy. I'm sure your mum will love it. That is a laaaarge collection of scissors you have and I thought I had a few pairs. You have me well and truly beaten lol. Happy WOYWW> Sarah #4

Sue Jones said...

Ha Ha - I have never seen so many pairs - I am sure I dont have that many i?? Ha Ha
Your card is beautiful.

Caro said...

Wow! That is a LOT of scissors! Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a lovely week. With love & God Bless. Caro x (#30)

Anne said...

Wow Cindy thought I had a 'few' pairs but I think you win! :-) My sewing scissors are hidden. My son used the previous pair to cut paper to wrap up presents!!!!! Thanks for popping by. Anne x #14

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Blimey, you definitely win the scissors numbers competition!! I bet it took a while to clean all those. I love the Mothers Day card, sooooo beautiful!
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Hi Cindy hope you managed to sort out that sticky key/changing screen? If in doubt turn it on and off again & keep your fingers crossed. Love the card you made for your Mum, don't worry I will not tell ;) I seem to collect scissors too, I have lots of those patterned ones that I use for papercraft. The special ones I have hidden away too :))
Happy WoywW Tracey #7
P.S I really didn't have an intention to buy at the NEC, went with my MIL who always has a long list when we've ticked everything off she's usually ready to go home hee hee!!
Have a super week x

Marit said...

All those scissors made me giggle...wowzah, that's a LOT!!! I was making my visit-round this morning and was at your blog when my hubby came asking me to help him with something, and now I cannot remember if I commented already... so I might comment twice but that's better than not at all ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, enjoy the rest of the week and your weekend. Hug from Holland, Marit #20

Julia Dunnit said...

Well I hope as it’s friday evening that the IT Bod has done a good job and you haven’t had to have any drastic works done! The scissors made me laugh...I get it for the packs, but ah, the number you have in your ‘private’ collection....better if we don’t stop and count. My collection of cheap reader type glasses is getting s bit out of hand now as well. Lovely card for your Mum, crikey that’s some patience you have to guide people through that in a workshop! Hope Tenerife was lovely, I like it there. Apart from the hills!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well what’s a crafter without her scissors however even though some are for classes that is a lot, however I probably have six in kitchen 3 in sewing two in my bedroom desk and prob ten craft room so I might be up there with you! Love your mothers card, I’m not sure when your Mother’s Day is, ours is second week in May, however my mum is with Lord for eighteen years now, miss her still.
Happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x#15

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That is an impressive collection of scissors and an equally impressive mother's day card - I like the neutral color way. Hope your PC problems have been sorted by now! Thanks for your visit and enjoy the rest of the weekend! zsuzsa #22

Neet said...

First of all I must say that is a beautiful card. I love the shades of beige that you have used with it, it works so well with the design. Your mum will be delighted with it.
Well Cindy, I think we all have an obsession with something and I think I have lots of scissors but to be honest I think you beat me hands down on that one. I think you might be in the lead for the scissor-lady title. Notice they are not plain ones either, quite a lot of very nice and fancy ones there.
Have a great week and thanks for your comments.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...