Wednesday, 30 December 2020

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #604

 Sorry, what day is it again? .....

Ah yes, hello deskers, here we are at the very end of this horrible year, sharing our desks for a final time before the New Year. I hope everyone had a lovely, if somewhat restrained Christmas with lots of crafty goodies. We finally got the all clear mid morning Christmas Eve and the celebrations began immediately - so I do apologise, I didn't get round last week!  I didn't get a huge amount of crafty stuff but did score some TH stamps, tools, some brushos and a substantial voucher to spend on Lavinia stamps so more than enough to keep me happy. 

We have had a lovely time, just us 5, ate, drank and played lots of games, we don't do tv at Christmas. For the game players amongst you my best recommendations for new games were 'Dobble' (pretty good brain exercise if you are getting on a bit as well if you get my drift), 'Dark Cranium' (I had to leave the room twice I was laughing so much) and 'Cat Chaos'. 

But you are here for the desk. Well, it's pretty fact every surface is pretty bad....

I'm not actually crafting at the mo. I am using this dead time before the end of the year to go through every shelf, drawer and box, checking that what is in there is what is supposed to be there, throwing a few bits away (not enough I admit) and generally tidying up and rearranging. (Of course this means I won't be able to find anything in January). I've decided I need to get rid of at least 2 die cutting machines that I never use, my TODO and my XCUT but that's a drop in the ocean really as you can probably see. Tomorrow I will temporarily put Christmas away so that I can see the wood for the trees. I broke my big rollaround chair and I'm not sure whether to replace it - after all, I probably need the exercise - there's certainly more room without it. I'm also quite enjoying having the table 'free-standing' in the centre of the room but I'm not sure how practical that is long term. I need to clear everything that has been dumped on it to make a sensible decision. 

Well I doubt any of us will be going anywhere anytime soon so it's good to have a project!! Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

It's scary out there folks, Stay home if you can, Stay well, stay safe,

Cindy x

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #603

Good morning deskers, how is everyone 2 days before Christmas? I woke up late today and have a feeling it's going to be one of those not-quite-firing-on-all-cylinders kind of days. Good job everything is done. 

I hope you all aren't too disappointed if your holiday plans have been curtailed, it's an absolute nightmare. If anyone is now going to be on their own on Christmas Day do let me know, I will find time to get in touch. Nothing has changed for us as it was always going to be 'just' the 5 of us but.... all 3 young people who have been out working have been told they have possibly had contact with Covid so everyone is hiding in their bedrooms waiting for results etc. It's certainly all very strange. 

Anyhow, we are here for the desk.

As you can see I have been working on a few Lavinia style cards this week - these are to go in a Christmas parcel for a friend who sends lots of letters and cards. You can also see the book recommended by Shaz which has just arrived. TBH I haven't done much else this week, been a bit low with a UTI and the general situation but like everyone just trying to  get through each day at a time.

I have received some beautiful cards to brighten the festivities and I'll attempt to do justice to those in another post at some stage. For now just let me say 'Thank You' they are much appreciated.

 Of course before I go I  must link up, as WOYWW is is our weekly bloghop courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, we don't bite. 

Merry Christmas everyone,

Stay well, stay safe,

Cindy xx

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? - WOYWW #602

Oops, I did it again..... totally forgot about Wednesday last week until late afternoon. So I missed all the post anniversary chat. I do better when I remember to prepare a post on Tuesday afternoon (as I am doing now) so I am ready to go!! But not to worry, the week flew by again and here we are at WOYWW 602 - well on the way to the next celebration already!

So I hope you are all well whatever constraints you are living under at the mo. In London we are going into Tier 3 today, but won't make much difference to me as we haven't been going out to pubs and restaurants or even visiting. I don't really see that it it is going to achieve much in the next 10 days whilst the shops are open and people are still going in to work. My DIL2B starts vaccinating today. It all sounds a bit complicated, it isn't just stick it in and shout 'NEXT'. It's gonna be a tough few weeks for those on the frontline as they try to turn protocol into action. Not that it's let up really. But hey, ho here's my desk. I don't know what to say really.

I am just about to tidy up, as I hope one of my cuttlebug plates is in this mess somewhere. (I kind  of feel all cutting plates should be coloured. I never lose the purple gemini one or the grand calibur ones). I have finished today's project and it's time to clear space before I start on something else. 

Today I finished the 'handmade' present we have to make for the family Secret Santa (pretty pleased with myself as usually still doing this Christmas Eve). As mentioned when last here I had picked out my nephew, a 20 something male - groan, my nightmare as far as craft presents go. This is what I have made.

I haven't laughed this much since I made my sock snowmen a few years ago (I still have an army of them that come out every year).  I was also surprised, when doing some research, that there are quite a few variations on this theme out there that are actually up for sale..... Not sure any of those use recycled prosecco corks though. 

Oh well that's me feeling rather Christmassy despite everything. In case you aren't, here's 3 of our Christmas trees. I may have shown you before but they are so pretty. The kitsch one deserves a close look, some of the decs are amazing, many many more than last year. As usual blogger won't let me arrange them nicely.  Or will it?.......

Hope everyone is keeping well, 

Stay home, stay safe, 

Happy WOYWW Cindy.

(UPDATE: Spotty internet again today, been trying to upload since 8.30. Never did find the cuttlebug plate.)

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday? # 600

Well hello there deskers, it's certainly a day for celebrating big numbers today! It is actually my birthday today so I will be shamelessly cashing in on the celebrations to make my day a bit more special, heck, it's not like there's much else to do!! However what we are erally celebrating is the 600th WOYWW, no mean achievement and kudos indeed to those that have been there for the whole journey. So here's the link to the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about, we don't bite. 

Must apologise for being AWOL the last 2 weeks - I blame the rain. I don't know why but whenever we have a period of continuous rain the internet just goes all flaky pastry and drops every 30 seconds. My blood pressure is already high enough and constantly waiting for it to catch up is just too frustrating.  So I have learnt to walk away. A week without rain and it seems much more reliable, didn't lose connection once yesterday. Here's hoping.

I'm writing this Tuesday evening as I can't get on with dinner as someone is baking me a birthday cake so thought I'd make a start on this. (GBBO recipe, no Betty Crocker for me!!)  Here's my desk, (only slightly staged) photo taken this afternoon.

At the beginning of the year I scored some Tim Holtz flurry dies in a sale but never got around to using them until yesterday when I cut a bunch out in various cardstocks from my scrap box (still using things up) and I decided to use them with a huge bunch of gelli prints I found in a file. These are the last few, special ones I was making for specific people. I have really loved making these messy MM style cards. By the end of play tomorrow I hope that all my cards will be written and ready to go in the post or delivered Thursday/Friday. It's a lot of hand made cards. I have never been finished the first week in December. My overseas cards have already left. I am slightly in shock. Well, that's one positive of being in lockdown I guess.

So that's me. I am however looking for an idea for a handmade present (budget £10) for a young man (21), slightly geeky, into Marvel big time (but that is getting so old, I've done Marvel variations for the last 10 years....). It's for my my nephew and part of our family 'secret santa'. I stupidly let my daughter have the gnome I had in reserve. So now I'm really stumped, so any ideas, even stupid ones, much appreciated. 

Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, Cindy xx

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wedesday #598

 Another week, another Wednesday, another WOYWW!!

Honestly we are going to have to re-name it Whizzday, it comes around so fast. Anyhow here's my desk late Tuesday. Warning. C word to follow....... Look away now if easily disturbed.....

Yes, I  have the Christmas stuff out again. Which makes me very happy, because I am so finished this year regarding Christmas cards - will be starting to write them this week - so anything I do now is a bonus and just enjoying myself. I even made a card with my magic window die - another NBU apart from one initial attempt 2 years ago -that's it there on the corner. They are so easy to put together! The hardest thing is finding the image to use so I have been trawling some of those NBU before CDs.  

We have all our Christmas trees and decorations up as well. 3 this year (rolls eyes). I don't usually allow Christmas in the house until well after my birthday at the beginning of December but my daughter made a good case of it being a good idea to go early because of lockdown etc etc and I caved. It's becoming a theme.She is so desperate for her own place!! And because 'visual' is what she does I have let her have free reign. She has even tried out the table settings for Christmas Day and bought us all matching PJs for Christmas morning. (I foresee some instagram moments, hope I can get my hair cut before then). We have decided that even if restrictions are lifted it will just be the five of us this year on the big day. It might actually be the first and last time, we are usually haring about somewhere. And far from being grumpy about it I am enjoying someone else making all the decisions and feel distinctly unstressed!! 

I will be late round, need to have a last hurrah in the garden before the colder weather forecast for tonight hits so have to seize the day - still have bulbs to go in!! Hubby hurt his back/leg/knee last Thursday week - suddenly, inexplicably in absolute agony. Slowly recovering but not there yet by any means. Best guess is sciatica, though initially he was in such a state I thought he'd popped a disc. Which rather means I am on my own for the heavy work right now. To say he is finding it a tad stressful to not take charge of things is an understatement. He nearly had palpitations at the thought of me doing the recycling and the kids getting the decorations down from the attic. 

Oh yes must link up, this is our weekly bloghop courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, we don't bite. 

Happy WOYWW everyone, have a good week, thanks for stopping by.

Sstay well, stay safe.

Cindy x

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #596

Morning deskers, another week, another WOYWW! Hope you are all well and prepared for lockdown no 2. Not sure I ever really emerged from lockdown no 1 ......

Anyhoo, here's my desk Tuesday afternoon, a veritable display of shimmery mandala gorgeousness. I was thinking of Julia and her glittered gernomies when I was trying to find space for these to dry. I can already spot some dangerous overlapping.....

You may recall that during last week's shenanigans I had got out a Sweet Poppy mandala stencil and die set (longstanding NBUs) and before I finished with my mandala fest I decided I really did have to have a go with them. I reached for my decorative 'pastes' to discover they were all a bit past their best - strangely I did recall having a conversation about that very thing last week - so I just used it all up, it really wasn't worth keeping. So now I have cut them all out with the biggest die (yes, I was up early) so I can see which ones are best and decide how to make them into cards. I could be a while.

Last week's efforts have largely got finished up, here are a few photos. Still more to be finished off with appropriate sentiments so I'll maybe post those later. Apols if the photos are all over the place, can't work this new blogger/photos it's so inconsistent. There's also no guarantee that what I see on my screen will bear any resemblance to what gets uploaded. First world problems! 


Looking for a 'round' image to use as a centrepiece I pulled out another NBU, this time an older stamp from Clarity. (I have a lot of NBUS) and tried that a few different ways with the mandalas as fancy mats.

So that's me. I want to put these to bed as I have another little project I want to start with yet more NBUS and then it will be time to make some Christmas projects. We have agreed (well, tbh my daughter bullied me into saying yes) that Christmas decs will go up on the 15th November this year so there's plenty to get done. Can't wait!! 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Stay well, stay  safe,

Cindy x

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #595

Another week, another Wednesday, another WOYWW. How the weeks do fly. Hope you are all well and bearing up, especially those under the strictest restrictions. Virtual hugs to everyone and do reach out if you need some extra attention!!

As for once I am ahead of the game I'm going to indulge myself in a picture heavy post. I'm prepping this on a grey Tuesday afternoon just before I have a tidy up and re-group (so often the cause of a boring desk). I decided on Monday it was time to get crafting again and start making some inroads into those NBUs before I dragged the Christmas stuff out again next month. The first things I pulled out were the dies by Lisa Horton at the front of the desk. 

I think I've had them a couple of month's, and I honestly couldn't recall why I 'had to have' them (a frequent occurrence). When I find that the urge to cut (or stamp) an item(s)  that I've bought has disappeared, and I'm a bit stumped, I admit I trawl round for a product sample and I CASE it.  It may not be original but at least it gets me using the thing. I found one sample made by Lisa herself and loved the bright colours so much I tried to emulate it in my attempt. Once I started cutting the dies and playing with the layers I could see that I could probably get a twofer every time including mats if I was careful where I put the dies (I was using 6 x 6 card stock). Oh that made me happy, I hate waste of product and effort!! So here's my version and its corresponding 'twofer'. 

I know I said Christmas wasn't out but I just happened to have that sentiment die on my desk and the colours looked Christmassy that way round. When everything comes out I will find an embellishment to add. I kept cutting and playing with different colours - so more pics and there's a bit more Christmas too. 

I am particularly loving that navy and lime green combo on the desk - haven't quite decided where those two are going yet. I've really only used one of the die sets (there are 4) and I've also pulled out another NBU - some Sweet Poppy mandala dies (Shaz enabled these quite a while ago I believe.....and I have the matching stencil) - plus some stepper and flower card blanks. My mind is buzzing with possibilities. So I think I will be mandala-ing for a few days yet. 

For those who were intrigued by my commissions last week here are some photos. I just do as I'm asked lol. 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Have a good week. Stay home. stay well, stay safe.

Cindy x

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #594

Well hello  there deskers, hope everyone is well and coping. We have moved into the second level in London so a few more restrictions for us going forward. Means I'll have to revert to shouting at mum from the garden but hey ho we'll survive I guess. 

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes last week, I am feeling much better these last couple of days but still a bit dopey, though I think that might be the night nurse - however if I have to suffer a couple of zombie days to get a good nights sleep I'll take it!!

Still not much crafting getting done, it's not so much my mojo is off as I can't make a decision as to which of the many projects in my head I want to start. Fortunately a couple of commissions have come in so I can concentrate on getting them done. So enough waffle here's the desk:

So this is a provisional layout for a commission card. A 60th birthday with a flying eagle, a meerkat and some scripture. I have mislaid just one of my scalloped circle dies and would you credit it, every time I want to cut something that one is the size I need. I do have my scan n cut so in theory I can cut any size but the mental activity that would require just seems to be too daunting in my current state. So I'll just try and work around it. First world problems I guess! 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

It's a grey day here, and pouring, so I hope to get around to everyone as  I won't get distracted by the garden. However the internet seems very flaky today, if it keeps playing up I may just leave it till tomorrow so apologies in advance if you don't see me today.

Stay well, stay  safe,


Wednesday, 14 October 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 593

 Morning all, another week has whizzed by and it's time again for our weekly get together. Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

So, have been a little poorly this week (cue violins) as I have a long term reflux related cough and for whatever reason (flu jab?) it suddenly got very bad. In fact it is quite exhausting. I have been working very hard this week to get better and I am getting there. It has reminded me that though it may appear to be boring or giving in, staying at home and keeping myself as isolated as possible is the very best thing I can do for me at the moment. In any case I don't think I would dare go out and risk all the side long glances!

Consequence is I haven't done much, contenting myself with pottering in my craft room and watching videos. So here is my desk this morning: 

I did stage the doggie card so you could see what I did with those images. I am waiting for inspiration to strike as to where my doggie sentiments are, I'm sure I've got a few somewhere. This morning I'm just rummaging through my many crafting videos to remind myself what is there and I'm toying with the idea of breaking out my Eileen Hull dies for a play..

At my virtual coffee morning at the beginning of the month we had some discussion about a FB group called 'Postcards of Kindness'.  This was started by a Care Home Manager well before Covid to help alleviate boredom for residents, create a connection to the outside world for those who have no friends & family, provide stimulation for conversations and memories and in some cases, spark friendships and correspondence in return. The idea is that those of us out in the wider world just take the time to send a postcard to the care home with a few words - you don't have to include your address.

It has been a big success and care homes have registered up and down the UK. So I thought I'd mention it in case anyone wants to get involved. Just think what it's been like for residents since Covid appeared and how important something like this could be to their ability to thrive.

Anyhoo that's me for today, have a good week everyone, please will the rain stop so I can get in my garden!!!!!!

Stay well, stay safe,

Cindy x

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #592

 Morning all another Wednesday has whizzed round. How is everyone? 

So here's my desk.

Oh dear, look at that coffee ring! I've been playing with the idea of splitting a stamped image and adding a sentiment. I tried my very hardest to work the diagonal cuts out logically with the result that every one came out a bit different. Not a problem. But my advice - start with a bigger piece of card than your finished size and trim it by eye. 

I've also got these on my desk.

Couldn't sleep last night so grabbed an unused stamp set and stamped a few images. This is really the weirdest stamp set I've ever bought, it was a chinese purchase, cheap as chips, and looked like an A6 background stamp with all these doggie images. In fact, each of them is seperate, even to the extent that the ones on the edge are half a stamp if that makes sense. WTF? Anyhow, no idea where this is going yet but they stamped well straight out the box.

Just remains for me to report that my Macmillan efforts this year have raised £305. Considering I didn't actually have a coffee morning I am pretty impressed with that!! 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Have a good Wednesday. Stay home. stay well, stay safe.

Cindy x

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

What's On Your workdesk? Wednesday #591

Morning deskers!! Hope everyone is well and keeping safe. It's all a bit one step forward 2 steps backwards at the moment isn't it?  I have of course been AWOL again - I missed one week because I forgot it was Wednesday (not knowing the day of the week is becoming a recurring theme) and last week I was away for a short break with the OH to Camber Sands. Lovely caravan, foul weather, wind and horizontal rain. Well it was a change of scene and we got to see the sea. (Thank goodness for Netflix) Was glad to get home really. 

Not really been crafting much as when here I have been gardening or prepping for my 'virtual' coffee morning/fundraiser for Macmillan. The rule of 6 put paid to my normal plans so I have opted for a zoom with quiz on Saturday morning,  a FB group card sale this w/e and a FB live 'craft with me' next Tuesday. I don't actually yet know how to do any of these things but I'm getting there. If anyone would like to join in let me know and I'll hook you up. (Now that I see our illustrious leader has bigged me up on her post, hopefully this is a direct link to my Macmillan page.  To get joining info you'll need to check out my FB page as I only get a limited space for info on the macmillan one. Any problems just leave me a message, I'll sort it out.)

So the desk is empty. Instead I'll show you some pictures of my garden. Sadly my photography skills do not match Helen's. Does anyone know what this plant is? It's been a picture.

It's really time to start putting things to bed, but everything still looks pretty good.

There are still loads of Mexican sunflowers to come out (my fault I started them off rather late) and I'm really hoping they will make a show before the weather fails. Out of about 15 plants only this one has actually flowered although the others are full of bud. So frustrating!!

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Stay well, stay  safe,



Wednesday, 9 September 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #588

Morning all! Hope everyone is keeping well, motivated and happy on this grey but warm Wednesday morning. Yesterday turned into a lovely afternoon here in London and I am hoping it will do the same today. 

What's On My Workdesk? Honestly? Not a lot. But I've done photos from all angles to make up for it. I can't figure out the whole side to side thing on this new blogger so we have to have them in a row. 

The reason for this oasis of (relative) calm? Well, mainly because I am foregoing the joys of gluing stuff together and mainly adulting this week. I find it easier to get things done if I'm not surrounded by glitter. 

So I have put the Christmas stash away again until November. If anyone wants to check out my lockdown christmas cards most of them are in an album on my 'Kraft Project' FB page here

So far this week I have managed to do my car insurance, accounts are up to date, and we've booked a few days away (OH is going stir crazy) and proposed a tentative lunch with some friends who live a drive away (both a challenge for me as I am the driver and I haven't driven more than about 5 miles since last Christmas and I think I need to test my eyes). I have done the filing.  Here's the before and after photos as proof.

I have yet to sort out my vehicle recovery (I think I may actually be paying for this unnecessarily because it came free with something else when I already had it - I am lousy with paperwork. Doubly annoying as we haven't been anywhere this year).  I need to order bulbs for the garden. I have had my nails done and hair is booked for tomorrow. I need to sort out my photo files (ambitious). I need to decide if craft classes are ever going to resume or if I need to go virtual or just move on. And endless routine home and life jobs that have been neglected need my attention.

In the 'after' photo above the eagle eyed may have noticed my Macmillan coffee morning pack. I have done this for many years now, although last year I didn't due to ill health. I had hoped to have a small but limited event this year but the latest news means that probably isn't going to fly - so I may have to check out some virtual options. (That will take a week of my life for this bear of very little brain). Zoom 101 here I come. 

The pile of NBUS is still there and I have managed to refrain from adding to it so far this month. I have an interesting commission and a crafty swap to work on so I will be back crafting again by next week. Always up for a swap if anyone is interested. Meanwhile I am enjoying feeling relatively zen and ticking my achievements off the inevitable list. 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Have a good Wednesday. Stay home. stay well, stay safe.

Cindy x

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 587

 And her we are again.😊

Hope you are all well. I'm loving seeing the sunshine again, hubby and I had a great day in the garden yesterday and the craft room remained totally unvisited. Hence I am a little behind. Here's my desk:-

Looks pretty bad doesn't it but this is how I really work. I got a second wind so I'm still doing Christmas but keep digressing towards sorting and tidying. For instance, can you see all that gold card in the box to the left? I spent a couple of hours cutting down my vast amounts of gold and silver scraps to regular sized mats from around 2" up to 7". I just find it's easier to cope with and find I actually use it. I must have made over a 100 Crimbo cards by now and apart from the Tim Holtz dies, I haven't used anything except things that were already die cut, stamped or hanging about in my stash. Apart from one large silver mat (I didn't have a scrap piece big enough) I haven't cut into a new piece of card or opened a Christmas paper pad. (I'm unclear as to whether this is a little sad or an achievement). Many new Christmas dies & stamps still not used or opened - and I still haven't made a dent in my stash despite being quite ruthless - I'm kinda going for that office technique where you only touch a piece of paper once. In my case it's more if it hasn't made it on to a card the third time I pick it up and look at it it might as well be in the bin.  Those rather old slightly retro red sentiments/toppers in the centre of the table will be the next heading there I think. I do also have to admit to one new purchase that I am absolutely loving - I finaly got myself an ATG gun and it is just great. You can see it there centre stage. I thought it might be heavy and clunky but no it's not and apart from the odd wobble it just makes it so fast to put cards together and it seems pretty strong as well.

A couple of cards as that's easier than reading words:

Finally, just wanted to say that although I rarely get round to everyone I do appreciate every comment that gets left. I'm just so grateful  that people bother to stop by each week - such commitment! Trust me, you lot are doing a lot better job of keeping me sane than most of my IRL friends!! 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Have a good Wednesday. Stay home. stay well, stay safe.

Cindy x

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #586

Starting to sound like a broken record - but yes, it's Wednesday again!! The last Wednesday of August - who'd a thought we'd still be in this mad situation. Hope you are all well. Out to lunch today - 2nd time in a restaurant since March!! - so I may be a bit late getting round. 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Right my desk - yes we have returned to Christmas. (To be honest I only just about finished tidying up from that online workshop on Monday, what can I say, not much has been getting done in the craft room - I think I peaked last week). Question - am I the only person who puts glitter glue on their cards and immediately plonks something on top of it? Truly, I think its a unique skill set. 

So these cards are from a pack of scraps I found in my stash which I cut into strips or squares and then made some backgrounds. Nothing particularly challenging about these but I do love using up bits. Imagine the satisfaction when I actually get around to using the 15 or so packs of Christmas papers I have in my Christmas stash. I did  manage to finally cut the TH snowman die I bought last year in a sale. Lots of bits but actually quite quick to put together. I never cut the eys for these kind of dies, they are sooo tiny. That way madness lies I think, so a bit of black pen has to suffice. 

That's about as far as I've got. Oh and yes, the giveaway. I haven't forgotten. I put all the names in a hat (well a small box actually I couldn't find a hat) and CARO came out. I might have your address somewhere but you'd better confirm it and I'll get off this week. Will be in touch.

Have also been busy this week celebrating DD's 29th birthday. Here she is my darling girl.

And just for fun, for those who wonder when I talk about WIPS and UFO's, here's an explanation and a few I haven't come across before.

Have a good week everyone, stay well, stay safe and I'll see you in September. Eeek!!

Cindy x

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...