Wednesday, 27 May 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - WOYWW #573

It's Wednesday again. I know I am repeating myself. But this has been yet another week that has simply flown, I really am staggered by the speed of life passing by when I'm not even doing anything.

What have I to report? Well, to be honest, I finished off, as far as I can (LLJ reminding you here about photographs!!) the ATC scrapbook I showed you last week but I have really achieved very little else since then. I am about to embark on my 3rd box of WIPs (centre stage on my desk) and I admit enthusiasm to start this is a little low right now. It's been so lovely weatherwise I have taken to just sitting in the garden reading for several hours each day. Lots of family games of Skip-bo, Settlers (aka 'sheep') and Mexican Train. Plus lots of watering of pots. Because all of my water butts are completely empty (waiting for that shoe to drop) and my hose doesn't reach quite to the end of the garden (and in any event is a right pain to unravel) I use a watering can but it necessitates several trips up and down each day. 

Well, it's one way to get my steps in and I consider lugging the full cans weight bearing exercise. You have to look for the positives.

Still busy with the odd little project on my rather drab looking desk. I did manage to cut out a load of makeup images for a birthday card I will share with you in a couple of weeks and I have a commission for a 90th birthday card to get on with. So far I have put the box together, the rationale being that as I have no idea yet what to do with the card and making up boxes always irritates me I am getting it out of the way. When inspiration strikes I'll have already done the boring bit.  It's not needed until August so hardly pressing. I still have video requests to fulfil, and now I am in possession of a shiny new phone hope to get that done as a priority as it's been dragging on for weeks as I fought with recalcitrant technology. The wedding invites are on the back burner, as it looks like we may be delaying till next year. A disappointment for my future DIL and just to top off her week her cat was injured and had to be put to sleep. I so wanted to give her a hug when she popped over for a bit of socially distant socialising.  But despite all the above we continue healthy and harmonious in our little family bubble and I managed to go and chat to mum in the garden last Friday. I'm planning to pop to a friend's to do the same some time this afternoon. Have thermos, folding chair and brownies. What more does one need? 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Happy WOYWW, Stay safe, stay well.


Wednesday, 20 May 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #572 - The Anniversary Challenge!!

Well, here we are again on this special Wednesday which marks 11 years of the WOYWW bloghop. Pretty amazing huh? This was the idea of the lovely Julia who hosts over at The Stamping Ground - do go over to find out all about it and even join in if you wish.

We normally do an ATC swap, but this year Julia has challenged us to finish something we have been putting off - a UFO or WIP and do a little show and tell. Recent readers will know I have been battling with my WIP boxes - nearly finished number 2! - so this is a challenge dear to my heart.
So what have I got for you?

It's a WOYWW scrapbook for the ATCs I have received over the years.. I started it last year, around this time but it got set aside, mainly because I thought I had misplaced some of the ATCs. After re-visiting the project, and some prowling through old blog posts of my own and Julia's I realised that it wasn't that I had misplaced them, I was MIA for a huge chunk of time and didn't take part!! I don't really know the reason why, some of it I know was blogger and IT related but such a complete and comprehensive absence is a little baffling to me to say the least!

Anyhow, here are a couple of pages, you might recall some of these.

I have also included the 'crops' although my photos are pretty pants - if anyone has a good group photo for 2013, 2014 or 2015 (can't believe that was the last time I made it) do let me know.

Not the most creative thing I have done, but a very satisfying bit of wandering down Memory Lane. And whilst I can't entirely explain that long period of absence, I do know that this group represents the very best of internet friendships and that on any forays I have made back into the fold I have instantly been made to feel very welcome. The book isn't quite finished, I need to add some dates and doodles and a heading but there is space for another year or two......

Have a wonderful anniversary WOYWW, Stay well, stay safe.....

Cindy xx

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

What's On Your Work Desk ? Wednesday #571

Morning Deskers!!

Hope you are all well and keeping safe, especially those that are working or will be venturing back to work in the next few weeks. Strange times we are in indeed. Still well here, been nice to have DD home (haven't had to cook for a week) and if it weren't for all that is going on in the world would have been a rather pleasant week.

Here is my desk yesterday afternoon:

Took a bit of a break from the WIP boxes and the craft room this week but did decide to finally finish these MM cards that have been floating around for about 6 months. Didn't take me long when I finally sat down to do it. I also found a box that was filled with a 'quick cards and tags' kit from probably over 12 years ago and resolved to just make them up so they could go in my fund raising box for later this year. It  included some gift voucher holders and envelopes which are quite nice. All done - with just a few tweaks - so another box I can lose from my craft room. Not really something I would buy these days - anyone else recognise it? Probably from QVC in those days. Now, if I finally crack the old Dawn Bibby stuff I really will  be motoring......

Highlight of this week in the garden has been the fledgling sparrows who sit on the fence and squawk at mum and dad to feed them. So cute!!

We had a nice socially distant get together for an hour or so with the neighbours (on our respective driveways) to celebrate VE day. Was a really pleasant evening and gave everyone a boost I think.

Doing a series of  video on youtube for my local library service and the first one went up this week- if you click through I sound really weird at the beginning as I was trying not to cough!! But it took such blood sweat and tears to get that far I couldn't bear to do it again. It's been a technology war this week not helped by the fact that my phone was full of uncleared rubbish which my DD has kindly sorted so a reminder to everyone who uses theirs a lot more in these unusual times to check their settings and storage as you may need to take some action to free up space or your phone may just decide not to co-operate!!

So time's awasting, can't believe I haven't uploaded this post yet, its already 11 and I'm still in PJs! If you want to find out about the WOYWW weekly blog hop then pop over to The Stamping Ground and join in.

That's all from me this week, stay home if you can, stay safe, and stay well. And alert of course!!

Happy WOYWW xx

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - #570

First apologies - I didn't get all the way round last week, something distracted me. A nice afternoon? I certainly didn't go anywhere. I meant to get back, but somehow the week just flew past again. Never mind a slower pace, my days still seem to speed by in a blur.

I hope you are well or recovering if you haven't been, and in a good place this beautiful morning. Do get in touch if you need a chat, or a boost, or a moan - heaven knows we all do at one time or another.

I am pleased to report that WIP Box no 1 is completed. Here is my desk, with all the cards I have made so far, around 80, ready to be matched up with envelopes, bagged and put away. It's quite an impressive result but of course now I have a storage issue of a different kind. Can't please some people can you?

That was a bit of a marathon, so I am going to have a break from WIPs for a couple of days - although I might check out the one I have planned for our anniversary post. This might be a good point to add a link to our leader the wonderful Julia at Stamping Ground where you can join in this weekly blog hop and check out the details.

Other positive things of note this week include:
-  my mother managed a skype call. I pretty much just saw the top of her head but still.
- I worked out how to upload a landscape video to FB etc. (Thanks for all the suggestions, the answer is record via an app called horizon).
- I bagged a supermarket delivery slot.
- I received 2 great pieces of happy mail.
-  hubby put my mosaic on the wall (12 months. That's all I'm saying).
- my daughter came home to us on Sunday. Her partner, who she was isolating with, returned to work on Monday. Technically she is less exposed being with us, who don't go anywhere. More to the point, she's offered to do the cooking. Downside - The prosecco store is depleted already.

We should have been flying off to Edinburgh on Friday for my DIL to be's hen do. This is possibly the only thing that I have really been upset about missing, not for myself as some of the planned activities (cocktail making aside) would have been a mental and physical challenge - but I do of course feel for her and of course the wedding itself, although not till September, is still far from a done deal.  However, I expect we'll do something virtual over the weekend - not sure what yet.

Sorry for the long post, I always intend to be brief but never seem to stick to that. In my defence, I don't get much chance to chat these days......

Happy WOYWW. Stay home if you can, stay safe, stay well. xx

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...