Wednesday, 20 May 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #572 - The Anniversary Challenge!!

Well, here we are again on this special Wednesday which marks 11 years of the WOYWW bloghop. Pretty amazing huh? This was the idea of the lovely Julia who hosts over at The Stamping Ground - do go over to find out all about it and even join in if you wish.

We normally do an ATC swap, but this year Julia has challenged us to finish something we have been putting off - a UFO or WIP and do a little show and tell. Recent readers will know I have been battling with my WIP boxes - nearly finished number 2! - so this is a challenge dear to my heart.
So what have I got for you?

It's a WOYWW scrapbook for the ATCs I have received over the years.. I started it last year, around this time but it got set aside, mainly because I thought I had misplaced some of the ATCs. After re-visiting the project, and some prowling through old blog posts of my own and Julia's I realised that it wasn't that I had misplaced them, I was MIA for a huge chunk of time and didn't take part!! I don't really know the reason why, some of it I know was blogger and IT related but such a complete and comprehensive absence is a little baffling to me to say the least!

Anyhow, here are a couple of pages, you might recall some of these.

I have also included the 'crops' although my photos are pretty pants - if anyone has a good group photo for 2013, 2014 or 2015 (can't believe that was the last time I made it) do let me know.

Not the most creative thing I have done, but a very satisfying bit of wandering down Memory Lane. And whilst I can't entirely explain that long period of absence, I do know that this group represents the very best of internet friendships and that on any forays I have made back into the fold I have instantly been made to feel very welcome. The book isn't quite finished, I need to add some dates and doodles and a heading but there is space for another year or two......

Have a wonderful anniversary WOYWW, Stay well, stay safe.....

Cindy xx


Sarah Brennan said...

A very suitable UFO to work on for this week Cindy. I didn't make it to a crop until 2017 so can't help with the photos I'm afraid. You have a lovely collection of ATCs from over the years, even if you did miss some. Stay safe and happy 11th anniversary WOYWW. Sarah #15.

Diana Taylor said...

That's a lovely idea for the ATC's and so nice to go back and reminisce. I'm amazed how often a short break from blogging can suddenly turn into 3 or 4 months - it whizzes by so quickly doesn't it.
Have a great week,
Diana x #28

glitterandglue said...

Morning Cindy. Happy 11th anniversary. What a very precious way to celebrate this anniversary - all those memories you have of so many years. Afraid I can't help with the photos of the years you need - the first crop I went to was 2016. I do love the ribbons down the spiral binding - a great idea, and makes the book so special.
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #3

Christine said...

What a wonderful WIP!! I keep all my ATCs in a box but now . . . . thank you for the inspiration.
I think sometimes real life takes over, not our fault if we're MIA, so welcome back!!

Take care and stay safe
Happy Anniversary
Christine #31

Mariane said...

Hello, Cindy. What an amazing collection of TAGS - I have a few myself but never ever been able to give any away ;)
I haven't been around a long time myself, because life got itself in a way to my creativity. I love your desk for sure :)

Thank you so much for sharing!

Happy WOYWW Anniversary
Mariane #25

Twiglet said...

A lovely look back over your ATCs. Sun shining here today - I will be outside raising a glass to our fab WOYWWers! Happy Bloggyversary. xx Jo #23

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy 11th Bloggyversary Cindy! What a lovely UFO to pick up and finish, such a good idea to keep the ATCs together. I don't remember you missing for that length of time, how funny. But I can help with the Crop group pics for those years - it might be a day or so as we've got a new PC and G is immersed in the depths trying to put all the programs back on.
Hope you're keeping safe and well,
HUgs LLJ 4 xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, I was going to suggest Jan for your missing pics, but I see she's just said that, lol. I'm definitely going to have to do something similar to tore mine too, I was amazed at just how many ATC's I have.Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X

BJ said...

Super album for the ATCs over the years.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

That's a great way to display those ATC's Cindy, lovely all put together to share the love, i'd have never thought of grouping so many together.. Thanks for sharing & Happy 11th WoywW Anniversary Tracey #10

Helen said...

What a lovely idea; I always intend to do something with my atcs too but... maybe I should start now for the 12th anniversary!! I would have said it wasn't that long since you last attended a crop - sure it was more recently than that when you gave me a lift... but probably is, given how fast time flies! Happy 11th anniversary anyway, and take care. Helen #2

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Happy 11th Anniversary, Cindy. That's such a great idea, great project, and way to catch up, while reliving and remembering. Very relevant for this anniversary, too. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Cindy, I love that you created and album for them and that the dark pages really allow the art to shine. :) Happy Anniversary, ~Stacy #38

Neet said...

That's a lovely idea - keeping the woyww atc's all together in one place and having some photographs included. A nice piece of memorabilia to look back on. I like the fact that you have used a black journal to keep them all in, it sets the bright colours off perfectly.
Sorry I cannot help with the photographs, it took me a while to join in one of the crops because of distance and timing and. you and I have never met in person but I do feel I know you personally - all through the magic of woyjww. Great isn't it!
Happy Anniversary - Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, that was a great idea for the challenge. Thanks for all your kind comments and wishing you a very happy woyww 11th Anniversary. Big hugs, Angela x17x

Shoshi said...

I love the idea of doing the ATC album to celebrate our 11th WOYWW anniversary, Cindy - not just working on a UFO but full of memories and friendships through our WOYWW family! Great stuff. It must have been fun collating it and remembering the different events, mixing and matching the ATCs and photos. Great idea! It will make such a lovely keepsake.

Happy WOYWW 11th anniversary,
Shoshi x #20

sandra de said...

Hello Cindy and happy anniversary. Your ATC scrapbook is a perfect way to celebrate all these years of connecting via the web. Jan has compiled the best video of crops and I am sure she has all the photos. oops just read her comment. Have a great week and stay safe while you create the most beautiful projects.
Sandra de @16

Mrs.D said...

Happy 11th WOYWW anniversary Cindy, even if I m a day late.
What a mammoth task to make an album of the ATCs you have received over the eleven years, hopefully a never ending if we get back to some sort of new normal.
Thanks for sharing
Chris #8

Lillianb said...

What a lovely lot of ATC's you have with lots of memories, I have never made it to a crop but who knows,

Take care and have a good week,

Lilian B #21

Marit said...

Now that is probably the most fitting UFO project you can work on... I LOVE this scrapbook and all the ATC's, great job! Happy anniversary dear one, stay safe! Big hug from Holland. Marit #32

Caro said...

Happy belated WOYWW Anniversary! I have finished my marking so can now comment on blogs. What a fabulous UFO to work on... I love everything about it! Take care my friend and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#19)

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Happy belated 11th WOYWW, Cindy, isn't IT amazing!? 😊 and so grateful to have your friendship through it!
What a wonderful idea for your ATCs Cindy, sooo well done indeedy! Glad Jan is sorting you out with the photos too!
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X 7

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Julia Dunnit said...

Sorry I’m late! Had to smile Cindy, that you spent some time looking for missing ATCs...I would have done exactly the same! what does it ya though, that this WOYWW thing feels never ending or that it’s just fine to dip in and out when you can. Both probably, but hopefully in the main, the latter. I like to think at this age that I’m still amazingly erm, flexible! 😳 what a great idea to put the ATCs on black, it really shows them off nicely. Mine are in plastic sleeves for Pokemon cards or some such...not even in a file, rather rudely tied together with ribbon. But they’re right there in one place where I can see them, so I don’t consider that an unfinished! Have loved your series of UGO completions this year, I think you probably win on getting the most done!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...