Wednesday, 12 August 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #584

Heavens, It's Wednesday again. 
I've been AWOL again, I am definitely losing track of time, the plot, my mind..........

How is everyone? On the one hand I feel like I have been incredibly adventurous, I've been to visit friends, my family, I've been to a shop or two and even to the pub. But I've also sat around a lot in this heat wondering what I am doing with my life, what is happening in the world, what does the future hold, are we moving forwards or backwards and why after nearly 6 months of lockdown isn't the house sorted, all my crafting done and why haven't I managed to get fitter and 10 lbs lighter? I'd always thought I didn't get around to things because of lack of time. It appears there is a more deep seated reason than that......Don't get me wrong, I have got things done, the Christmas cards are pretty much made for this year, just a couple of special family ones to do but I got a bit sidetracked by outings and general laziness so will probably be out till the end of August. (I'm in no rush apparently). 
Here's a couple of designs. 

I am in two minds whether to even bother with other christmassy bits as jury is still out as to whether there will be any craft sales etc this year. Maybe I'll start on next year's cards.....

However, enough of my whinging, here is a cropped desk shot showing lots of tags:-

These are the result of an online workshop with Tracy Evans last weekend and it was such fun, it's really got my mojo going again. I dutifully got out all the stamps etc I thought would use prior to the class and had everything out tidily and ready for action. Half an hour in it was absolute chaos and went downhill from there. But def the most fun I've had in ages and I made some serious inroads into those NBUS as well as re-discovering stuff I haven't used in ages. (Apart from the skeleton leaves, never did find them).  It's Tuesday afternoon now and I am just about to start gluing the tags together to create a book. It will take a while. While my craft room is such a mess I thought I'd try another one, but it's soooo hot I am going at a snail's pace.......

DD went back to work today, and had to go to Camberley (which is well south of us in N London) rather than a direct trip in to paddington HO where she usually works. I feel for her as she has to take a bus and two trains and it adds at least an hour to her journey both ways even if everything actually matches up. To be fair, it was her choice to return, she could have stayed on furlough, but they asked her and she feels she needs to show willing as there will almost certainly be redundancies. What a week to have to go back to work as well!! At least one of the trains has a/c. She texted me to say she had taken a coffee and her make up to put on - then realised not very easy with a mask on!! Hopefully it won't be every day and she will be able to work from home at least 2 days a week. It also means our bubble is well and truly shattered now, and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. No more hugs for me. 

Finally, here's a recent commission. Hand coloured with pencils which is rare for me but I quite like how this turned out. I used double sided card stock for the mat which was a different blue each side. It was the last piece I had. 3 times I cut the letters out with the cardstock the wrong way round. The air was a bit blue that day as well. 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Have a good Wednesday. Stay home. stay well, stay safe.

Cindy x


Sarah Brennan said...

Love the array of cards Cindy and the tags are making me drool (you know me and tags). I love everything about them! Hope your daughter's journey to and from work isn't too fraught and that she can work from home sometimes too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

Helen said...

I hope your daughter copes ok with the journey to work (sounds a bit tortuous) but I definitely felt better going back to the office (still walking in if I don't get a lift, but have jumped on a bus home a couple of times) I was quite envious of people on furlough with all that time to do stuff - but I know I wouldn't have done any of it so was probably as well I was working throughout! I love that commissioned piece, even if you did turn the air blue. Take care and enjoy the partial freedom while you can! Helen #2

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It's interesting to see how lockdown has affected us - and made me realise that I don't have to fill every waking second and that's ok. I don't even feel guilty for reading all morning if I want to - I used to be very affected by wanting the make the most of every day as the years roll by but actually that's not good for us. Interesting to read that many children have enjoyed the lifting of stresses and pressures at school as well. I think your DD has done the right thing, esp if redundancies are in the offing. Rhys has just lost his job after being furloughed from the Uni library...sigh.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the weekend workshop, I love that orange you've used, so in your face and rather wonderful.
Hugs LLJ 1 xxx

Neet said...

Lovely card for your commission and lovely Christmas cards, especially the rocker ones, but the tags steal the show.
Glad you went with these colours, as did I, I just thought they were perfect for Autumn which is around the corner (probably thinking mine might be finished by then). Can say I am with you on giving up at one point - I got in such a lather towards the end I just packed up and set off for the caravan. Him chomping at the bit close by! Off home today and I will then get stuck in to finishing off my tags to take my mind off the Covid test on Saturday, really dreading that more than the operation.
Love all of your tags, you did a super job and I bet you love the technique with the leaves - I did!
Hugs, Neet 8 xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, Yep I've cut stuff out back to front too, on more than one occasion! Will be good for your daughter if she can do both, my eldest son is working from home editing programmes, and he'd really like to be going out to whoever has hired him, he says he misses the interaction with the people he works with normally. And agreed, not done anywhere near what I had expected to get done, even before I was poorly. Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #4 X

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I'm so crushing on your tags, Cindy! Must look up some of those workshops! Lovely personalised card too. I do feel sorry for your daughter - I was just telling my husband imagine if we had to go to work in this heat! I don't think I could - it involves an hour's brisk walk for me each way - I would be dead by the time I arrived - perhaps not on the way there but on the way back in the afternoon heat for sure. I've just put the washing out and had to take a cold shower to cool down. I expect the washing is dry already, but I can't bear the thought of going out again until the sun is going down. Hope it won't last long! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #19

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, those tags are amazing and I look forward to seeing the finishes book. Your daughter must have mixed feelings about going back to work and I hope it goes well for her. Wishing you a lovely week and a happy and creative woyww, Angela x16x

Mrs.D said...

Cindy, those tags are amazing, really love them.
Thanks for sharing
Chris #7

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous tags Cindy, love the colours. Your Christmas cards are great too. I think I would like to do one of those workshops, sounds great fun. Happy WOYWW Angela #23

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Your tags are fabulous Cindy they will make a fine book when put together, I miss out on lots of workshops not being a FB user. I can imagine the feeling about your DD and sadness about having to break the bubble, mine is living in Sweden and i'm looking at possibly Christmas when I may next see her if it doesn't get worse by then. Love the woodware Christmas card, I used that stamp a few years ago and it was loved by all that received.
Take care & don't beat yourself up on wondering why you haven't done all those jobs during lockdown our time has been spent doing our bit to keep our loved ones safe.
Take care & happy WoywW Tracey #3

Shoshi said...

You sound really busy, Cindy. I love those tags - what a fabulous colour scheme.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #18

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah Cindy, your first paragraph could have been written by many of us I’m sure. Except the Christmas card thing, i haven't even got that far yet!
Your daughter’s commute sounds horrid, I think I can get to Camberley from here more easily! I absolutely love your results fromTracys workshop, I can totally see why you had such a good time. I must say that if my stamps and my desk weren’t in two different places, I may well be tempted too, but the impracticality of running between rooms really puts me off! As for using the last shreds of a piece of card and cutting back to front..well how foolish. Not the sort of thing I’ve ever done. *choke*

Sue Jones said...

I know what you mean about not seeming to do much- i guess because we normally don't have time to do stuff , we have to prepare for it, such as decorating and big cleaning jobs.This time came out of the blue and our main concern was just keeping alive and safe. I soon realized that i can't do much with everyone in the house anyway. I still have lots to do on my tags - its been too hot but i hope to finish the book over the weekend. Sorry I am late . soojay#22

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your visit, Cindy, and I'm glad I raised a laugh as a lampshade! Somehow we've got to have some fun in all this chaos going on at the moment! I'm glad you liked my outfit this week, too. I am feeling pretty good at the moment and I'm sure I've got more energy than I used to have, although I still get days when I can't do anything, and I'm hopeless at getting going in the mornings. I'm really enjoying working on my "heirloom" needle books! It's a fun project.

I'm afraid that eating less isn't the answer to weight loss. It just slows down your metabolism as your body goes into starvation mode and tries to conserve what it has, and then you just gain it all again - and some! The secret is understanding calorie density - to lose weight, you need to eat loads of high fibre foods (plants - animals have no fibre at all) - these are not calorie dense but very nutrient dense, and fill you up so you don't crave the rubbish. They go through slowly, have low glycaemic index so no insulin spike, and also feed your gut microbiome - all things that promote weight loss. You eat as much as you want and the weight comes off - we are averaging a pound or two a week, with no effort at all! Also, you have to exercise a huge amount in order to burn off a very small amount. Exercise does not lead to weight loss, but of course taking exercise is good for other health reasons.

I do hope that you manage to get into your special dress! I think you've got some very interesting clothes - I'd love to see more!

Shoshi x #18

Susan Renshaw said...

Super Christmas card designs!
Love teh autumnal tags too...
Sorry I am late getting around.
Stay safe and keep well...
Susan #13

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...