Morning deskers!! Hope everyone is well and keeping safe. It's all a bit one step forward 2 steps backwards at the moment isn't it? I have of course been AWOL again - I missed one week because I forgot it was Wednesday (not knowing the day of the week is becoming a recurring theme) and last week I was away for a short break with the OH to Camber Sands. Lovely caravan, foul weather, wind and horizontal rain. Well it was a change of scene and we got to see the sea. (Thank goodness for Netflix) Was glad to get home really.
Not really been crafting much as when here I have been gardening or prepping for my 'virtual' coffee morning/fundraiser for Macmillan. The rule of 6 put paid to my normal plans so I have opted for a zoom with quiz on Saturday morning, a FB group card sale this w/e and a FB live 'craft with me' next Tuesday. I don't actually yet know how to do any of these things but I'm getting there. If anyone would like to join in let me know and I'll hook you up. (Now that I see our illustrious leader has bigged me up on her post, hopefully this is a direct link to my Macmillan page. To get joining info you'll need to check out my FB page as I only get a limited space for info on the macmillan one. Any problems just leave me a message, I'll sort it out.)
So the desk is empty. Instead I'll show you some pictures of my garden. Sadly my photography skills do not match Helen's. Does anyone know what this plant is? It's been a picture.
It's really time to start putting things to bed, but everything still looks pretty good.
There are still loads of Mexican sunflowers to come out (my fault I started them off rather late) and I'm really hoping they will make a show before the weather fails. Out of about 15 plants only this one has actually flowered although the others are full of bud. So frustrating!!
Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?
Stay well, stay safe,