Wednesday, 26 May 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - WOYWW #625

Well hello there deskers, I trust you have had a good week.

As you may recall, this weekend my son had the second part of his wedding celebrations so we were pretty busy - I have added photos to the post below for those that are interested. It was a lovely day, despite the wind and rain of the day before. (Note to Julia and Jan: I didn't wear my lovely new heels in the end - I thought they might be a bit much for the walk down to 'the dell' and I didn't want to risk ruining them in the rain. But I will wear them soon!!)

My desk has been pretty empty of crafting but not of lovely happy mail as I made several swaps for the WOYWW anniversary last week. Here they are, with special thanks to Neet, Zsusza, MaryAnne, Diana, Annie, Jan, Helen and Jo - I'm afraid I rather lost the plot toward the end of the week so if anyone was expecting an ATC from me do let me know. 

And on my ATC display thingy, (I don't keep it here but was easiest place for photo)

I have to confess I had forgotten that we did not trade last year - I had to go back to last year's post to be reminded that we were challenged to finish something - I was looking everywhere for those ATCs lol!! The challenge I chose for last year was to finish my WOYWW album, and this is where this year's ATCs will finally end up.

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Wedding Photos

Today's post is highly indulgent with lots of photos. My son has just got married, and because Covid played havoc with our plans, there were 2 ceremonies, a church service for immediate family and then a hand-tying ceremony again with immediate family, bridesmaids, groomsmen and partners.  I have totally lost track of which photos I have posted where so apologies for repeats. This is just a handful, we haven't even started with the professional ones yet. They had their own photographer at each event plus the venue threw in a photographer for the day as well. No idea how they will choose.

The Church -  15th May 

My son Ryan and his new wife Annabel

Parents and bridal couple

Annie & my daughter Chelsey, the bridesmaid

With the aunties!!

Kevin & me with his sister and BIL
Brother and sister

Chelsey and Shae

The beautiful bride

Pizza time!!

The Forest - 22nd May 

Photos set out on the walk to the 'dell'

Decorated beautifully

The skies cleared for us

Gorgeous bridesmaids

Maid of Honour

Father of the bride

Ready to say their declarations

They signed a copy of LOTR!!

The bouquets were gorgeous

Me with a well deserved glass of fizz

Bridesmaids and groomsmen

Me and my girl

My girl with her dad

The Siblings

We ended up outside

The cake - LOTR of course.

A very happy groom

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday WOYWW #624 - The 12th Anniversary

Happy Anniversary!! Cannot believe it is the 12th anniversary of WOYWW - how do you do it Julia? What a star you are, it really is quite something. Especially this last year where it has given some kind of structure to the endless weeks in lockdown. Even when other friends were distant and it was becoming harder to keep in touch because everyone was suffering from the apathy caused by lack of contact and new experiences, it was reassuring to know that crafters were rocking up every week to share a laugh, a word of praise or a measure of encouragement. Well done and thank you.

So here's my desk, all ready to send out, are my anniversary atc swaps and postcard. In this covid year I did consider doing something a bit thoughtful, choosing an Iris for hope, yellow for friendship and printing out the phrase 'friendship sustains hope'. In the end, I couldn't make it fit in a pleasing way so went for a random word but for what it's worth that's my thought process.

I can still take some additional swap requests so do feel free to ask. The 'ready' batch will go out today, any new requests will be posted Thursday/Friday. 

I didn't think about posting them early so they arrived in time for today - thank you Jan for my lovely ATC and card which I received  yesterday. Organised as always!!

I have really done nothing else this last week, as it has been mainly preparing/recovering from 'The Church Wedding'. The weather was not particularly kind to us but we were allowed to sit inside the Village Hall in the end (with the doors open) rather than a gazebo outside which would have been rather grim. The sun did come out for a short while to enable some photographs and I'll post a few more next week - we have another ceremony on Saturday so there will be more to choose from. That way you will only have to endure loads of photos once. If you can't wait there are a few on my FB page. Weather is looking pretty pants again for an outside event this weekend - I may be taking my wellies never mind the heels.

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #623

 Morning Deskers!! Yes the blog is all fine, seems some idiot was displaying in html code or something. Panic averted 😍

Anyhoo its all go here chez Ashplant with the church wedding only a few days away. Yikes! 

Are we ready? Of course we are (if you discount the finally-tried-on suit with moth holes, the last minute bridesmaid's dress alterations and the complete failure on the part of the father of the groom to book the transport......).

But you are here to see my desk. The only thing on it this week is the wedding card. I've gone for a fairly understated and modern design with a nod, rather than a full blown acknowledgement, to LOTR. 

I'm off this morning to get my second jab. What with the dentist yesterday and a nail appointment Thursday I feel giddy with all this activity. So, keeping it short this week because I'm sure you're busy and I know I am. Those sequins won't sew themselves.........

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx

Monday, 10 May 2021

Testing testing - what has blogger gone and done now?

My page looks incredibly weird so this is a test. and I'm adding a photo to see if that comes out OK.
I'm thinking that may not have worked so well but I'm gonna publish and d***** Ooh well maybe it's OK. You're welcome.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

What's On Your Workdesk, Wednesday#622

Apologies, I was AWOL last week. A combination of power cuts, cold weather, boiler failure and its urgent replacement left me in a very grumpy mood and with all the disruption and being behind with wedding prep I didn't link up last week. We now have a lovely new boiler that doesn't keep going out (it doesn't fit the kitchen cupboard where the old one was of course, but I'm hoping that is resolvable. I am already getting used to it sticking out the bottom of the cupboard however). 

Out Out - first time in ?????
There is zero crafting going on so I won't even show my empty desk. It is all about the wedding at the mo. We have now had two 'hen' do's - obviously numbers are restricted. First one was hosted by the Maid of Honour (who, because of Covid, cannot now attend the church service) for the bridesmaids (ditto) and I only went because there was a space as one was poorly. We went 'out out' to a local restaurant for bottomless cocktails and lunch and then back to her place for more cocktails, cake etc. We had a fun day but despite it being nice and sunny we were in the shade all day and it was so so so cold!! Everyone made an effort to dress up but as we all ended up with overcoats and blankets we might as well have come in our PJs. 

Here we are perfecting our shaker action.

This Bank Holiday Monday it was my turn to host an afternoon tea for the two extended bubbles on my side of the family and particularly to include 'grandma' who won't be attending the wedding. I was dismayed to see a forecast for 40mph winds at 3pm so we started early. With the gazebo attached to the verandah we managed to keep reasonably sheltered and warmish and lasted till around 4 when there was really serious danger of the gazebo taking flight and/or hypothermia taking hold.  A few  more photos of people you don't know follow here so you can skip these if you want.

My daughter Chelsey and my youngest sister Julie

The beautiful bride to be

Yes, that's me on the left

This picture of mum as Supergran cracked us all up. 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

Thanks for visiting, stay safe, stay well, love n hugs, Cindy xx

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...