Wednesday, 30 November 2022

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #704

Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Morning deskers, how these weeks are flying!! Had a kind of bitty week with no big crafting sessions so here's my desk showing what I've been up to. Yes, I am still making Christmas cards.

I find that my husband (and indeed all of the males in my life who I send a Christmas card to) don't really give a diddly about any of it. So I decided to dash off a few very simple cards with these snarky Christmas cats and sentiments which definitely make me snigger. I think they should go down better than a santa or a snowflake. They've been easy to do in just a few spare minutes here and there and I've largely just used items I can reach without rummaging, some of my millions of gelli prints and things that have been languishing on my creative periphery for a while. I do need to get on and finish though so that is my plan for today. I was very organised with my overseas addressing and they are all well on their way but I haven't done so well with the UK ones but hope to make a start with just a few today. 

It's my birthday week this week so I started  off with a trip into town yesterday for lunch and a mooch round the V&A with an old friend. Today is WOYWW of course and popping out for a change of nail colour, tomorrow I am out for afternoon tea with a French twist, and on Friday I have planned a massage, coffee (or possibly prosecco) with a friend and then out for a nice steak meal in the evening with the immediate family. Saturday I think I will pop into the christmas fair at my local church and later a meal out with friends we haven't seen in an age. Sunday into town again to see a 'Heathers' matinee with my sisters, DD and DIL then home for a few drinks and a chinese takeaway. The observant among you will notice that the plans allow for very little need to cook for the next few days. Of course after that the Christmas festivities will start to kick in and December is shaping up to be quite a social month. Will  really have to get back on track with the walking or I will be the size of a house by January.

Saw a physio yesterday who decided I did not have a frozen shoulder but a subscapularis (?) injury which is a relief as hopefully with a bit of work I can resolve that relatively quickly. Apparently a frozen shoulder is much more painful so I wouldn't wish that on any one!! 

Whatever you are up to this week have a good one - See you in December!!

Stay well, love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #703

Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Well there I was last week, once again bemoaning my internet woes, but managing to visit everyone who linked up before I went off to lunch feeling a little proud of myself for once. Came back, internet was down, eventually checked via my phone, we had an official outage, not just flakiness and that was that, no more internet till Thursday evening!! So apols to those on the end of the list for not getting there!!

Anyhoo, here's my desk this morning, pretty devoid of crafting as I tidied up after my crafty friend came to visit yesterday. 

Goodness it looks like the home of some crazy hoarder person!! (Busted).

I have taken the clear desk as an opportunity to search for something in my artbins. I keep my dies in these on magnetic sheets - I have 8 of these and could do with a couple more as they are all stuffed, but I don't have anywhere to put any more.

Needless to say I haven't found it.

We made these cards (well she stuck flowers I had previously stamped and cut out onto a bg I had previously made). 

They turned out pretty well.

Earlier this week I decided that we would make this Diamond Faceted side easel card at my next craft club - I will leave it to them to decide how to finish it off!!

I had seen a utube by Sam Calcott and also watched one she referenced by Iced Images. The cards are quite easy, but you need to come up with a way to cover the acetate where it is attached. I didn't like the suggestions for making two triangles into a single piece (can't think how else to describe that) as there are a few measurements that I knew I would not have the patience to explain so I experimented with alternatives. 

My try outs included a punched square, a heart, and a frame. So I have cut the pieces for a frame but if they would rather do the other ways that will be fine. Which solution do you prefer? 


Square with tiny snowflakes


Frozen shoulder still giving me gyp and I am so fed up with rain and wearing so many layers of clothing!! 

Fingers crossed I can get a day on the internet today!
Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindyxx

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #702

Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Hi there Deskers!! Sorry I was AWOL last week, was out on Weds and then knew I would be away Fri-Mon so decided to skip as I wouldn't have been able to catch up. Hoping I have time this week, unfortunately this heavy rain always messes up our internet (no idea why) and 'children' are working from home. Aaaargh, we nearly had fisticuffs over bandwidth this morning in addition to the flakiness caused by the rain. I find it best for all our sakes to just switch my pc off and hide onthese occasions.

So writing this v late Tuesday afternoon, struggling a bit with my frozen shoulder today and not feeling like doing much but here's my desk.

I'm sorting out my Christmas cards to send before I make any more. Goodness there are a lot to choose from - the box behind is half full as well). 

Have particularly enjoyed playing with this Sweet Poppy bauble stencil - finally got my hands on it this year and it's a real winner and I've used this one layer design for my overseas cards this year. 

So what have you all been up to? Visiting in laws - which was very enjoyable - has taken up most of my week, but I shall be busy after Wednesday prepping for my craft club. No idea what to do for that this month, but hopefully I will have it sorted by the time I see you next week!!

Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindyxx

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #700

Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Wow, week no 700, that's a big number. Let's face it, this desking business has been going on a very long time now!! So pleased to have you all in my life, even if we are all dipping in and out, long may we continue.

So, to catch you up with this week. Well, the class on Friday didn't go that well even though there were only a few of us. The building has been refurnished since I was last there and the new tables were a great size, there was plenty of space, the light was amazing and they opened the back door for us to get a nice breeze as it was very warm. But somehow I wasn't quite on my game, or maybe it was just everyone was uber chatty as we hadn't met for a while. Anyhoo, we had reindeers with no antlers, heads that wouldn't wobble and I forgot to take the silhouette stamps with me so we couldn't do the second card. Doh. I really needed a coffee by the time we had 'finished'. Afterwards I realised that this was supposed to be a social group and the cards were secondary. So, if they were being social we were in fact meeting my original agenda and I should just not worry about whether they got the card completed or not. Must try and remember that!!

Back in my craft room I have been facing up to the 'Christmas' paper scrap mountain which must be resolved. After watching a few Youtube videos (hit the mother load with Septeria 18, tons of ideas for paper scraps) I ended up with these: -

I have now made them into these supercute little bow embellishments.

Here is my desk this morning. I had to tidy a little before the photo it was just a sea of paper and die cuts. 

I found that stamp in the centre whilst rummaging, kind of sums up where I am right now.

I'm now making up these layered  embellishment clusters. After much playing around with my punches and dies I have found a formula I like so will be quite quick to put these together now. Septeria 18 of course says just plonk anything together it'll look great. But I am not very good at random, although  I think that says more about my choice of paper pads than my artistic ability.

No idea what I am going to do with them all (suggestions gratefully received) but they are fun and quite relaxing to make. Unfortunately, cute as these and the bow clusters are, I am replacing one problem (too many scraps) with another (where the heck am I gonna keep these?).

First world problems. Have a great week everyone. Love n hugs Cindy xx

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...