Wednesday, 28 June 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #734

Well hello there deskers, and this week I have the correct number in my heading, don't know where last week's came from!

Pleased to report that the hubster came up trumps and as of last night I my pc stuff is fully recovered and workable. In the end we bought an extremely cheap  refurbished 'box' - the correct word eludes me! - plus some ancient software and he finally got it all re-loaded. So far so good. I am still going to buy a new pc but this gives me a breathing space. I really did hate not having access to my files, I felt quite bereft this last week!! nyhoo, because hubby has been fretting in my workspace all week not a lot has got done so there's not much to show you.

This is the sample for this week's class. Not the most inspired but I'm amazed I achieved anything with the heat last week.

Enabled by the lovely Julia I succumbed to the allure of TEMU. Came pretty fast but boy that advertising is aggressive it never stops. Need to change a setting somewhere I think.

I know, I know, I'm not supposed to be buying anything. But such bargains. They look fine though I haven't tried the quality of the stamps yet. I obviously had steampunk in my head that week, who doesn't like a fairy, and I had mushrooms on my mind. The door? No idea what I was thinking I would do with that. The ballerina stuff was just pretty.  I also bought a T shirt and a dress I didn't have much hope for. Both are lovely and fit fine so overall pretty happy.

Anyhoo that's all I have to show this week. Now we are out of ridiculous heat I might get something done but one day without a blue sky and I'm already feeling glum. Have a good week.
Love n hugs
Cindy xx

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #723

 Morning desires. Like Julia there has been a lack of crafting activity on my desk as I continue with my sorting - yesterday I went through my stamps and labelled all the baskets. Some are stored by designer, some by category but at least I know have half a chance of finding something.

My desk will hopefully see a little action today. I am prepping a male card with cars for my craft group. Here you can see it set up high, I thought we would stamp a background using versamark. Haven’t got any further than that! 

If you look across at the other desk you will see I am using my iPad once again. My beloved but ancient pc is in pieces as it refused to load up at the end of last week. A rescue operation is in hand but I am not optimistic. My biggest worry is that I won’t be able to get back my address list (hubby assures me he can get to my photos) which, for reasons best known to my younger self, is stored as an Excel spreadsheet. Losing my graphics programme and associated digital files would be a pain in the proverbial but not terribly awful. Hey ho. It is what it is. 

I have already exhausted my patience with this iPad so that’s it from me. 

Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindyxx 

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #732

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Well once again I am apologizing for being absent. My little holiday with my sister was the first time in years I had absented myself from my housekeeping job for a whole week and left the home in the charge of the other three resident adults, I really should have known better. The horror, the horror. I also came back to a full-ish week of socialising so it was the weekend before things were anything back to normal. And of course all I want to do really is sit in the garden with a good book. 

So crafting and sorting has been on the back burner. I haven't even unpacked my craft bag from my holiday yet. Here's my desk.

Thank you Neet for the lovely anniversary ATC and coin. It arrived a few days ago but I have only just got in here this week so I apologise for not dropping you a pm. Again. 

I am now at the really starting to de-stash stage - everything is in my new craft room, but there is no room to breathe and there is a lot of stuff that I don't really use. Especially scrap book paper and bits. If anyone wants anything do let me know.  That box above Neet's ATC is full of such  'bits' just looking for a home. The Graphic45 paper collection would have funded another short break and that is a fraction of what I have here.

I will get round to everyone this week but Lionel is coming to visit today so for later posting peeps it may not be till tomorrow. 

Have a lovely week don't forget the sun cream, love n hugs, 


WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...