Wednesday, 27 September 2023

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday #747

Morning all! Here's my  desk this morning.

I amfrantically getting stuff ready for 'Apple Day' at our local farm next Saturday which includes craft stalls as well as more wildlife based stuff (the beavers are coming!!). TBH I don't do many craft fairs these days but hubby has a connection to the farm through volunteering and it's a nice crowd and usually busy so I'm happy to show up but don't have much in the way of stock!!

The lantern cards were made a looong time ago but I was never happy that they didn't really stand  up and it's not really very practical to hang a birthday card. But I have applied my brain (it was a good day yesterday) and come up with an interlocking acetate support for the centre. So gonna jazz these up a bit and take them with me.

Had a lovely holiday but came home needing another break and straight in to a Craft club meeting last Friday. These are my samples of the card we made, (lattice card) very simple to do but effective. 

The holiday was essentially The Lionel Show and I have to say he was an absolute angel but thank goodness there were 5 of us in his entourage!! He cultivated his talent for raspberry blowing whilst we were away - could keep it  up for an hour. Wondering if he has a future playing a wind instrument Jan? There were nearly 500 photos taken (not by me) and 90% of them were of Lionel. 

So  here are a few for you. 

(It's all baby photos from here on in. If not interested scroll on by.) 

Love n hugs Cindyxx 

Turns out he's quite a water baby despite the serious face

Good job the floors are all wipeable
Out on the razz with grandad
Just chilling in the bar

DD sent this one the morning after we got home. Little terror has discovered how to pull himself up in his cot. 

Oh Lord. 

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #745

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Complete disclosure: I'm gonna be out and about today so will visit Thursday. I wasn't going to link up at all this week until I realised I will be travelling for the next two Wednesdays as I go to and return from our meagre 1 week holiday in Spain. (Can you tell I'm regretting not booking our usual 10 day break?) so you won't see me for a while. I'm also very late posting as I culdn't get in to my blog. Aaargh.

So here's this week's desk - for once I didn't tidy Tuesday afternoon, it was too hot in here. I sat in the garden. Bliss.

The front is my uppy downy desk which I have at standing height for the mo. The main thing on it is a commission from one of my most demanding clients. She tends to micromanage every stage and gets genuinely excited when I make her a bespoke card. The trouble with personalising things is some people don't know when to stop, and her taste for bling far, far exceeds mine. She is lovely though so I  grit my teeth and if I'm not in the mood for constant tweaks send her the finished design when it's too late to change it. The two big white boxes to either side are my coloured and patterned 'scraps' boxes. I've made a bit of a dent doing all those clusters but its still a lot. I have made a bunch of cards with them as I desperately need stock for Macmillan and a fair at the end of September - will post them at some point.

My other desk at the back is a testament to how not to have space to work. This is what happens when I just keep getting things out and not putting them away in case I might need them in a minute. There is probably a project under all that mess.

For now, as I won't  be here for a couple of weeks, here's Little Lionel having a stab at some baby rice. For some reason the hair  was particularly crazy that day. Will a whole week on holiday with him 24/7 dampen my obsession? Doubt it. 

Have a good week, see you in a couple,

Love n hugs Cindy xx

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...