Tuesday, 15 December 2009

And the winner is........

no 3. That's Georgina, georgy girl or GG as we are both known lol. Will get it in the post asap Georgy.

I have been really busy this week (not sure doing what though) and I apologise for not getting around the blogs - I just haven't had time during the day, and in the evening I find that even though we have a super dooper allegedly ultra fast connection, when my son is also playing his games on line my pc just slows to snail's pace ... or maybe I just need a new pc lol. Do you think Santa might be listening? I also have thanks to post for some interesting looking christmas packages that have come through...... will try to get a message to everyone concerned this week.

Right, off to chase son out of the house to take his mock exam.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Oh Christmas tree....

me again, quickly saying hi. I checked out the challengw at Tuesday Taggers and see it is to use a christmas tree image - ironic really, as I am so behind I did a production line type thing with a tree card/ornament which I am sending out this year, but forgot to photograph it/them. However, in the spirit of participation I made a quick card with this clarity stamp from a couple of years ago which I love.

Simple, but effective.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

December giveaway time.......

is here at last. It's been a busy week for me as it was my birthday and I had arranged plenty of days out and dinners (managing not to cook for a week lol) so I am now extremely fat and exhausted. A lovely end to the week was a visit to the Christmas Fair in Lincoln (beautiful cathedral) a long but enjoyable day with some girlfriends.

I was also overwhelmed by the gorgeous cards and artwork I received from my amazing internet buddies, I will try and post some photos so you can all share but you know who you are and I thank you all very very much!! The talent, kindness and generosity of my fellow crafters never ceases to amaze me.

Now, for the giveaway.....

This wasn't at all what I intended to do, but you may remember that a couple of weeks ago I joined in a fabric image transfer swap on Artful Ideas. This one came out very well, but she called to me to do something more than just an ATC, and she also seemed perfect to fit in a gothic arch - so here it is. Maybe not a very jolly item for a Christmas giveaway but I think she looks very peaceful and she is holding a cross so there is a tenuous seasonal connection!

For the outside of the arch I tried out Carol's 'faux metal' technique which she described on her blog recently. I was working with quite a limited surface area and didn't use quite the same materials but like the effect created. Thanks Carol!

The image itself has been padded and the little dangly bits are made from airdried clay covered in paint and embossing powders.

As it is Christmas, the lucky winner will also get a little goody bag and in order to try and get it in the post before Christmas (I am very bad at getting to the Post Office) the draw for this will be Monday 14th December at 8.00 pm. Bit late for an overseas winner I know but please don't let that put you off. You know the drill, leave a comment on this post to take part.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

B is for.......

BALLERINA. Yes I have just finished another page for my ABC art Journal/Altered Book. Am I allowed to say I am very very pleased with this one? Because I was so intrigued with the Lynn Perella 'painterly' technique I was challenged to use on the altered jigsaw swap, I decided to have a go with this journal page. I thought I would keep it pretty simple and have just repeated the same gorgeous image (from Itkupilly!!) with layers of acrylic, a bit of crayon, gel medium, gesso....

The thing is, I am basically a very simple soul at heart, and when I started off I had a lovely turquoisy blue painted page, which I stamped over in grey versamark to knock the colour back a bit and add a bit of texture. Then I placed the ballerinas etc and was actually quite happy with that - it was pretty!! Took me a week to start adding layers over the top. I am not sure what it is about my psyche but I am always reluctant to trash (OK alter) a lovely image. It seems kind of presumptious, an assertion that what you do with it might be better. Or maybe just different? I have to talk about this kind of stuff to those of you out in the ether as someone might understand what I mean, nobody here does lol. The point I am trying to make is that I find it very, very hard to do - but I'm glad I did, it's kind of liberating. There was a point about halfway through when I hated it, but after a while it all becomes rather interesting.......

Have I bored you enough now? The only bit I am not entirely happy with is the lettering, I was going for a kind of printing block style but didn't really think that one through, limited by the things I've got to use.....and it probably isn't really radical enough for a true Lynn Perella style. Still the nice thing about these pages is that I can always go back and add another layer (or two!!) if inspiration strikes. But for now, this will do.
The next letter is Z. Now whatever will I do for that?......

Sunday, 29 November 2009


Oh dear, think I am losing the plot, completely forgot to do the giveaway!! Anyhow, the random generator thingy picked no 2, which is Belinda so my little smiley tin will be wending it's way to Tasmania i the next few days. Now, how to wrap THIS up?

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Back to vintage....

for this week's swap at Artful Ideas. The challenge was set by Maureen and was to create an ATC using an image transfer onto fabric, the theme was vintage ladies. Well, how could I resist.

I had intended to try out a new technique but in the end stayed with my usual - inkjet printer image, acrylic gel medium, water, forefinger and patience. I made a few whilst I was at it (moving from one to another stops me going too far and ruining them) but realised after some of the images were too big for atcs they will keep for another project. Did a bit of stitching but am a bit limited because my bobbin winder is broken and just can't be bothered to do it by hand and white thread is all I've got!! One of the images I used was from last Friday's ACF challenge, so will be able to post an entry on there too which I haven't managed for a long time.

Monday, 23 November 2009

More puzzles......

Phew, feel pretty good today as I finished the rest of the pieces for the puzzle swap. I really didn't want that hanging over to the end of the month as I know time is going to speed up in the rush towards Christmas very, very soon!!

This first pair had a theme of 'funky fish'. The fish on the left have been made using angelina fibres. Kinda worked, my fish stamp isn't the best for that technique, but gave me some nice shiny fish and I couldn't resist adding the googly eyes!! I did a very rough coating of embossing powder over both of them to give a watery effect.

The next theme was sparkly numbers. So, used all sorts of paints, holographic embossing powders and lots of gold and bling - hope they are OK!! We have 'Perfect 10' and '42', my favourite number.

The final theme for this swap was 'painterly, lots of layers, Lyn Perella style'. I have a book by Lynn Perella but still had to do a bit of research to try and pin down the style - I'm not sure I've got it quite right but I actually like the end result. I found it quite hard to do at this size, might try this 'style' out with a larger piece, can't really do much dripping and paint flinging on a puzzle piece.

AND FINALLY..... managed to doanother page for my art journal - Summer for the letter S. Had a real problem with this as I started the page and did some textural technique with gesso some weeks ago, and couldn't remember what exactly I had intended to do. However we got there in the end, not a bad piece but I feel this would have been better as a single page with everything closer together. Still, gave me the opportunity to practice my writing and... in the ever ongoing search for the perfect black marker.... I used a CD writer on this one. Worked really well, even my sharpies tend to give up after a couple of words over my layers of paint and inks. Not the finest tip in the world though but still pretty good, I shall have to look out for another one.

Bye for now!!

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Today I have been mostly making Zetti.....

Before my little op I signed up for an altered puzzle piece swap and now I can see a lot better better I thought I'd crack on with them. In all there are 12 pieces to alter - 6 of them in zetti style - what was I thinking lol?

I love the look of Zetti, but it takes me well out of my comfort zone. I am never exactly sure what I am doing, but comfort myself with the fact that probably nobody else really does either as it kind of defies description. As I haven't done much real art for weeks (I have been sticking and gluing christmas cards but I don't think that really counts) I did a warm up exercise just filling in a piece of paper with text and colour. I used part of it as a background to the piece on the left. It's a bit busy, but I think it works.

In contrast this second pair have fairly plain backgrounds - couldn't decide if I should doodle a bit on the 'be yourself' one, but I'm not really a very confident doodler so decided aginst it as I didn't want to end up doing it again.

This third set was themed as zetti birds - again, bottled it a bit on the backgrounds but I quite like them. Hopefully all the other pieces will be a riot and these fairly staid ones will balance it out!! In any event, it's great to be getting messy again and for my new craft room to actually look like it's being used. It has been so tidy the last couple of weeks I thought that the extra space was turning me into a tidy crafter - well, that didn't last lol!!

The remaining 6 for this swap are not quite finished - may post them tomorrow if they get done today. So I'm back folks, sorry for the break in communication, and hope to get around to blog hopping again very soon.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

November giveaway - SMILE!!

Had a little bit of a fright last week (nothing to do with Halloween!!) as I had to have emergency laser treatment for a retinal tear. Consequently, with one thing and another, have not really been in the mood for art or to finish what I had planned for this month. However I don't want to let the giveaways lapse so I am uploading an older piece, an altered tuna tin.

So you know the drill, leave a comment on this post if you want to take part. I will do the draw on 26th November at 8.00pm.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Just a quick post.....

on this wet and miserable Sunday morning. Sounds like a good excuse for staying in my craft room to me.

Anyhoo, just needed to post my entry for Tuesday Taggers, which this week asked us to use bursts of colour on our work. This ATC was quite simple to make, I just painted a cream card with the brightest colours in my box and after they had dried found a couple of 'starburst' type stamps (I think one is supposed to be a snowflake!) and clear heat embossed them over the coloured background. Covered with black paint and when dry removed the embossed bits with an iron to reveal the colours.I also distressed the rest of the black a bit with an emery board to reduce the constrast which was very stark. I have to admit my first attempt did not work that well, but it is a very quick and easy technique - the only thing that takes time is the drying!!

There is also sponsorship this week from the Craft Barn with a prize so join in, there's still time.

Wow, that rain is really driving against the windows, think I'm staying put lol.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

and F is for Fairies...

in a rather more fanciful mood this week (it'll never last), this first little fairy is my entry to this week's ACF background challenge. I do like challenges, whatever the format, but find my time is getting so restricted I can only do a few and I refuse to agonise over them - if I can't conjure up an immediate response or see an opportunity to try out a technique I have to pass. But this week's background was very pretty and this little guy was cut out on my desk so - voila lol.

I have to say, I was quite overwhelmed with the response to my first journal page - you guys say such nice encouraging things, I love and thank you all!! But keep it coming, I need all the encouragement I can get - lol. This second page started out as a single page but then I decided to extend it - I do have a bit of a thing about two adjacent pages 'matching' in some way visually, it's why I can only ever do scrapbooking in double page spreads. Just another of my strange little foibles. But I digress,... well, there are elements of this page that I really like and some I really don't but it's all part of the learning curve. Overall it has the atmosphere I was aiming for but I really screwed up the little fairy and my attempts to rescue it made it worse (IMO). What I really did like though was the effect I got by adding a layer of clear acrylic gel medium over the top - something about the way the whole thing has reacted the page has a real heavy duty almost leathery feel to it - brilliant for handling which I hope it will be. One day. Two years from now. Right, next letter is S..... off we go

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

At last, a journal journey begins...

I have been threatening for some time to try out an art journal and have finally taken the plunge. For inspiration I am following Trish Bee's Alphabet Discovery Workshop although the group has now been running for a while. Just to make it as challenging as possible (!) I am using an altered book which is another project I have had on my to do list and old books are certainly something I can get my hands on pretty easily!!

So I spent some time randomly doing things to the book, removing pages, adding pull outs, creating niches, layers and pockets, in fact generally getting pretty handy with a craft knife. The workshop is going through the letters in a random order, which is kinda cool, because it means the finished book (because I will be having them in normal alphabetical order) should be quite random as well. The first letter is N, so after all the prep the time comes to actually put colour to the page and ..........

I am struck the artistic equivalent of dumb. Two days of staring blankly at the empty page and wondering if I really can do this. Things weren't helped by a crappy home and work week and I tell you this, not to elicit sympathy, but to explain my final choice of theme for the first page.

So, 'Nil desperandum' it became, and well, nothing is ever as bad as it seems is it? Even though this is just the first page in this book I have already become aware of a few technical difficulties of working in an altered book

- it is hard to stamp!! especially if you've cut holes in it everywhere, but have resolved that one.

- the paper in this book is very porous. Will prep better in future.
- distress inks and colour washes are very difficult to heat set!!! Didn't really think that one through lol. This is important if you want to add layers of colour without ending up with just mud. Or even use a white gel pen lol.

I could go on, but it's just one page. I did think I might write something on it (journal, get it?) along the lines of 'because you can't always see the way ahead', but didn't want to risk messing the whole thing up. Might do it later when I feel a bit more confident. Having got started, I have also nearly finished the next page but am not sure if I'm happy with it yet. It might need a little more work.

That's all for now!

Sunday, 25 October 2009


Genie!! You have won my halloween themed giveaway. Goodness knows when you'll get it with the post the way it is but I am getting to the PO tomorrow come hell or high water!! Have to say have had no problems here so far.

Thanks everyone for taking part, there will be another upload around the 9th November but at the moment I am dithering a bit about what to use..... oh well, you'll have to stay in suspenders until then.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

October giveaway.......is here!!

It's been a busy month, lots of trips away from home, plus extra hours at the library, a garden to plant, decks to scrub, a wedding to go to (aargh, just remembered - no card!!!!!!) ..... will be quite glad to get to the end of October when it should be a bit quieter!!

So, hadn't had any inspiration for a little something to do for this month until I went to a craft meet in Horsham last week. A lovely exploding box was demo'd by my friend Joan (under the watchful eye of the wonderful Trudy lol) and it gave me an idea for something a bit different.

Here it is 'unexploded'.

Now Joan's original was wonderfully elegant, but I had half an idea that I should do something Halloweeney (original I know). However, I'm not a great fan of all things creepy and I don't have much relevant stuff in my stash - but did find a few good images that must have been donated as 'goodies' with a trade at some stage (thanks whoever it was!!), managed to scrape up a cobweb stamp and a bat's wings stamp and I was off. Joan's original has a decorative central feature inside the open box, with grasses, pretty miniature flowers and butterflies - mine has a slightly more macabre looking fire complete with witches cauldron. Here it is opened up:

So this is the giveaway for October, and so that it has a chance to get to the poor recipient before Halloween(post strikes permitting), the giveaway will close on Sunday 25th at 8.00 pm. If you want to be included in the draw then leave a message to that effect on this post before then - as usual will try to pop round to see anyone who visits but apologies if I don't make it!!


Friday, 9 October 2009

The Colours of Autumn....

are around us this week as the summer draws to a close. It is also the them for Tuesday Taggers this week.

I am off for a craft meet in Horsham tomorrow, and we have the option to take something crafty to exchange with another crafter. Having had the usual blank mind syndrome, I suddenly decided that I wanted to try and paint another little 'Kelly Rae Roberts' figure and use an old frame I had. My intention was to do a kind of shadow box effect sans glass, but when it came to deconstructing the frame I could not remove the glass without breaking it so it had to stay. Here is the result.

I decided to use a piece of waste from a bit of resist embossing for the lady's skirt - it had been in my spray box and had nice autumnal colours, which is why I thought it could do for my TT entry this week. The leaves were stamped and cut out from another bit of paper in the box (!) and the seed bits were liberated from a bowl of pot pourri. My OH says its a bit twee, but what does he know!!

Here it is in the box frame (I wonder if I should have painted it black? mmm too late now):-

This is something else I am taking with me...

Can you tell what it is? Well these are the RAKS I have made for the meet, to have a look go here.

Well all I have to do now is sort out something crafty with me to do tomorrow. At the moment I don't have the first idea. I suppose there's always christmas cards....

Thursday, 1 October 2009

And the winner is.........

Sussie a fellow crafter from Sweden. Hi Susan!! Looks like it was first time lucky for you after all, I hope that you enjoy your 'prize'. I have your addy so will pop it in the post for you some time this week.

Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing. I hope to be spending a few happy hours in my little craft room today. Thanks for taking part in my giveaway - October's will be uploaded around the 11th October so keep a look out!!

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

A good days work......

Went to Ally Pally on Sunday and got lots of new goodies but haven't had time to play till today!! Spent all day Monday doing the dreaded HW and also scrubbing my deck so that it can be treated ready for the winter - so today I was completed exhausted and ready for a quiet day in my craft room, but rather than start anything new, I opted to finish off some bits that were lying around my craft room.

First of all I used some nice new ribbons I got at AP to finish off this ribbon doll for the GAS MAMMA challenge. I really like the way she's turned out. Her wings are made from a paisley stamp I have never used before and to get the 'set' I needed to try out reverse or double stamping ie to get both wings I needed to stamp it in both directions. After several false starts, I finally got it to work by stamping with versafine on to a piece of ordinary plastic wrapping (like a card bag) and then quickly sticking a piece of card on top. You need the image to be quite wet, but not so wet it will smudge. I have to say, despite trying out all sorts I am rapidly coming to the opinion that versafine are the best ink pads - they are always so juicy. The one I used I have been stamping with for well over a year, it was the first pad I ever bought and still going strong.

I had started the backgrounds on a couple of tags at a distress workshop the other week and thought I would finish them off. After checking in at Tuesday Taggers, I saw this weeks challenge was trees so added an image from a Crafty Individuals stamp, plus some text. The text was a new purchase (don't ask, I will not divulge how many new stamps I bought at AP) and is a Clarity stamp, I was really impressed with how nice an impression it made on a difficult surface. This weeks challenge is sponsored by the Craft Barn, so you could win goodies if you take part!!!

I just found a nice image to go on the second one, with a grungeboard heart. I thought the little word stamp said 'Bella' but in fact it says Belle, but fortunately I think it still works lol!!

Quick reminder that you have another day to join in for this month's giveaway (see side bar for link) - I have to work tomorrow until the evening so may not make the draw until late.....

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Sepia challenge

These two ATCs are my entry to this week's challenge at Tuesday Taggers which is 'Sepia'. I had two little practice pieces painted with crackle paints which I stamped with two images using staz-on - they came out suitably 'distressed' and since I finished it a bit more of the crackle has fallen off but I was aiming for that kind of look..... well that's my excuse. The challenge this week is sponsored by The Stampman There are £15 worth of vouchers up for grabs and there are some lovely entries from the design team, including a fantastic mini suitcase with a travel book inside. Do have a look.

I made these tags today for a challenge on the Docrafts forum. They are loosely based on an article in this month's craft stamper and were really fun and quick to do (well, if you ignore the inevitable fight to set my ancient sewing machine up). Basically I just found a load of scraps and put them randomly on some iron on interfacing, ironed them on (!) and then sort of crazy stitched with the machine all over it. The main image was stamped on to tissue paper (although fabric would have been nice too) and then attched by stitching. I then used a needle & thread (my mother would be proud) to do a little bit of hand stitched beading and attach some embellies before mounting on another piece of black card (well the back was a bit of a mess). Voila!! I have left the sewing machine out in case I get the urge to make some more...

Sunday, 20 September 2009

I must be in heaven.......

cos I'm surrounded by angels. No, it's just the September ATC swap theme for the scrappindippity group on FLICKR. 7 ATCs on an angel theme.

This week I gave up waiting for the library service to find me a copy of Kelly Rae Roberts 'Taking Flight' and bought my own copy. As you can see I dove straight in and here is my first attempt at one of the winsome little ladies which are her trademark style. Didn't feel brave enough to do the eyes so they are closed but pretty pleased with this one. There will be more!!

I have been wanting to use this image in my artwork for a long time - it is a photograph taken by my daughter for her graphics course and I think it is pretty cool. I was saving this for my little 4 x 4 angel book (which is still a WIP) but couldn't resist using it for this swap. But there's no rule I can't use it again!!
If you would like to see all 7 ATCs for this swap then click here.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

September giveaway is HERE......

Just a simple hanger this month, with a garden theme. I've spent a lot of time time in my garden this year which has been fantastic. And the butterflies!! There have been days when fluttering clouds of them just filled the garden. The parakeets are also getting bolder, have seen them quite close up this year, and we have about thirty little frogs in our pond!! Mind, you, I'm not so happy about the foxes and their antics...

As usual, anyone who leaves a comment on this post before 9 pm on Wednesday 30th September will be entered in to a draw to win this. Please feel free to post a link from your blogs and thanks in advance to everyone who takes part!!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

September must be a great month......

for arty birthdays as it seems to be one of the busiest months for making special cards and little arty presents.

This is a little tag I made as a BRAK, another image from my stamp bundle looks kind of parisienne, so stuck a bit of eiffel tower in the backgrond. The ghostly image in the background was stamped on to tissue and glued on in reverse. There were several layers of glaze, plus embossing etc and I quite like the depth in this piece. (The recipient is probably looking at it now and going - 'WHAT?') This was the tage that was originally going to be for the buttons and bows challenge but took a change in direction!!

This little art doll was made for Sherry, as I had a sudden urge to make a doll and I know that she likes them. I have to admit I find dolls one of the hardest things to do - its a bit about how my mind works I think because although I consider myself creative, I am also quite a linear person - think design training, drawing boards, straight lines (well curves as well but you get what I mean). Sticking a big cartoon head on a funny body is not a natural or easy process for me. So this one is pretty, and in proportion(ish).... and I love her!! She was also really quick to do, which surprised me, even though I did change her original stamped face for a clay one which looked so much better. So now I may be hooked....

Have only managed one challenge this week, over at Tuesday Taggers where this week we have to make a bookmark. I decided to do an oriental theme because I had a little chinese saying about books and gardens which I was going to put on the back, but got so carried away I laminated it before I put it on. Doh. Anyhow the backing is a lovely DCWV textured paper and I have used one stamp to create the images. Although the original stamp is much larger than the bookmark I masked various bits and stamped it several times, embossed, and then coloured in lightly with some permanent pens.

Think that's enough for today, off to start another project, but have also completed this month's giveaway and will upload tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

In my element......

well, those pesky teenagers have been out of the house this week, one back at school and the other in gainful employment for this week at least lol. The day seems really looooong without someone to pick up after all day, no one to feed every five minutes, no day time tv and only my music blaring out. BLISS.

So here's my ATC for the current MAMMA challenge, whiich is 'Water'. Kept it simple, but like the way the colour has turned out.

I've also had a go at a slide mailer for a friend's birthday - not really sure what it's all about but needed to play with my gilding flakes, try out some of that paper I bought last week and use one of my new stamps. So this is what came out. Job done I guess.

The bottle top charm gave me no end of trouble as I couldn't squash it completely flat all the way round - maybe because I was using my pretty girly pink hammer!!. But in the end, it kind of looked like a 'hood' over the lady's head so I used it anyway. Not something I'm going to try again soon as I quite like my fingers.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

It's all about the Journey......

It is better to travel than to arrive....... Are we there yet?

This month's challenge on GAS MAMMA is an altered matchbox with the theme of 'Travel' and all the above had gone through my head along with a trunk full of postcards, a suitcase, some kind of miniature travel journal...... but I am in a somewhat frivolous mood this week, largely I think due to the fact that we managed a meet last week with MAMMA herself and the London MAMMA girls in Covent Garden.

Perhaps it was the fact that the London Transport Museum was there that got me thinking about modes of transport rather than travel but this is what I came up with (Well a double decker bus would be a bit of a stretch for a matchbox wouldn't it?)

I used the inside of the matchbox to create the top part of the car, covered it with paper and then painted with acrylics (should probably have done a third coat but I am way too impatient) and a thin layer of dimenional glaze to give the bodywork a showroom finish (work with me here). The banquette is made from Enammelling Magic and stamped with a rubber texture sheet. The runner board is a slim piece of metal painted black. The tyres and steering wheel are curtain rings wound with wire and painted and the folded 'hood' or canopy is folded black tissue paper. Now I look at it it bears more than a passing resemblance to a kid's TV character - maybe I should have used wobbly eyes instead of the diamonds for the headlights!! Overall it's a bit wonky and I don't suppose it will take much handling but kept me occupied for an hour or three - I love it when I get a silly idea and it works. Well, sort of lol.

The photos have shown up a couple of bits of paintwork that need touching up before I send it out so will have to put it back in the body shop.... now how exactly am I going to send this through the post?!!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009


is the challenge for this week at Tuesday Taggers. I started it yesterday, thinking I would make a vintage tag (you know, sort of edwardian lady with buttons and bows....) well after a few changes of artistic direction (commonly known as mistakes?) I realised that there was no where on it for me to put the buttons and bows ... funny that. So then I remembered that I had one single piece of 'button' paper left from a Kanban kit (those of you who know which one it is will now be seriously doubting I don't like cute. But it is a VERY VERY cute kit lol). As one avenue of inspiration had led me in completely the wrong direction I decided to use the one piece as a panel on a card and use one of my (again cute...oops what is happening to me?) Sugar Nellie Stamps by Leanne Ellis. I can't do all that clever stuff some guys do with the copic pens (haven't got any anyway) so just watercoloured the main image keeping to a very simple colour palette. Added a bow and a couple of buttons - not bad for someone who allegedly doesn't do CUTE.

Should also mention that this week is sponsored by the Craft Emporium who have put up some Cosmo Cricket papers. I love Cosmo Cricket, the colour and quality is superb so just had to join in this week. Why don't you?

The original tag is still under construction but looking good, even without a single button or bow in sight. Better go and get back in a grunge groove.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Trying to craft....

but think I must have had a disagreement with my mojo. Loads of ideas going through my head but just too much going on this last week or so - I need a bit of reflective space to let everything fall into place.

Had a few moments and wanted to try out some faux tintypes that I had seen on Sian's website (do look they are scrummy).... but turned out I didn't have the right materials to hand. I had three little pre-printed transparacies in my stash which I bought over a year ago when I was first becoming intrigued by image transfers - however when I got them couldn't figure out what to do with them. So had a go this week, but not sure they are quite my thing.....

Pretty enough I spose, actually the photos look quite good lol.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Winner of the August giveaway is...........

Agnes the Red!!

Congratulations Ange, I will pop the little coaster book with the ATCs of your choice in the post this week.

Just out of interest (and because I don't have any other pictures to post!) I counted up the votes from those of you that made a choice and this gothic arch atc was the most popular, although not one of Ange's choices which were 166, 163, 162 and 160.

Thanks to everyone who took part, I have tried to get round all your blogs but haven't got all the way down the list yet, it has been a very busy couple of weeks!! Hope you will join in again next month, the giveaway upload will be around the 10th September.

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...