Thursday, 7 January 2010

What a way to start the New Year......

Thought I had managed quite well to get through Christmas without any colds or sniffles and after entertaining on New Year's Day was ready for a few days 'me' time before getting back into the work groove. Not to be, as I was floored by a terrible gastric bug that has kept me flat on my back (or in the littlest room) since Sunday. Feeling a bit better today but still not really in the mood for anything but watching mindless tv so will put back the giveaway date until the 12th. Don't think I'll be round much for a couple more days but thought I would quickly check in. Not exactly the way I had intended to start my New Year Diet but it has given me a bit of a head start.......


Sherry said...

Hi Cindy,

Hope you feel better very soon - at least the only way is up anyway.
Take care x

Nicks said...

hope you feel better very soon xxx

georgina said...


Bel said...

Take care Cindy, Put your feet up and rest. Georgina has a cold and I am feeling really off today so I am sure I am heading that way too, as you said not a good way to start the year ;(

Ange J Lee said...

Was going to wish you a happy new year...but it sounds far from that for you at the moment! So I'll send you love and wishes that you get well soon. Take care and don't let the mindless TV do your head in too much!
Ange x

georgina said...

oh Cindy poor you!!!! take care and look after you, luv Georginaxxx

Carol said...

I hope you feel better soon Cindy, there have been and still are some nasty bugs about this Christmas and New Year, with this weather though you are better snuggled up in front of the TV and getting well :)

Carol x

Viv said...

Poor you - get better soon. x

Maureen said...

Hope you're starting to feel a lot better Cindy!!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

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