Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Challenge Entries .....

Hey ho not much happenning here at the moment, it's all a bit boring. I seem to be very busy but not really doing anything that is making me feel very satisfied. Would help if the sun could decide to shine BEFORE 5.30 in the evening lol. Just when it's missed my garden completely. Also decorating, which seems to necessitate complete disorder throughout the house even when nothings happenning - had a huge dressing table in my craft room all last week much to my annoyance but what can you do?It also seems to require a lot of SHOPPING, really not my favourite pastime. Kind of bearable if DD comes with me but then it costs me twice as much lol.

Anyhow, suddenly realised I had been very organised and done two Stamp Man challenges and then forgotten to upload them. The first is ATCs for the August swap - the theme is time. They are more than a little grungy, but look a bit better in real life, honest!!
Here is an easel card I had made in adavance for the Monthly challenge (although after a quick check on the blog this stamp seems to be very popular so not a very original choice!!)
Also made a 'New Baby' card for a colleague at work - it's a big A4 card so we can all sign it, template for the little bib was in my stash, think I downloaded it from someone's blog, sorry don't know whose!!
Finally, card for my daughter who is 19 in a few days time..... now where did THAT year go?


Viv said...

You've been a busy girl Cindy! Know what you mean about the sun and the garden - we've had to resort to weeding between showers. Love these cards - partic the shoes one! Describes me to a T!!!

Sherry said...

All lovely stuff as usual Cindy!

Netty said...

All smashing work Cindy.
Annette x

CAROL said...

Love the "time" ATC's Cindy and all your other stuff,I know how you're feeling, I have no craft room at the moment. xx

Kay Griffin said...

Love those Time ATCs (must get to doing mine)and your cards are gorgeous. Kay x

Unknown said...

These are gorgeous projects Cindy cant wait to see those Time atcs :0)Thanks for joining in at The Stampman challenge x Janet

Von said...

Great set of atc's :)
Yeah were is the sun :(

Unknown said...

Congratulations Cindy if you dont already know check out the stampmans challenge blog :0)

Cazro said...

Congratulations Cindy on winning the Stampman's Easel Challenge with this beautiful card.

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  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...