You may recall that I mentioned in my last post that I was going on holiday. Well I had a lovely week in Portugal and came back very relaxed and happy. (Do you like my digital scrapbook page? First one I've ever done).

While I was away, my darling OH (bless 'im) decided we needed a faster broadband which he duly had installed - it's brill. He neglected to consider however how many different places I would have to go and change my email address as that also, apparently, had to change (seethe seethe). I'm getting there but it's blooming tedious when nothing ever seems to work first time. I thought I'd sorted all my probs with blogger but now I just have different ones lol.
Added to this we all had preliminary notice of redundancy at work (it was expected but doesn't make it any easier). 19 jobs will go by the end of the year :0(. Finally my daughter left to go and work in Spain (trauma trauma) and I have only just got used to the idea when, hey ho, she rings today and says it isn't working out she's coming back next week. She gave up a well paid (if admittedly rather boring) job for this 'adventure' and will now be coming back broke, unemployed and barely even an experience to make it all worthwhile. Joy, two teenagers under my feet all summer.
Anyhow less of my moanings except to say I can't believe it is July already. Something has seriously gone wrong with this year. But, I must get on with the advertised business.

It did take me a while to finish the June giveaway as I really have not been in a crafty mood. But this is the revised front page. I decided not to add anything to the centre layouts and they can be seen on the post below (yes,that was the last time I blogged). Here is the back cover.

And the winner is:........
Marit. Get in touch soon Marit so I can arrange to post it out to you!!
Finally I just wanted to share this beautiful card I received from
Laura last month's winner. It was a lovely surprise when I returned home and reminds me how much I enjoy seeing other people's art and trading. So I'd better get off my sorry butt, stop moaning and start crafting!! See you all soon (I hope!!).