Tuesday, 30 August 2011

September Giveaway - Slide Mailer

what I hear you cry, posting a giveaway before he end of the month? Whatever next!!

Well that's it, a summery altered slide mailer conceived when I thought we were going to have a summer. Don't know about you, but I've had a winter woollie on today and I will be wearing full winter regalia to go to bed tonight. Brrrrr!!!!

Anyhow, this is a bit of summery nostalgia for you. Usual rules apply, if you want to play leave a comment on this post before 9.00 pm on Friday 30th September. Feel free to link from your own blogs, international players welcome.

I am off to Sunny Spain in a couple of days, so I won't be about much for the next week (nothing new there you say). BUT, BIG NEWS..... the new pc arrives tomorrow (yes it has taken an age) so hopefully I will be able to get everything working properly and get back on the net a bit more. I have missed you all so much!!

Sunday, 21 August 2011


for not being about. I have had a really bad virus on the pc which keeps blocking me from everything google related - yep, makes it pretty impossible to do most things!! So I just haven't been bothering to come on line lately as it means using someone else's pc and it just all gets too tedious..... Still, I have a new machine coming so hope to be back on line properly soon. Haven't uploaded the August giveaway yet so I think I'll leave it this month. I'll upload a new giveaway for next month at the end of August just before I go on holiday so it can run while I'm away (I hope anyhow!!!). Have also been really busy with mum and work (kids summer holidays are a killer with events every week) and just haven't had the time or drive to get it sorted out.

So thanks everyone for your best wishes - and Sussie - I loved the postcard!! Off out now, I have to go and dig up some buried treasure lol.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Here she goes again.....

Well that was a week and a half!! Mum got rushed in to hospital last Wednesday with suspected appendicitis. They duly whipped it out on Friday, and she came home late Saturday but days and late nights at the hospital on top of working left me pretty whacked!! Then we had the joys of the London riots... Ealing is a couple of miles away from our house and we had our own local hooligans who had a go (unsuccessfully) at a couple of local shops and businesses - everything shut down early afternoon on Tuesday on police advice (including the PO which was a bit of a pain as it was the only time I could get there this week!!) but it stayed pretty calm as far as I could see, and hopefully the worst is over.

Anyhoo got a bit of crafting done this morning before work, just this little tag which I will be putting in for 'Try it on Tuesday'. About time I entered something!!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

And the July winner is.....

SUSSIE!!!! I have your addy so will post out Friday. Thanks for playing!!

Now you may have noticed that I am a bit late posting.... well the pc saga goes on. We have finally decided that the basic problem is google, I have somehow got a redirect bug attached to google on my machine. Trying to fix that over the weekend we managed at one stage to lose everything and had a dead pc (heart stopping moment that isn't it) but stirling efforts on the part of my OH mean that I have pretty much everything back - AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T HAVE A LINK TO GOOGLE. Go figure. I am writing this on my OHs pc as I just cannot sign in to blogger from mine, it just will not do it. (I do use a google account/ID so that's probably why so there might be a way to get in with another ID - depending how I set it up? Think I can remember - naaah) And I can't get on to google no how, no way. It is really weird!!!!!

What we did discover when trying to restore the pc however is that lots of stuff on it is so old it is not supported anymore and it was a real fag to reload all the updates etc etc (I am trying to sound like I have a clue what was going on but Naaah, I don't) so it seems the best thing would be to upgrade. Yay!!! I have given OH a budget and instructions to get the best he can. At least I won't be wasting so much time looking at a blank screen!!

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...