Wednesday, 26 October 2011

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 125

Well this week I am so early Julia's post isn't up yet, perhaps because it is only just past midnight!! But I am at work tomorrow, so will have no time to post in the morning. So what's on my workdesk this week.......

Nada. Nothing. Tidy though eh? Here's the thing, I have been in this room every waking moment the last few weeks making cards and bits for my MacMillan Open House on Monday (it went very well thank you for asking) and finally it got to me. The general untidiness, the fact I couldn't get the door open wide enough except to enter sideways, having to wrestle the Grand Calibur out of its totally unsuitable resting place..... so I had a tidying day today and it feels good.

Moving the furniture around and having a bit of a weed seems to have made a big difference. It has all gone back in better (I really didn't throw that much away) and I am going to get a different cabinet to store my papers and that will make more space because I can get rid of my big shelves. I can open the door as well!! Not completely, right back to the wall open but wide enough to walk in carrying something.  I also seem to have more workspace. The only thing is, this plastic box of WIPs is rather full, I am going to have to have a browse to see what is actually in there, I haven't dared so far.

What I did find when tidying up was lots of lovely art in a box marked 'filing' (?) and I wanted to get more of it on show. So I have made a little display shelf for myself. I have soooo many gorgeous ATCs hidden away I decided I should really make more of an effort to look at them. I had a few on this photo display 'thingy' but it was on a very high shelf so of course not only could I not see them properly but I haven't changed them in over a year. Hopefully these are nearer eye level so I will look at them every day. And just for fun and because I found them in the box there are a couple of halloween ones as well.

So busy nattering on about my day I forgot to say that WOYWW is a fun weekly bloghop run by Julia at Stamping Ground. So go and have a nosey and why not join in with whatever you have on your desk this week. Have a great Wednesday, I shall be spending the day with Horrid Henry. I'll bet there's no one else out there who can say that!!


Sunshine Girl said...

A big sort out really does do wonders for the soul doesnt it - I think that is why my mojo is visiting at the moment as I have moved from a craft room into my dining room so have been able to sort through and see what I have. I too have a few WIPs on the go - really must get mine finished too! Have a great day.

Helen said...

how tidy! maybe that's what I need to do.... and I love the shoes, below....

Sarah said...

lots of lovely stash in your crafty den - love those ATCs - they look fabulous! Good to show them off...
Thanks for sharing today! Sarah at 5.

Bridget Larsen said...

Dont you love a clean desk, after desperately losing stuff in the pile, every now and then I clean my desk and then Idont want to mess it up lol. I love your card holder, did you make it yourself? I have one but its pathetic and doesnt hold anything up.
Bridget #37

Anonymous said...

I do like all your storage ideas and how everything is within easy reach. It's nice to have the art work on display too.

Brenda 84

sarahp said...

Love the new look tidy up ...note to self tidy craftroom!!!
I hope it will jump start your creativity and also the lovely ATCs I to have loads in a file shame really as they should be shared and apreciated especially the swopped ones.
Thanks for sharing xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I like your bonkers photo display thingy - you'll appreciate it more now it's at eye level! It feels great after a good old sort out, much better than clutter everywhere :D
Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

Michelle (aka Meechelle) said...

Wow, you have a lovely workdesk!

Shoshi said...

Oooh Cindy, I LOVE your workspace! Yes, it does feel good, organising stuff and getting it to work properly for you. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I love my pegboard storage! I just wish it was twice the size, though. In the USA they have wonderful pegboards but it's really hard to get them here. I adore your ATC display thingy. I keep meaning to put mine on my cork board but haven't got round to it yet!! Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #85

Jennibellie said...

Uhhhhhh I love your desk, fab job on the tidying it's all so beautifully organised. I adore your art display, makes me wish I had the room for something like this (but every single teeny weeny space is filled already). Thanks for sharing and dropping by my blog, much love Jennibellie x

Lisa-Jane said...

So do you know Horrid Henry personally?! Its good to have a shift around once in a while isn't it? I find it rejuvenates the crafting mojo nicely!

Marjo said...

Oh, like your card tree thing-a- Thanks for the peek and sharing, xoxo Marjo

Tracey FK said...

I love a good tidy... just as long as I don't have to do it too often... did one myself this week, but not my fault as it is spring in Australia so it is the season and all that... enjoyed your blog happy WOYWW

Sarah Anderson said...

love your photo thingy...and congrats on the tidy, my room definitely needs one!!

l00pyscraftcreations said...

erm fancy a craft room swap? I could really use your storage!!

And I have a growing pile of WIP's as well, must crack on with them, as I bet half are Christmas cards, which will be done and dusted if I dont deal with it soon!!

Katie said...

I just love having a freshly clean desk! In fact, I'm in the middle of cleaning up my desk right now, but I needed a break, and what better break that seeing some other work spaces!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Well done with your sort out. I need to do that again, but it will have to wait until I have finished with the two Christmas boxes that have spread over the whole room. I am determined to use all the stuff in those boxes this year, so that I can start fresh next year. I do like your photo display thingy.

Electra said...

I love your nattering and your storage! Happy late WOYWWED!

Julia Dunnit said...

Ooh Cindy, I'm so late that I wonder if it's still a haven of beautiful tidiness? I understand though, eventually you have to stop and sort it..and the result is so pleasing. Well done on your Open Day, what a great thing to do when you're so busy.

Astrid Maclean said...

Hey, same here, never saw this until now and it's almost Wednesday again. It looks LOVELY!!!! Is it still as tidy as this? Love the display stand you created!

SusanLotus said...

Terrific craftspace! I love how you display your artworks!
Hope you´re having a great weekend!:)

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...