Wednesday, 23 July 2014

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #

Not an inspiring one this time, even though I have been a little creative this week. EVERY WEDNESDAY!!IMG_1339[1]Believe it or not this is the tidy desk. A different angle from last week to disguise that really not much has changed except that there is more on it. The purple box  is cards for MacMillan, the second one, so that’s coming along nicely. Just peeking out from under is a card challenge from Julia that never got done – could it actually have been from last year’s Crop? My big box of stamps. Scissors, as always. A mess. But I am going to get a bit done this morning whilst  it’s cool, unless I spend the whole time at the pc. This afternoon I can feel a sunbed with my name on it calling and the beginning of the next GOT book. Can’t wait, except soon I will have read them all.

What’s WOYWW? go here to find out. Say hi, and join in why don’t ya. Happy WOYWW!!


Lunch Lady Jan said...

What do you think of the GoT series? I've missed out on both books and Tv....the whole thing had passed me by!
I like your messy desk, lots to see on there :-)
Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

Glenda said...

There is definitely lots going on around here. I love your space and it looks like you have been making quite a few cards.
Glenda #49

Carol Rigby said...

Your work space looks a lovely place to work in. Happy WOYWW!.

Claire Grantham said...

Lots going on Cindy..your room looks bright and sunny, so you have that thing I envy...a window :) I love the GOT books. Cx #60

Winnie said...

Nice comfy seat and plenty of room, looks like a fun place to work. Do I spot sweets there? Ok, I have been on a diet, so I look and see food..Winnie#45

Monica said...

No idea what GOT books are but love the action going on at the desk. understand only too well the PC addiction. Pinterest is the computer version of chocolate.

Monica 58

Unknown said...

Oh Cindy--your comment made me laugh!! It is not often I get a massage, that's for sure. But it was indeed a professional massage for one hour, and it was the first time in ages that my back stopped hurting completely! So nice. I love your busy workspace and all your goodies. It looks like you have completed dozens of cards! Talk about jealous! Hugs and happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #53

Shoshi said...

Love the "tidy" desk, Cindy - almost as "tidy" as mine lol lol!!! Filling the available space is Parkinson's Law, I think... Thanks for your visit and your nice comment. Puff binder is a fabric medium used in screen printing, and I'm working on a video about initial experiments, so watch this space, as they say.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #34

Elizabeth said...

Hi Cindy, well your desk is no worse than mine ... actually probably better :) Hope you enjoyed your afternoon on the lounger with that book ... had to look up the GoT reference as I've never read/watched any of the series. Wishing you a great week. Elizabeth x #63

fairy thoughts said...

sorry it took me a while to work out what GOT was. it has been a bit hot this week to do too much so you are forgiven for not doing much .... maybe nsxt week
jsnet #13

Sue said...

Well your desk is impressive. So much going on.

Hope you have a lovely WOYWW.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier Sue 28

Mrs.D said...

Gosh is that purple basket full of cards. You have been busy.
Thanks for visiting me early.
Chris #33

Helen said...

I know nothing at all about the GOT phenomena, I hope you had an enjoyable afternoon... Your tidy desk looks fab to me, and very inviting.. Can we see the untidy one too? Helen 6

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Back away from the computer and go play! I admit I often fritter my playtime away at the computer and I always regret it later. Go play! Go play! And get some of that lounging and reading time in for me too as I could do with some. Not sure about your choice of reading material though... I've ignored the whole GoT thing. Judy #71

Bridget Larsen said...

Your craft room looks so airy and light, love rooms like that, busy desk and lots going on
Bridget #3

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Your space looks like a wonderful place to play and yes, I do think it is quite tidy! I usually take only a portion of my desk because the rest is a mess!
Happy WOYWW, Cindy and thanks for dropping by!
peggy aplSEEDS@19

Nikki said...

I think we've all gotten stuck at the computer more then once and realized that. We should have been playing instead happy woyww hugs Nikki 2

CraftygasheadZo said...

Looks tidy to me, but productive. You must show us those other angle shots! Thanks for sharing. Take care Zo xx 55

Bernice said...

Another very busy desk - at least you have a great big box of cards to show for it! Thanks for calling by earlier,

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sure looks like you have been very busy.
Don't know what the GOT books are LOL!
Happy crafting and have a good week, Angela x #44

Shoshi said...

Hi Cindy, just to let you know I've now posted about puff binder on my blog, together with a youtube video.


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah wonderful desky fun Cindy. .
But must admit a sunbed and book sound really good!!! :)
happy belated WOYWW. Shaz in Oz x#8

glitterandglue said...

Lovely busy desk, Cindy. But, GOT books??? What are they?
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #10

What's On Your Workdes? Wednesday #817

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...