Monday 19 January 2015

Giveaway Time!!

Well, as promised, the January giveaway is here, and is the culmination of a year’s work (!!) because yep, it is a complete set of Tim’s Tags for 2014.

Now, before you get all excited, when I was reviewing all the tags to write the techniques on the back, it became painfully clear that almost all of my tags should more correctly be labelled  ‘vaguely similar techniques to the ones Tim described because I don’t have the product’. So if you are expecting a set of perfectly executed Tim Holtz technique tags using ranger products you may be sorely disappointed. I have so much art stuff I cannot justify buying all the new ranges just in case I might need them on a couple of tags and for that reason I won’t be playing along in 2015 – I can’t really see the point if I can’t do the technique which was why I originally started doing them and to be honest I am fed up with trying to figure out work arounds. But nevertheless, they aren’t a bad collection of tags and here they are in order left to right, top to bottom.


Entering is simple, just leave a comment here and I will put you in the draw. Closing Date Sunday 1st February at 9.00 pm. International players welcome. Please feel free to link from your own blogs – let me know you have done so and I will put you in the draw twice.

OK, the other thing I need to say is that this will be my last monthly giveaway. Maybe not the last one ever, but certainly the last one on a (semi) regular basis. Lately I have found it increasingly difficult to fit in, entries have been low, postage is high if I do anything 3 dimensional and on one occasion the winner never even contacted me with their address. So I kinda feel it has run its course for now. But never say never, I’ll probably just do the odd random draw for commenters when the mood takes me so it still might be worth checking back now and again if you like happy mail.

For now, thanks to everyone who has joined in in the past and good luck to everyone who wants to play this time round!!


margaret train said...

beautiful work cindy xxxx

Viv said...

You are appreciated! You've been really generous with your give aways Cindy. These are a brill set of tags too... (and I have a ready made bit of wall that they'd look just perfect on!! - but then I suppose so does everyone else.. LOL)x

georgina said...

Great stuff always xx

WendyK said...

Hi Cindy, your tags are fabulous, and who has all of Tim's stuff. I did four of last years, ran out of time and mojo, due to move. I always say I'll catch up, but never do.

Kathy said...

Beautiful tags! How can you part with them? You are very talented.

Kay Griffin said...

Gorgeous tags, Cindy, anyone winning these will be so happy :) x

sally said...

I always enjoy looking & indeed the JOFY banner you sent me still hangs from my ink rack right in front of me :-)


Meggymay said...

Fantastic set of Tags Cindy and with all your own creative touches. Good for you getting them all done.
Yvonne xx

Glennis F said...

Your projects are always so inspirational - I dont care if they are not the same as Tims

Lynne Mizera said...

What an amazingly generous and BEAUTIFUL Gift! I would love to be able to touch and feel some of your art... TFS!

Nannie4 said...

Beautiful tags! It's good if they are not the same as Tim's --- they have your creativity on them, your "work arounds" as you call them. Back-pats to you!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

These are gorgeous! I laughed at your description: ‘vaguely similar techniques to the ones Tim described because I don’t have the product’. That's what makes them special; that they are your own take on them. I just adore Tim's stuff but lack the stuff too. But I'm not brave enough to fake it like you did. So much awesomeness!

crafty creations said...

Amazing set of tags and such a generous gesture - I would treasure them

crafty creations said...

Cindy forgot to say I have added a link on my blog

Sherry said...

You've always been so generous with your monthly giveaways Cindy and I've been lucky to win a couple myself ..... fingers crossed for this one too! (I've linked to my sidebar)

Love your Tim's tags - I only got as far as September last year. I'm doing them again as I haven't got anything craft wise ongoing atm and it keeps my hand in so's to speak - there's also a chance (albeit slim) to win one of his prizes. I'm constantly frustrated at not having all the products he uses and there's new stuff being released all the time so it seems, so I know exactly where you're coming from. Anyway, rant over :) xx

maska said...

Beautiful tags.
They are gorgeous all together.

Anonymous said...

I am lucky enough to already own a few of your pieces and have them hanging in my shed but would love to be able to have these in my shed too- :)

Jinny :) xx

annesyme said...

Fantastic creations Cindy. Like Viv I have a space in my new craft room that would look lovely with all those tags to fill it. Failing a win I can always put some of your cards or atc's in that spot. Good luck to every one.
Anne x

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