Wednesday, 28 January 2015

What’s On Your WorkDesk? Wednesday #295

Morning WOYWERS. Determined to be brief this week. My desk shot shows me mid project(s) when I went to bed last night. Playing around with a woodware flower stamp and with two ‘squash’/panoranamanic cards on my desk (see post below!!) still to finish.  Watercolour pencils have made a rare appearance. otherwise very little has changed and I’m still trying very hard to keep it under control.

Right. Must crack on. Just remembered its OHs birthday on Sunday. Ooops.


Oh and if you need more info about the WOYWW weekly bloghop get yourself on over to Julia’s blog – link up why don’t you?


Princess Judy Palmer said...

I like how your flower makes such a nice repeating pattern. You still have all those pins on your desk. That makes me smile. It looks like you have a good stash of things to work on and keep you busy. That's a good thing! Judy #64

Julia Dunnit said...

Moved those panorama manic cards areamazing Cindy, great job! Gonna change your link girly, somehow it's linking back to me and that won't do!

Helen said...

I love your still tidy desk today Cindy! Thanks for already visiting... since then i've pre-ordered some of Finn's new stamps for her Prima line... will NOT be good,will NOT be good!! Helen 4

Artatag said...

I like how you used that flower stamp. Beautiful.
Gabriele 44

fairy thoughts said...

the flower ztamp lookzpretty is that what you are colouring? ...... im guessing not for OH card
hopv he he has a great day

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...