Gosh how these fortnights roll around!! Well the new challenge at TioT is to add a photo to your project, vintage or modern. Other than that, there are no restrictions on what you can make, so get those grey cells working!!
As I thought about my DT project for this challange I was feeling singularly uninspired until two things happenned. First my sister, who is doing the family history uploaded a load of family photos I hadn’t had access to before and this one really leapt out at me. What a stunner!!

This is my mum’s favourite aunt, Olive Kirby, someone I probably met as a child but sadly I have no recollection of her as an adult.
I really love that smile!
A few days later I saw a quote I thought I would like to use in a project:-
‘Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
But sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy’
Then I had a light bulb moment – why not combine them both in a journal page?
I have an ‘art journal’ of sorts that I started in an altered book. It’s supposed to be an ABC journal and it’s not progressing very fast – but I do a couple of pages a year. (I should finish it by the time I’m 80).
Anyhoo a quick check, I haven’t done letters J (Joy) or K (Kirby) yet and together they make a double paged spread so l’m going for it (I know the alphabetical link is a bit tenuous but its my book I can do what I want!). Other than that it’s texture paste, paint, tissue and stamping. and voila.
I’m not entirely sure it’s finished – but it’s also at that stage where more fiddling could go either way!!
Anyhow grab a photo and get crafting, and link up to the challenge at Try It On Tuesday.