Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Add A Photo – at Try It On Tuesday

Gosh how these fortnights roll around!! Well the new challenge at TioT is to add a photo to your project, vintage or modern. Other than that, there are no restrictions on what you can make, so get those grey cells working!!

As I thought about my DT project for this challange I was feeling singularly uninspired until two  things happenned. First my sister, who is doing the family history uploaded a load of family photos I hadn’t had access to before and this one really leapt out at me. What a stunner!!


This is my mum’s favourite aunt, Olive Kirby, someone I probably met as a child but sadly I have no recollection of her as an adult.

I really love that smile!

A few days later I saw a quote I thought I would like to use in a project:-

‘Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,

   But sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy’

Then I had a light bulb moment – why not combine them both in a journal page?

I have an ‘art journal’ of sorts that I started in an altered book. It’s supposed to be an ABC journal and it’s not progressing very fast – but I do a couple of pages a year. (I should finish it by the time I’m 80).

Anyhoo a quick check, I haven’t done letters J (Joy) or K (Kirby) yet and together they make a double paged spread so l’m going for it (I know the alphabetical link is a bit tenuous but its my book I can do what I want!). Other than that it’s texture paste, paint, tissue and stamping. and voila.


I’m not entirely sure it’s finished – but it’s also at that stage where more fiddling could go either way!!

Anyhow grab a photo and get crafting, and link up to the challenge at Try It On Tuesday.


chrissie said...

Such a beautiful spread to show of the charming aunt photograph. I love the delicate look of it all


sirkkis said...

A lovely book-page. Charming colours and elements.
Hugs xx

zandra said...

Your Aunt is so pretty. Love what you did with the challenge. Didn't get a chance to do mine, maybe next week.
Hugz, Z

Meggymay said...

Its a beautiful journal spread Cindy, your aunt must have turned many heads as a young woman, she's so pretty.
Yvonne xx

Nikki Acton said...

A gorgeous page Cindy - stunning colours and texture, works beautifully together. Nikki x

Mrs.B said...

Gorgeous picture of your Aunt - no wonder you wanted to use it.
Love the pages and their soft feminine colours.
Avril xx

Bee and Dee said...

Super pages, love the layout, you aunt has a lovely smile, hugs Bee

sally said...

She's lovely and so is the page!


having a {me} day said...

Beautiful art journal pages! Keeley

Margik said...

Beautiful page and so delicate, Cindy! I love it.
Hugs, Mar

crafty creations said...

Beautiful photo of your aunt set in such a stunning page

Sherry said...

What a beautiful lady and your journal pages are beautiful too!

Unknown said...

Morning Cindy, happened to come across your blog and found your cards to be lovely and original. Wanted to email you but clicked on the bit in your profile and nothing happened so that's why I'm leaving a comment so hope you can get back to me. Wanted to know which tonic die you used in the panoramic cards you made that you showed on your blog on 26th January? Have a lot of tonic dies but couldn't place this one is it a vine one? Will be visiting your page daily from now one. Thanks Cindy hope you get this message. Jane x

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