Wednesday, 29 July 2015

What’s On Your Work Desk Wednesday #321

Morning Deskers!! Been AWOL again. Where does the time go? Missed two birthdays this week. My oven hasn’t worked for two weeks. Haven’t seen my mum in 10 days. Grass hasn’t been cut and haven't hoovered in a fortnight. Truly don’t understand how I now seem to have less time to do anything compared to when I worked, had two children at home, ran my own business and cared about how the house and garden looked. Must just be getting slower at everything as I get older. Newbies to WOYWW may like to pop here to find out what it’s all about.

Anyhoo I’m reporting in today and here is my desk….


Yep it’s silly season again when I am busy preparing things for my eleven – yep count ‘em – 11 children’s craft activities in the library between now and 12th September. It’s all to support the Summer Reading Challenge which this year is linked to the Guinness Book of Records so we’re thinking big this summer. These little beauties are tyres for our first one – the most difficult but also rather cool – and I decided to make all the wheels up front because they are a bit fiddly and really need to be dry to be attached because……. ……..we are going to make monster trucks!!


I haven’t gone totally mad, some of the other crafts are a lot easier but I like to do at least one activity that gets ‘em talking and whilst I am still enthusiastic (by the end I couldn’t care less if I never saw another pritt stick). Can you believe on top they kinda expected us to do lego workshops as well? They were dropped on us at the last minute and I felt I was entitled to say no, someone else would have to pick up that particular ball….. (even though they are fun! – although I am still not sure what they have to do with libraries…..).

And I know I have said it before, but I think this may be my last summer doing this as we are being re-organised once again and this time my application for VR was the first one in…….. have truly had enough of cuts. re-organisations and pressure and just working so damn hard and doing so much in my own time. Getting too old for all this malarky.

So Happy WOYWW to all. I’m off to design a robot………..

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #318

Been AWOL the last two Wednesdays but home this week on holiday. I have been making my thank you cards after the surprise anniversary party my daughter threw for us at the weekend. Using those great stamps from TH. Yes, I did give in and get them.


Here is the paper bunting my DD made for us (I believe DS was made to help as well) – it was too pretty to throw away and she remembered to get it in before it rained so I have put it up in my craft room for now.


I also made this little guy as a commission. I made him using shapes on my scan n cut – I think he’s rather neat!!


For all the info about WOYWW go here.      Have a great day folks!

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...