Wednesday, 8 July 2015

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #318

Been AWOL the last two Wednesdays but home this week on holiday. I have been making my thank you cards after the surprise anniversary party my daughter threw for us at the weekend. Using those great stamps from TH. Yes, I did give in and get them.


Here is the paper bunting my DD made for us (I believe DS was made to help as well) – it was too pretty to throw away and she remembered to get it in before it rained so I have put it up in my craft room for now.


I also made this little guy as a commission. I made him using shapes on my scan n cut – I think he’s rather neat!!


For all the info about WOYWW go here.      Have a great day folks!


Neet said...

Love your little Grad Owl! Cute and clever.
Congrats on your Silver Wedding, and congrats on getting that bird stamp - I am slowly caving - I know I will have to have it before long. You have just given me one nudge in the purchasing direction with those adorable cards.
Hugs, Neet 18 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Congrats on your anniversary...was it 25 years? I tried to peer at the bunting (very pretty btw!) but wasn't sure. How lovely of your DS/D to put on a party for you :-)
Oh and of course, you HAD to get those stamps!!
Hugs, LLJ 9 xxx

Lynsey said...

Hi Cindy,

Happy Anniversary! Great desk photo! Lyns #26

Evalila said...

Oooh, that Owl card is fantastic! And the Thank You cards are so cute :)

Happy WOYWW,

Evelyn/Evalila # 23

Barb said...

Happy Anniversary wishes. Your thank you cards look pretty - why wouldn't you get that great stamp ... Your owl card is very special. The recipient must have been delighted with it. Have a lovely week. Barb #16 xx

Christine said...

Looks like you had a wonderful anniversary - well done on keeping the banner, it looks wonderful.
Love that owl card, very cleverly put together.

Have a good week

Bishopsmate #34

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, yes, I had to have those birds too- aren't they just ace? Not always totally taken with Tim's stamps- not mad about the blueprint ones- but these were a must have.Love the cards you've done with them. Congrats on the wedding anniversary, by the way.Things are indeed getting tough out in Greece, I do feel for anyone going out there on holiday right now, hope they take more than enough cash with them, as by now I'm guessing all the ATM's are empty,and no-one wants to take card payments for anything, no matter what the price. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz#10 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Really love how you're using the bird..he is very distinctly partied out! I it must have been a lovely surprise...always nice when you have visible proof that you've raised 'em right! congrats again, twenty five years seems such a milestone at the beginning, but now we're all there, it sees really quick and unbelievable, huh!! love the's obviously in the genes.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I just love the bird cards, the stamps are such fun. Happy anniversary by the way.
Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 30

Unknown said...

I really like that bunting and am glad you were able to save it. Cut little card! Diane #39

sandra de said...

Congrats on your anniversary. The owl card is super cute.
sandra de @32

Shoshi said...

Congratulations on your anniversary, Cindy. I love the cards and the bunting!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #42

Lisca said...

Well, belated 'Happy Anniversary'! Love the bunting, and yes, the TH stamps is great! I hadn't seen it, but it is perfect for the thank yous. You have done a great job of those cards.
Your graduation owl is fab! I'm sure the recipient will like it very much.
I'm sorry, I'm ever so late in commenting!
Have a good week,

Kelly said...

Belated Anniversary wishes sent your way. How sweet of your daughter to throw a surprise party! And that penquin is just too cute! Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #41

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...